System Requirements

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  1. General Recommendations
  2. ATS CM4D Requirements
    1. CM4D Database Server
    2. CM4D Application Server
    3. Web Server
    4. ATS License Server
    5. CM4D File Server
    6. CM4D Clients
    7. Web Client
  3. ATS CM4D Upload Portal Requirements
    1. About CM4D Upload Portal Installations
    2. Upload Portal Application
    3. Supporting ATS Applications
    4. Hardware & Software Requirements
    5. Other Prerequisites
    6. Available Ports
    7. Upload Portal Deployment Example
  4. Firewall Port Reference
    1. Hardware Reference
    2. Software Reference

    This topic includes the system requirements for all CM4D modules, both desktop and web applications. While the CM4D modules interact with one another and are mostly interdependent, if installed on separate machines then requirements might be considered individually.

    To view individual topics, use the links below:

    CM4D System Requirements

    CM4D Upload Portal System Requirements

    Some important things to note that pertain to all CM4D systems:

    General Recommendations

      Minimum Recommended
    Servers Windows Server 2019 Standard Windows Server 2022 Standard
    Clients Windows 10 Pro Windows 11 Pro
    Databases Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Standard Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Standard
    Server CPU   help-circle The number of threads should correlate to the number of worker processes you intend to have running on a single machine. A large number of processes without sufficient threads can bottleneck your entire system. 4-6 Cores 2GHz 4-6 Cores 3GHz
    Client CPU i5 Dual or Quad Core i7 Dual or Quad Core
    Server RAM 12GB-16GB 24GB+
    Client RAM 8GB 16GB
    Server HDD   help-circle SSDs are always recommended for the best performance. 150GB 150GB+
    Client HDD 1-6GB (installation only) 10GB+

    ATS CM4D Requirements

    This topic includes the hardware and software requirements and recommendations for the basic configurations of CM4D v25 or higher. These specifications outlined here are intended to be a generic guide to use as a starting point in the planning of your ATS CM4D implementation.

    The following software and hardware requirements must be met for the Server that will be running a CM4D Server installation.

    Some CM4D configurations may combine one or more Server types on the same machine. In this case the specifications for all Server role requirements must be met by the server that is running everything.

    Typical use: Large networks with one or more servers hosting centralized databases and running the Site Automation services for multiple CM4D Clients.

    CM4D Database Server

    The Database Server hosts the Database Management System (i.e., SQL Server) for the CM4D databases. The DBMS can be local to the CM4D installation or on a centralized server within the network.

    All installations of ATS CM4D rely on an external database to store the quality data.

    Operating Systems
    • Windows Server 2022 Standard
    • Windows Server 2019 Standard
    CPU specifications may change in proportion to the CM4D Server load. ATS recommends Virtualized Server environments whenever possible.
    • 4-6 Cores 2GHz
    • 4-6 Cores 3GHz

    The number of threads should correlate to the number of worker processes you intend to have running on a single machine. A large number of processes without sufficient threads can bottleneck your entire system.

    • 12GB-16GB or higher (at least 24GB is recommended)

    Disk sizing requirements can vary based on amount of CM4D data and files stored on a system. Servers should allow for long term growth. Your actual sizing will be based on the volume of measurement data you plan to store and analyze with CM4D.

    • 150GB or more

    SSDs are always recommended for the best performance.

    Database Management System
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Standard
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Standard
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Standard

    The CM4D Results Database requires the SQL Server Instance Feature - Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search. See the topic Results Database for the DBA for details.

    Firewall ports for SQL Server: TCP 1433-1434 (default)

    CM4D Upload Portal, ATS Security and Configuration Manager and ATS Licensing require individual databases. These databases can be hosted on the same database server used for CM4D.

    CM4D Application Server

    The Application Server typically includes the CM4D Server desktop applications and automation services.

    Operating Systems
    • Windows Server 2022 Standard
    • Windows Server 2019 Standard
    CPU specifications may change in proportion to the CM4D Server load. ATS recommends Virtualized Server environments whenever possible.
    • 4-6 Cores 2GHz
    • 4-6 Cores 3GHz

    The number of threads should correlate to the number of worker processes you intend to have running on a single machine. A large number of processes without sufficient threads can bottleneck your entire system.

    • 12GB-16GB or higher (at least 24GB is recommended)
    • 1-6GB (software installation footprint)
    • 1GB Network speed
    Third Party Software
    • eDocPrinter PDF Pro 6.98.6405 (alternate option – ATS CM4D Printer from ATS)
    • Web Browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox)

    Web Server

    The Web Server hosts the following web applications: CM4D Peruse, CM4D Upload Portal or CM4D Web. It may also host the administrative tool, ATS Security and Configuration Manager and its supporting plugins (such as ATS Licensing Server and CM4D Configuration).

