Reference Guide - Install CM4D Config Plugin and API

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  1. Install CM4D Configuration Plugin
  2. Install CM4D API Service

This guide contains the basic steps for installing the CM4D Configuration plugin for ATS Security and Configuration Manager and its supporting CM4D API service. This installation process requires a user with administrative access to ATS Security and Configuration Manager.

Install CM4D Configuration Plugin

To install the CM4D plugin, log in to ATS Security and Configuration Manager with an administrator account.

  1. Go to System Configuration > Plugins.
  2. Click the green Add button in the upper right.
  3. Click Select ZIP file.
  4. Browse to and select the CM4D Plugin zip package, or drop the CM4D Plugin zip file into the designated blade area.
  5. If available, enter the CM4D API service URL in the Web API field (optional, can be added later if needed).
  6. Click Save
  7. If the upload was successful, a confirmation message is displayed.
  8. Click OK.

The CM4D plugin now appears in the list and can be updated/deleted along with any other plugins.

Go to the Configuration Manager Home to access the new CM4D plugin.

Install CM4D API Service

  1. Run the CM4D Configuration install executable (as Administrator).
  2. Prerequisites - if required, follow the prompts to install the required redistributables.
  3. License Agreement - Accept the terms of the license agreement.
  4. Features and Installation Folder - The default options provided installs the CM4D API Service to C:\Program Files\Applied Tech Systems\ATS CM4D Configuration. Most installations will use the defaults provided, but you can modify the install folder if needed. To change the installation folder, go to the Installation Folder tab and either enter a folder path or browse to a folder.
  5. Configuration Plugin Database - Enter the connection information for the CM4D Configuration database. New databases are created entirely by the installer, including the database object, tables and procedures. If you have an existing database from a previous version, you can select that database from the menu.
    1. Server - Enter the database server name, or leave the default (local) if installing on the local machine. The default (local) is automatically resolved to the computer name in the installed configuration files.
    2. Trusted Connection - Enter the user credentials to access the database management system. This user must have a sufficient privilege level to create and modify databases.
      1. To use the current Windows user account, leave the Trusted Connection box checked.
      2. To use a SQL login, uncheck the Trusted Connection box and enter the SQL user and password.
    3. Database - Set the database for the CM4D Configuration plugin.
      1. To allow a new database to be created by the installer, enter a unique name.
      2. To choose an existing database, click the ellipses button and select a database from the dropdown menu. Note that this is not the ATS Configuration Manager database.
    4. Test SQL Connection - Click to confirm that the selected user can connect to the database server.
      1. If the connection is successful, continue.
      2. If the connect fails, correct the user login and retest.
  6. CM4D API Database Access - Enter the user credentials that will be used by the CM4D API service to access the CM4D Config database. This user must have a sufficient privilege level to create and modify databases.
    1. Username - Enter a username for the SQL login account.
    2. Password - Enter a password for the SQL login account.
  7. CM4D API Endpoint - Provide the endpoint details for the CM4D API service.
    1. SSL Certificate - Select a trusted certificate. The Certificates' Common Name must match the Server Name.
    2. Server Name - Enter the Server Name of the machine hosting the CM4D API service.
    3. Port (CM4D API) - The default port for the CM4D API is 5200. To change the port, enter a new port number.
  8. Security Manager Connection - Provide the Security Manager endpoint and Application ID for the CM4D Configuration plugin.
    1. Security Manager Endpoint - Enter the endpoint URL for the ATS Security Manager, including the port (https://servername:5000/).
    2. CM4D Configuration Application ID - The Application ID must be generated by adding as a new Application in the ATS Security and Configuration Manager.
    3. Test Security Manager Endpoint - Click to confirm you can connect to the endpoint. If the server name or port are incorrect, the test will show the connection failed.
  9. Enter the Licensing Server URL.
  10. Finish the installation.


Once the install is finished, go to ATS Configuration Manager and add the Roles from the new Application to users requiring access to the CM4D Configuration plugin.

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