Connect to a Site Database

Run DBConnect.

Under Connection Type , open the dropdown and select one of two options.

For managed databases, select Site Connection. This type only allows you to connect to a single Site database at one time.

For unmanaged databases, select CM4D Connection(s). This type allows you to connect to one or more unmanaged database at one time.

In the Connection Info section, type a name for the connection in the Label field.

From the Windows Authentication dropdown:

To use Windows Authentication, leave this field set to True and then go to the next step.

To use SQL Authentication, set this field to False.

Enter the Database User ID. This is the SQL user name.

Enter the Database Password. This is the password assigned to the SQL user.

Enter the password again to Confirm Password.

In the Server Name field, enter the name of the computer that the database is stored on. If you are using a named instance the server name format must be: servername\instancename

Enter the Database Name of the database.

For Site Connections, this must be the name of the Site database.

For CM4D Connections, this must be the name of the CM4D database.

Click Apply.

Click Test Connection.

If successful, click OK and continue to the next step.

If the connection fails, check all of your settings and then test again.

Click OK to exit DbConnect.

Copy the CM4D.4ds file you just created to any other CM4D clients, web servers, or application servers that will be connecting to this database.

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