    Operating Systems
    • Windows Server 2022 Standard
    • Windows Server 2019 Standard
    CPU specifications may change in proportion to the CM4D Server load. ATS recommends Virtualized Server environments whenever possible.
    • 4-6 Cores 2GHz
    • 4-6 Cores 3GHz

    The number of threads should correlate to the number of worker processes you intend to have running on a single machine. A large number of processes without sufficient threads can bottleneck your entire system.

    • 8GB or higher (at least 16GB is recommended)
    • 1-6GB (software installation footprint)
    • 1GB Network speed
    Web Browser
    • Web Browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox)
    • Windows - Chrome, Firefox, MS Edge
    • Linux - Chrome, Firefox
    • Mac - Chrome, Firefox, Safari 8
    • Android 5+ - Chrome
    • iOS 11+ - Chrome, Safari

    Internet Explorer is outdated and therefore not supported.

    Windows Features
    • Internet Information Services (IIS) 8.5 or higher
    • ASP.NET 4.5
    • Windows Authentication

    ATS License Server

    ATS CM4D v25 and higher requires ATS Licensing Server 4.0. or higher. This is a plugin application that must be installed on the same machine as ATS Security and Configuration Manager. By default, the port used for the Licensing service is 44335.

    CM4D File Server

    The ATS CM4D applications require a shared location to store and access related files such as:

    These files are used or produced by CM4D Server, CM4DWeb, and any CM4D Clients. For example, if an End User running a CM4D Client does not have access to the file share storing the *.4DC files, they will not be able to view or edit the report templates.

    If that CM4D report template includes any part models, the user will also need to have at least read access to the folder where the image file is stored.

    Since CM4D is Windows based, this location is represented as a normal Microsoft Windows SMB File Share. For most CM4D Customers, the SMB share used for CM4D files usually resides directly on the CM4D Automation server or on another preexisting SMB file server (such as existing file shares used by used by Quality Department).

    Operating Systems
    • Windows Server 2022 Standard
    • Windows Server 2019 Standard
    CPU specifications may change in proportion to the CM4D Server load. ATS recommends Virtualized Server environments whenever possible.
    • 2-4 Cores 2GHz
    • 2-4 Cores 3GHz

    The number of threads should correlate to the number of worker processes you intend to have running on a single machine. A large number of processes without sufficient threads can bottleneck your entire system.

    • 8GB or higher (at least 16GB is recommended)

    Disk sizing requirements can vary based on amount of CM4D data and files stored on a system. Servers should allow for long term growth. Your actual sizing will be based on the volume of measurement data you plan to store and analyze with CM4D.

    • 150GB or more

    SSDs are always recommended for the best performance.

    • 1GB Network speed

    CM4D Clients

    The following software and hardware requirements must be met for the machine that will be running a CM4D Client installation. There are two primary ways the Client version of CM4D might be implemented:

    CM4D Clients can support a local SQL installation. However, ATS recommends a centralized SQL Instance whenever possible.

    CM4D Client

    This section includes the requirements for CM4D Clients that will have the CM4D installation, ATS Licensing, and SQL Databases on the same machine.

    Typical use: Machines on the plant floor running CM4D Interactive or Workcell, connecting to the central server for its database and license. This could also be used for a CM4D Scheduler Client that is utilized by the server to automatically generate reports.

    Operating Systems
    • Windows Pro 11
    • Windows Pro 10

    A discrete GPU is preferred.

    • 32MB GPU with OpenGL
    • 128MB GPU with OpenGL

    CM4D and DataSmith dialogs require a minimum screen resolution of 1280x1024. For wide screens, a minimum resolution of 1920x1080 is recommended.

    CM4D Workstation

    This section includes the requirements for CM4D Workstation clients that will have the CM4D installation, ATS Licensing, and SQL Databases on the same workstation (machine).

    Typical use: This configuration is usually the Node-locked CM4D Classic Developer and DataSmith licenses and is used by report template developers and DataSmith translator developers. Generally, this is used when by organizations that do not have the Site Automation package or does not use CM4D widely throughout a large network to need shared databases.

    Other use: CM4D Interactive or CM4D Workcell systems.

    Operating Systems
    • Windows Pro 11
    • Windows Pro 10

    CPU specifications may change in proportion to the CM4D Server load. ATS recommends Virtualized Server environments whenever possible.

