Peruse Styles Configuration

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  1. Styles in CM4D
  2. Styles in CM4D Configuration
    1. Import Style
  3. Styles in CM4D Peruse

edit-3  Styles are the visual traits of annotation, such as color, font, line width, etc. These styles are all defined in CM4D and applied to annotation in order to use common attributes throughout reports. In CM4D Peruse, these styles are used by Annotation Templates.

All custom Styles and Scores used by the annotation must be imported before importing the Annotation Template file. Any custom styles (non-default) and Scores used in the annotation are not already imported, an error will occur during the import of the annotation template and an error message is shown.

Styles in CM4D

Styles are part of a CM4D document properties that allow common styles (such as font, line size, colors, etc.) to be applied to annotation across any number of sheets or reports. While some styles are included in a CM4D document by default, template developers can also create custom styles to use for annotation, scores or conditional styles.

For example, a Conditional style could be defined that changes the fill color of a box in the annotation if the value of the variable ~cp~ is greater than 1.33.

Any Styles used by the exported Annotation templates must also be exported from CM4D. To export custom styles from CM4D, go to the Document Styles and use the export function in that dialog.

The Default styles (in the bottom portion of the Styles dialog) cannot be exported from CM4D. For the purposes of Styles in CM4D Configuration, these defaults are automatically uploaded.

Changes to the default styles here will be reflected in the Root/Default styles in CM4D Configuration.

Styles in CM4D Configuration

Styles appear in a grid card with one row per Style.

Action Click the three dots more-vertical to open the menu of available actions for the selected row.
  • trash Delete - Deletes the style from the Styles grid. Root or Default style types cannot be deleted.
Style Name The Style label, taken from the label assigned in Document Styles, not from the exported template file name.
Style Type The category of style indicates its source:
  • Custom - User created styles exported from CM4D and imported into CM4D Configuration. These types can be deleted.
  • Default - The !Default and !Spectrum styles automatically uploaded from CM4D. These types cannot be deleted.
  • Root - The base !Default style automatically uploaded from CM4D. This type cannot be deleted.

Import Style

A Style can be imported by clicking the  upload  Import button in the top right of the Styles card. The Import Style blade is opened to choose a file.

  1. Click  upload  Import.
  2. Click Select .4Style file or drag the file directly from File Explorer and drop them onto the web browser Import Style page. Only one file can be selected for import.
  3. Click  save Save and Close.

If the import is successful, the uploaded style appears in the grid as a Custom Style Type.

Custom Styles that reference other user-created Styles as its Base properties cannot be imported until the referenced 'parent' Styles are imported.

Styles in CM4D Peruse

Styles are used by CM4D Peruse when displaying annotations in the 3D viewer.

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