New Features in CM4D v22

Topic ContentsTopic Contents
  1. v22.1.0.900
    1. Migration to v22
    2. DataSmith Translator Locale Settings
    3. Multiple Language User Interface
    4. Support of Unicode Characters in Data and Reports
    5. Requirement for eDocPrinter Upgrade
    6. Import and Export Users


Migration to v22

If you are upgrading to v22 from an earlier version, you will need to follow some steps to get your database and documents compatible with v22. Please review the v22 Migration Guide before upgrading your installation of CM4D.

If you are upgrading to v22 from an earlier version of ATS CM4D, you will need to follow some steps to get your database and documents migrated to v22. Please review the v21 and v22 Migration Guides before upgrading your installation of CM4D. Contact ATS Support if you need assistance with your upgrade.

Password Encryption

You will also need to run a small migration utility on your Cm4d.4ds file that changes the password encryption used by the database to one that is Unicode compliant. This migration is only done once, and only after the database has been updated to Schema 22. It is recommended that you create a backup of all databases and CM4D.4ds files before running the migration.

Oracle Databases - Unicode Character Set

All Oracle databases are required to have the Unicode (AL32UTF8) Character Set. If your Oracle databases are already configured with the Unicode Character Set, or you are using SQL Server, then the Character Set Migration is not required. If you are currently using an Oracle database that is configured using the Default Character Set and do not want to create new databases, you will need to perform the Character Set Migration outlined in the Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide:

Check Existing DataSmith Translators

We cannot guarantee that existing DataSmith translators will behave exactly the same once used in v22. You should check all translators in this version to make sure that your data files are being read as they were prior to v22.

Instruction Definitions

DataSmith instructions have changed as of v22 in order to accommodate an adjustment in Unicode character set definitions as defined by Microsoft. Because of this, any translators created before v22 must be reviewed to make sure that instructions are correct. Adjustments may need to be made to how your translators are written in order for them to work correctly going forward. The new definitions apply to all 'Locate' and 'Must be' instructions, as well as a subset of the 'Mark' instructions (Label, Word, and Number). If a translator created in v21 or earlier contains any of the effected instructions, a Warning dialog will appear listing the instructions that occur in the document.

Any translators used by DataSmithBatch must be cleared of all Warnings before the job will run. Data files will remain in the Inbox until the translator is cleared of all Warnings, saved, and the DataSmithBatch service is restarted.

For more information on translator warnings, see the v22 Migration Guide.

Unicode Characters in ANSI Files

For example, if an existing translator was reading ANSI data files that contained non-English characters, the instructions may be written in such a way that it would intentionally end at the unreadable Unicode character. Starting in v22, that Unicode character will be recognized as a valid character, which may result in the instruction now including characters that you do not want.

v21.4.0 – Instruction “Mark the label at current position”

v22.0.0 – Instruction “Mark the label at current position”

DataSmith Translator Locale Settings

We recommend that all data files be saved in UTF8 or UTF16 formats to ensure that the correct character sets are encoded right into the file. However, in rare cases you may receive data files that are in ANSI format but contain Unicode characters. To allow DataSmith to read this type of file in its native Character Set, each Translator may be set to the specific region in which the data file was originally created. Please refer to the Help Documentation for more information and how to configure the Region settings for a DataSmith Config.

Multiple Language User Interface

The ATS CM4D desktop applications now support translation of the user interface, dialogs, menus, and messages into languages other than the default English. Translation into Chinese is underway, and plans are in place for translation into German, Japanese, and Turkish. Language packs will be released as translations are completed. Partial translations may be included with ATS CM4D releases.

Support of Unicode Characters in Data and Reports

ATS CM4D applications allow data with Unicode characters* and can display it in reports.

DataSmith Translators, Data Files

Routine/Feature/Sample Names and Properties

CM4D Reports, Resolved Variables

Database Names, Filters

Document and Report Names**

*Only Left-to-Right languages are supported
**See the section “Requirement for eDocPDF Printer Upgrade”

Requirement for eDocPrinter Upgrade

CM4D v22 requires eDocPrinter PDF Pro Version 6.98 Build 6405. The update to eDoc is specifically for additional Unicode support, so if you do not upgrade to this version of eDoc your PDF reports may not print correctly.

If you have an eDocPrinter license, the upgrade should be available to you at no additional cost. If you do not have an eDocPrinter license, ATS can arrange the purchase of the correct version.


32bit Windows

64bit Windows

MSI in EXE wrapper for both 32bit & 64bit Windows

Import and Export Users

In SiteManager, the Users tab now includes an option for importing Users from an Excel (*.xlsx) spreadsheet. You must have Excel installed that can open the *.xlsx format in order to use the Import function. See here for more information.

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