    • i5 Dual or Quad Core
    • i7 Dual or Quad Core

    The number of threads should correlate to the number of worker processes you intend to have running on a single machine. A large number of processes without sufficient threads can bottleneck your entire system.

    • 8GB or higher (at least 16GB is recommended)

    A discrete GPU is preferred.

    • 32MB GPU with OpenGL
    • 128MB GPU with OpenGL

    CM4D and DataSmith dialogs require a minimum screen resolution of 1280x1024. For wide screens, a minimum resolution of 1920x1080 is recommended.

    Disk sizing requirements can vary based on amount of CM4D data and files stored on a system. Your actual sizing will be based on the volume of measurement data you plan to store and analyze with CM4D.
    • 150GB or more
    • 1-6GB (software installation footprint)

    SSDs are always recommended for the best performance.

    Database Management System
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Standard
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Standard
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Standard

    The CM4D Results Database requires the SQL Server Instance Feature - Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search. See the topic Results Database for the DBA for details.

    • ATS Licensing 4.0. or higher

    Web Client

    A Web Client refers to a user connecting remotely (via web browser or mobile device) to CM4D Peruse, CM4D Upload Portal or CM4D Web applications hosted on a Web Server. This configuration does not require any installed ATS software products.

    Typical use: Multiple users throughout the network, those with limited knowledge of CM4D, but need on-demand access to reports.

    Operating Systems
    • Windows
    • iOS
    • Mobile devices with a compatible Third Party software
    Third Party Software
    • PDF Viewer - Chrome and Edge have built-in PDF viewers
    • Web Browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox)

    ATS CM4D Upload Portal Requirements

    This topic includes the general system requirements and recommendations for a stand-alone installation of CM4D Upload Portal. These recommendations are generic, so your actual system needs for this application installation can vary based on factors including number of users or activity.

    About CM4D Upload Portal Installations

    This application may be run as a stand-alone instance or alongside other ATS applications. However, for the purposes of this topic, the assumption is that CM4D Upload Portal is installed on an independent server. CM4D Upload Portal requires an installation of ATS CM4D Server, which may be on different server from the Upload Portal application and services.  The current architecture does not support a cloud offering towards an on-premises CM4D installation as it would require a connection from our SaaS systems to the on-premises systems.

    CM4D Upload Portal and its supporting ATS services can be installed on a Virtual Machine or in a container environment.

    It is strongly recommended to publish the services via a reverse proxy or an application gateway. The public endpoint must be secured by TLS.

    Upload Portal Application

    The CM4D Upload Portal machine requires the following applications/services:

    Upload Portal supports scanning of uploaded files for potential viruses, as described in the documentation here.

    Supporting ATS Applications

    The following additional applications/services are required (on the same computer or other network server) for support or configuration of the CM4D Upload Portal installation:

    Hardware & Software Requirements

    The following hardware and software specifications apply to any computers hosting the CM4D Upload Portal application, whether it is physical hardware or a virtual machine (VM). For production use, this machine should meet or exceed the minimum hardware recommendations.

    Operating Systems
    • Windows Server 2022 Standard
    • Windows Server 2019 Standard

    Linux systems may be used, but ATS does not provide any installers for a Linux environment.

    • 1 Core - 1.4GHz 64-bit processor
    • 2 Cores - 2GHz 64-bit processor
    • 4GB or higher (at least 8GB is recommended)
    • 10GB or more

    SSDs are always recommended for the best performance.

    Database Management System
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Standard
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Standard
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Standard

    The CM4D Results Database requires the SQL Server Instance Feature - Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search. See the topic Results Database for the DBA for details.

    Firewall ports for SQL Server: TCP 1433-1434 (default)

    CM4D Upload Portal, ATS Security and Configuration Manager and ATS Licensing require individual databases. These databases can be hosted on the same database server used for CM4D.

    Web Browser

     End users access the application via a web browser. CM4D Upload Portal is based on HTML5, so its only requirement is that the browser is up to date with current technologies.

    • Web Browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox)
    • Windows - Chrome, Firefox, MS Edge
    • Linux - Chrome, Firefox
    • Mac - Chrome, Firefox, Safari 8
    • Android 5+ - Chrome
    • iOS 11+ - Chrome, Safari

    Internet Explorer is outdated and therefore not supported.

    Other Prerequisites

    The following is only required if you plan to install the Upload Portal on a machine that does not have an internet connection. With an internet connection, the prerequisite is downloaded and installed automatically by the Upload Portal installer.

