EventSmith Services

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  1. Install EventSmith Services
    1. Run the EventSmith Services Installer
    2. Features and Installation Folder
    3. Finish the Install
  2. Configure SMTP Mail Server
  3. Configure EventSmith Services
    1. Services Log On User
    2. CM4D Site database access
  4. Run EventSmith Services
  5. Install and Configure ServiceControl Manager

EventSmith is the alarm notification system that processes any events generated by CM4D Scheduler. EventSmith uses two Windows services to process events from reports and send out event notifications from CM4D:

The EventSmith services require the following:

Install EventSmith Services

This guide contains the detailed steps to installing and configuring the EventSmith SMTP Services.

The EventSmith services are typically installed on the same machine as CM4D Server. As a separate installer, the EventSmith services can be installed on a different machine as needed, provided a database connection can be achieved.

Run the EventSmith Services Installer

  1. Run the CM4D EventSmith Services install executable (as Administrator).
  2. Click Next.
  3. Accept the terms of the Licensing Agreement.
  4. Click Next.

Features and Installation Folder

  1. The default options provided installs the EventSmith Mailer and EventSmith Processor Windows Services to C:\Program Files\Applied Tech Systems\ATS CM4D EventSmithV2\. To change the installation folder, go to the Installation Folder tab and either enter a folder path or browse to a folder.
  2. Click Next.

Finish the Install

  1. Click Install to complete the installation.
  2. Click Finish.

Configure SMTP Mail Server

A mail server is required to send the email notifications from EventSmith SMTP. You need to set the server information and the user login that will be used for authentication.

The mail server can be configured either in SiteManagerSiteManager or via the CM4D Configuration pluginCM4D Configuration plugin.

CM4D Configuration plugin > EventSmith > Settings

Site Manager > Settings Menu > EventSmith SMTP Settings

Enter the following information:

Configure EventSmith Services

Services Log On User

The EventSmith services should be run by a specified user account.

  1. Go to Administrative Tools > Services.
  2. Right-click a service and select Properties.
    1. Go to the Log On tab.
    2. In the Log on as section, select This account.
    3. Enter the User credentials for the user account that will run the CM4D service.
    4. Click OK.
  3. Repeat for each CM4D Service.
  4. Once all CM4D services are configured, close Services.

If your Domain users are required to change their passwords periodically, you will also need to update the CM4D services Log On passwords manually. The Windows service logon passwords do not get updated automatically through the Windows change password operation.

CM4D Site database access

If the services are installed on the same machine as CM4D Server, database access is obtained automatically via the Cm4d.4ds file registered to the CM4D installation. This method allows your passwords to remain encrypted.

For services installed on a separate system, a database connection string is configured in the appsettings.json files for each service.

The database connection setting "ConnectionStrings" is the same for both services: "SiteDbConnection": "Server=(local)\\MSSQLSERVER01;Database=cm4dsite;User Id=cm4dservice;Password=xxxxx"

Change this:

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "SiteDbConnection": ""

To this: 

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "SiteDbConnection": "Server=(local)\\MSSQLSERVER01;Database=cm4dsite;User Id=cm4dservice;Password=cm4d!"

If your database connection includes an instance name, add a second backslash character between the server and instance name to conform with SQL Server syntax requirements. 

Run EventSmith Services

  1. Open Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
  2. Start the two EventSmith services - Mailer and Processing.

Install and Configure ServiceControl Manager

NServiceBus (used by CM4D Results and EventSmith services) provides powerful error handling and monitoring tools. At a minimum, it is strongly recommended to use ServiceControl and ServicePulse. You need to configure at least one instance of ServiceControl and Auditing and one Monitoring instance for the transport method chosen during the installation of the Results service. If you are using SQL as your Transport method, ServiceControl Manager is required, as it creates the queue tables used by the CM4D services.

See the topic Configure ServiceControl Manager for more details.


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