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  1. QaAnnot Methods
  2. QaAnnot Properties
  3. QaAnnot Enumerators
    1. QaAnnot Event Action - eAnnotEventAction
    2. QaAnnot Execute Action - eAnnotExecuteAction
    3. QaAnnot Buddy Vertical Type - eAnnotBuddyVertType
    4. QaAnnot Buddy Horizontal Type - eAnnotBuddyHorizontalType
    5. QaAnnot Buddy DataSource Type - eAnnotBuddyDataSourceType
    6. QaAnnot Type - eAnnotType

QaAnnot Methods

Methods Description Return Type Input Parameters Remarks
Delete(); Removes the annotation. long     
GetBottom();   double     
GetDataSource();   IQaDataSource*    
GetLeader();   IQaLeader*    
GetLeft();   double     
GetRight();   double     
GetStyle();   IQaStyle*    
GetTop();   double     
Refresh();   void     
Reload();   long     
SetBottom(double value);   void     
SetBox(double left, double bottom, double right, double top);   long     
SetBoxRelative(double left, double bottom, double right, double top);   long     
SetLeft(double value);   void     
SetRight(double value);   void     
SetTop(double value);   void     

QaAnnot Properties

Property Description Return Type Input Parameters Remarks
AnnotSheet;   IQaSheet*    
AnnotType;   eAnnotType     
AutoReloadEligible;   boolean    
BuddyDataSourceType;   eAnnotBuddyDataSourceType     
BuddyHorizontalSpace;   double    
BuddyHorizontalType;   eAnnotBuddyHorizontalType     
BuddyLabel;   BSTR    
BuddyMatchHeight;   boolean    
BuddyMatchWidth;   boolean    
BuddyVerticalSpace;   double    
BuddyVerticalType;   eAnnotBuddyVertType     
EventAction;   eAnnotEventAction     
EventStyleLabel;   BSTR    
ExecuteAction;   eAnnotExecuteAction     
Label;   BSTR    
LoadFilename;   BSTR    
Locked;   boolean    
NoDraw;   boolean    

QaAnnot Enumerators

QaAnnot Event Action - eAnnotEventAction

Enumerator Description Help String Input Parameters Remarks
eEventActionDrawIfTriggered   Draw Only If Triggered    
eEventActionNone = 0,   None                      
eEventActionUseStyle,   Use Style                 

QaAnnot Execute Action - eAnnotExecuteAction

Enumerator Description Help String Input Parameters Remarks
eExecuteActionActivate   Activate Link Sheet    
eExecuteActionNone = 0,   None                   

QaAnnot Buddy Vertical Type - eAnnotBuddyVertType

Enumerator Description Help String Input Parameters Remarks
eBuddyVertTypeBottomBottom,   Align My Bottom with My Buddy's Bottom    
eBuddyVertTypeBottomCenter,   Align My Bottom with My Buddy's Center    
eBuddyVertTypeBottomInner,   Align My Bottom with My Buddy's Inner     
eBuddyVertTypeBottomOuter,   Align My Bottom with My Buddy's Outer     
eBuddyVertTypeBottomTop,   Align My Bottom with My Buddy's Top       
eBuddyVertTypeCenterBottom,   Align My Center with My Buddy's Bottom    
eBuddyVertTypeCenterCenter,   Align My Center with My Buddy's Center    
eBuddyVertTypeCenterInner,   Align My Center with My Buddy's Inner     
eBuddyVertTypeCenterOuter,   Align My Center with My Buddy's Outer     
eBuddyVertTypeCenterTop,   Align My Center with My Buddy's Top       
eBuddyVertTypeInnerBottom,   Align My Inner with My Buddy's Bottom     
eBuddyVertTypeInnerCenter,   Align My Inner with My Buddy's Center     
eBuddyVertTypeInnerInner   Align My Inner with My Buddy's Inner      
eBuddyVertTypeInnerOuter,   Align My Inner with My Buddy's Outer      
eBuddyVertTypeInnerTop,   Align My Inner with My Buddy's Top        
eBuddyVertTypeNone = 0,   None                                      
eBuddyVertTypeOuterBottom,   Align My Outer with My Buddy's Bottom     
eBuddyVertTypeOuterCenter,   Align My Outer with My Buddy's Center     
eBuddyVertTypeOuterInner,   Align My Outer with My Buddy's Inner      
eBuddyVertTypeOuterOuter,   Align My Outer with My Buddy's Outer      
eBuddyVertTypeOuterTop,   Align My Outer with My Buddy's Top        
eBuddyVertTypeTopBottom,   Align My Top with My Buddy's Bottom       
eBuddyVertTypeTopCenter,   Align My Top with My Buddy's Center       
eBuddyVertTypeTopInner,   Align My Top with My Buddy's Inner        
eBuddyVertTypeTopOuter,   Align My Top with My Buddy's Outer        
eBuddyVertTypeTopTop,   Align My Top with My Buddy's Top          