    Available Ports

    The following ports are the default settings used in the three Upload Portal installers:

    These ports can be set to a custom port during or after the installation. For a list of default ports used by CM4D-related applications, including Upload Portal, please refer to the topic CM4D Default Ports.

    Upload Portal Deployment Example

    The following diagram demonstrates a complete deployment of the Upload Portal and its supporting ATS applications/services on one server, with the supporting CM4D services on another server.

    Machine 1 - Configuration Server

    • ATS Security and Configuration Manager
    • ATS Licensing (Plugin)
    • CM4D Configuration (Plugin)
    • CM4D API Service
    • CM4D Upload Portal Service
    • DataSmith Translator Service

    Machine 2 - CM4D Application Server

    • DataSmith Batch Proxy Service
    • CM4D Server + DataSmith Batch Services

    For more examples, please refer to the topic CM4D Upload Portal Deployments.


    Firewall Port Reference

    This port is used by the ATS Configuration Manager web application and corresponding Windows service. The web address used by clients to connect to the web application includes the port number.
    This port is used by CM4D to communicate between the ATS Licensing Server and clients. When the client PC runs a CM4D application, it sends a request to the application server (where the ATS Licensing Server is installed) to check if there is an available license in the database via ATS Licensing Manager on TCP port 8001. If any available license exists, the application server sends the information back to the client to run related application. If TCP 8001 is not open, clients will not be able to run any CM4D application in their local environment.
    This port is used by CM4D clients to communicate with the Licensing plugin in the ATS Configuration Manager. This is part of the URL which defines the Web API for the ATS Licensing plugin.
    This port is used by the ATS Security Manager web application and corresponding Windows service.
    This port is used by the CM4D API service, which supports the web applications CM4D Peruse and Upload Portal and their associated Windows services.
    This port is used by web server to run the CM4D Peruse web application and corresponding Windows service. The web address used by clients to connect to the web application includes the port number.
    This port is used by the Peruse API service, which supports the Peruse web application and corresponding Windows service. This service runs behind the scenes on the host server and is not visible to connecting clients.
    This port is used by web server to run the CM4D Upload Portal web application and corresponding Windows service. The web address used by clients to connect to the web application includes the port number.
    This port is used by CM4D to reach the Scheduler Manager Services (which is running on the application server) from client PCs. Clients that have privileges for Scheduler Manager can control scheduled reports and alarms to print PDFs or trigger alarm conditions on report templates. In addition, there are two services on the application server (ATS CM4D Scheduler and ATS CM4D Launcher) that are running for scheduled report processing. If TCP 36057 is not open, a client will not able to reach the Scheduler Manager to configure or manage unless Scheduler Manager is located on the local server.
    This port is used by CM4D to open CM4D Web on the client PC via an Internet browser. In CM4D Web, clients are able to see all published and managed reports and print a PDFs to save to their local environment. A client can subscribe to any reports to get an alarm email according to related reports event configurations. If TCP 80 (http:80) is not open, clients will not able to open CM4D Web to print PDFs or set alarm notifications (EventSmith).
    This port is used by the DataSmith Batch Proxy service, which supports the CM4D Upload Portal web application and corresponding Windows service. This service runs behind the scenes on the host server and is not visible to connecting clients.
    This port is used by the DataSmith Translator service, which supports the CM4D Upload Portal web application and corresponding Windows service. This service runs behind the scenes on the host server and is not visible to connecting clients.
    This is the default port for Windows for File Sharing. In computer networking, Server Message Block (SMB), one version of which was also known as Common Internet File System (CIFS), operates as an application-layer network protocol mainly used for providing shared access to files, printers, and serial ports and miscellaneous communications between nodes on a network. CM4D needs a shared folder on the network to store all CM4D managed report templates, translators, Inboxes, etc. Clients should be able to reach this shared folder to modify and manage report templates and translators. DataSmith Batch Manager is using this shared folder to locate defined Inbox folders and to process automatically data files via DataSmith. If TCP 445 is not open, clients cannot work on any CM4D Files or update any DataSmithBatch Settings.
    HOOPS Communicator is the third-party software facilitating the streaming of 3D model data from CM4D to the HOOPS Web Viewer integrated in CM4D Peruse for client-side rendering.
    This is the default port for Microsoft SQL Server database management system (MSSQL) server. As CM4D uses MS SQL Server to locate CM4D Site, CM4D and Results databases, this port must be open for clients to access data via CM4D applications and services.
    [Optional] Install a third-party virus scanner for scanning uploaded data files in CM4D Upload Portal.

    Hardware Reference

    Software Reference


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