DataSmithBatch Users

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  1. Batch Manager User
  2. Batch Job User

There are specific user types referred to when dealing with the DataSmith Batch:

Batch Manager User

Batch Job User

See the sections below for the specific requirements for each user.

If you are using a Site Database, you must set privileges in Site Manager for the Users who will be running DataSmith Batch. See here for more information on Site Manager Privileges.

Batch Manager User

The Batch Manager is the user that is allowed to run the DataSmithBatch Manager application to manage Batch jobs and modify the DataSmithBatch processing settings. This is not the same as the user that runs the Batch jobs or the Batch service, it simply runs the DataSmithBatch Manager application and access the settings in that application.

With Site Database

Must be a Windows User (Administrator permissions recommended)

Must be able to connect to the Site Database

Must have the Batch Manager privilege (in SiteManager) - allows a user to run the DataSmithBatch Manager application and create Batch Jobs, not to process the Batch Jobs.

Without Site Database

Must be a Windows User (Administrator permissions recommended)

Must be able to connect to the Database

Batch Job User

The Batch Job User is any user who can be assigned to run DataSmith Batch Jobs. The purpose of the Batch Job User is to dictate which Scheduled Jobs get triggered.

Job Users can run jobs using any DataSmithBatch Service that is being run by any Batch Service User. It is not necessary for a Job User to be actively logged in on to the system being used to run DataSmith Batch in order to be used to process Batch jobs.

If the Job User menu in DataSmithBatch Manager is disabled (grayed out), it may indicate that either you are not connected to a Site Database or there are not any users available with the Batch User privileges.

With Site Database

Must be able to connect to the Site Database

Must have the Batch User privilege (in SiteManager)

Must have the Data Manager privileges (in SiteManager) - select appropriate options to give the Job user permissions to make the necessary changes to the data in the database. The most commonly selected options are Create Sample and/or Modify Sample.

Can be a different user than the Batch Service User

Does not have to be a Windows User

Without Site Database

Must be a Windows User

Must be able to connect to the Database

Must be the same Windows User as the user that is running the Batch Service

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