QaAnnot Buddy Horizontal Type - eAnnotBuddyHorizontalType

Enumerator Description Help String Input Parameters Remarks
eBuddyHorizontalTypeCenterCenter,   Align My Center with My Buddy's Center    
eBuddyHorizontalTypeCenterInner,   Align My Center with My Buddy's Inner     
eBuddyHorizontalTypeCenterLeft,   Align My Center with My Buddy's Left      
eBuddyHorizontalTypeCenterOuter,   Align My Center with My Buddy's Outer     
eBuddyHorizontalTypeCenterRight,   Align My Center with My Buddy's Right     
eBuddyHorizontalTypeInnerCenter,   Align My Inner with My Buddy's Center     
eBuddyHorizontalTypeInnerInner,   Align My Inner with My Buddy's Inner      
eBuddyHorizontalTypeInnerLeft,   Align My Inner with My Buddy's Left       
eBuddyHorizontalTypeInnerOuter,   Align My Inner with My Buddy's Outer      
eBuddyHorizontalTypeInnerRight,   Align My Inner with My Buddy's Right      
eBuddyHorizontalTypeLeftCenter,   Align My Left with My Buddy's Center      
eBuddyHorizontalTypeLeftInner,   Align My Left with My Buddy's Inner       
eBuddyHorizontalTypeLeftLeft,   Align My Left with My Buddy's Left        
eBuddyHorizontalTypeLeftOuter,   Align My Left with My Buddy's Outer       
eBuddyHorizontalTypeLeftRight,   Align My Left with My Buddy's Right       
eBuddyHorizontalTypeNone = 0,   None                                      
eBuddyHorizontalTypeOuterCenter,   Align My Outer with My Buddy's Center     
eBuddyHorizontalTypeOuterInner,   Align My Outer with My Buddy's Inner      
eBuddyHorizontalTypeOuterLeft,   Align My Outer with My Buddy's Left       
eBuddyHorizontalTypeOuterOuter   Align My Outer with My Buddy's Outer      
eBuddyHorizontalTypeOuterRight,   Align My Outer with My Buddy's Right      
eBuddyHorizontalTypeRightCenter,   Align My Right with My Buddy's Center     
eBuddyHorizontalTypeRightInner,   Align My Right with My Buddy's Inner      
eBuddyHorizontalTypeRightLeft,   Align My Right with My Buddy's Left       
eBuddyHorizontalTypeRightOuter,   Align My Right with My Buddy's Outer      
eBuddyHorizontalTypeRightRight,   Align My Right with My Buddy's Right      

QaAnnot Buddy DataSource Type - eAnnotBuddyDataSourceType

Enumerator Description Help String Input Parameters Remarks
eBuddyDataSourceDataSet   Align by DataSet           
eBuddyDataSourceFeature,   Align by Feature           
eBuddyDataSourceNone = 0,   No DataSource Alignment    

QaAnnot Type - eAnnotType

Enumerator Description Help String Input Parameters Remarks
e_annotChart,   Chart                      
e_annotContainer,   Container                  
e_annotGraph,   Graph                      
e_annotGroup,   Group                      
e_annotLine,   Line                       
e_annotPicture   Picture                    
e_annotPlotSpace,   Plotspace                  
e_annotShape,   Shape                      
e_annotTable,   Table                      
e_annotView,   View                       
e_annotView2,   View2                      
e_annotViewAxes,   ViewAxes                   
eAnnotText = 0,   Text                       
eAnnotUnknown = -1,   Unknown annotation type    


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