
Topic Contents [Hide]Topic Contents [Show]
  1. QaFeature - Methods
  2. QaFeature - Properties
  3. QaFeature - Enumerators
    1. QaFeature Actual Characteristic Type - eActChrType
    2. QaFeature Characteristic - eFeatChr
    3. QaFeature Construct Method - eFeatConsMethod
    4. QaFeature Control Limit Type - eControlLimitType
    5. QaFeature Limit Lateral Type - eFeatLimitLateralType
    6. QaFeature Limit Type - eLimitType
    7. QaFeature Limit Value Type - eFeatLimitValueType
    8. QaFeature Reference Feature Type - eFeatRefType
    9. QaFeature Types - eFeatureType

QaFeature - Methods

Methods Description Return Type Input Parameters Remarks
FeatPointsAdd(BSTR label);   long     
FeatPointsClear();   long     
FeatPointsGetActValue(short index, short type);   double     
FeatPointsGetNomValue(short index, short type);   double     
FeatPointsGetSeq(short index);   long     
FeatPointsSetActValue(short index, short type, short value);   void     
FeatPointsSetNomValue(short index, short type, double value);   void     
FeatPointsSetSeq(short index, long seq);   void     
FeatRefsAdd(short type, BSTR label);   long     
FeatRefsClear(short type);   long     
Filter(BSTR filter);   BSTR     
Filter(BSTR filter, BSTR lpszNewValue);   void     
GetAct(eFeatChr chr, BSTR sampLabel);   double     
GetActType(eFeatChr chr, BSTR sampLabel);   eActChrType     
GetFeatPointsCount();   long     
GetFeatPointsItem(long index);   BSTR     
GetFeatRefsCount(short type, long index);   long     
GetFeatRefsLabel(short type, long index);   BSTR     
GetFilterByID(short id_);   IQaFilter*     
GetHand();   short    
GetKeyLabel();   BSTR     
GetLabel();   BSTR     
GetLCL(eFeatChr chr, eControlLimitType usage);   double     
GetLRL(eFeatChr chr_, eFeatLimitValueType limitValueType_, eFeatLimitLateralType limitLateralType_);   double     
GetLSL(eFeatChr chr_, [optional] eFeatLimitValueType limitValueType_, [optional] eFeatLimitLateralType limitLateralType_);   double     
GetLSL2(eFeatChr chr_, eFeatLimitValueType limitValueType_, eFeatLimitLateralType limitLateralType_);   double     
GetNom(eFeatChr chr);   double     
GetRoutine();   IDispatch*     
GetUCL(eFeatChr chr, eControlLimitType usage);   double     
GetURL(eFeatChr chr_, eFeatLimitValueType limitValueType_, eFeatLimitLateralType limitLateralType_);   double     
GetUSL(eFeatChr chr_, [optional] eFeatLimitValueType limitValueType_, [optional] eFeatLimitLateralType limitLateralType_);   double     
GetUSL2(eFeatChr chr_, eFeatLimitValueType limitValueType_, eFeatLimitLateralType limitLateralType_);   double     
HasLowerLimit(eFeatChr chr_, eLimitType limitType_, eFeatLimitValueType valueType_, eFeatLimitLateralType lateralType_);   long     
HasNom(eFeatChr chr_);   long     
HasUpperLimit(eFeatChr chr_, eLimitType limitType_, eFeatLimitValueType valueType_, eFeatLimitLateralType lateralType_);   long     
ResolveString(BSTR CM4DVariable_);   BSTR     
SetAct(eFeatChr chr, eActChrType type, double value, BSTR sampLabel);   void     
SetLCL(eFeatChr chr, eControlLimitType usage, double value);   void     
SetLRL(eFeatChr chr_, double value_, eFeatLimitValueType limitValueType_, eFeatLimitLateralType limitLateralType_);   void     
SetLSL(eFeatChr chr_, double value_, [optional] eFeatLimitValueType limitValueType_, [optional] eFeatLimitLateralType limitLateralType_);   void     
SetLSL2(eFeatChr chr_, double value_, eFeatLimitValueType limitValueType_, eFeatLimitLateralType limitLateralType_);   void     
SetNom(eFeatChr chr, double value);   void     
SetUCL(eFeatChr chr, eControlLimitType usage, double value);   void     
SetURL(eFeatChr chr_, double value_, eFeatLimitValueType limitValueType_, eFeatLimitLateralType limitLateralType_);   void     
SetUSL(eFeatChr chr_, double value_, [optional] eFeatLimitValueType limitValueType_, [optional] eFeatLimitLateralType limitLateralType_);   void     
SetUSL2(eFeatChr chr_, double value_, eFeatLimitValueType limitValueType_, eFeatLimitLateralType limitLateralType_);   void     

QaFeature - Properties

Property Description Return Type Input Parameters Remarks
Alias;   BSTR     
Alias2;   BSTR     
Alias3;   BSTR     
Alias4;   BSTR     
AxisMethod;   short     
ConstructMethod;   short     
Description;   BSTR     
EndType;   short     
ExtrapolateAxis;   short     
som;   short     
Type;   eFeatureType     

QaFeature - Enumerators

QaFeature Actual Characteristic Type - eActChrType

Parameters Description Help String Input Parameters Remarks
eFeatActChrTypeActual = 1,   Actual   1  
eFeatActChrTypeCar,   Car      3  
eFeatActChrTypeDeviation,   Deviation 2  
eFeatActChrTypeOffset,   Offset   4  
eFeatActChrTypeOrdinate   Ordinate 5  

QaFeature Characteristic - eFeatChr

Parameters Description Help String Input Parameters Remarks
eFeatChrAngle = 19,   Angle      
eFeatChrAzimuth = 47,    Azimuth    
eFeatChrDiameter = 14,   Diameter    
eFeatChrDistance = 18,   Distance    
eFeatChrFlush = 21,   Flush      
eFeatChrGap = 20,   Gap        
eFeatChrHorizon = 48     Horizon    
eFeatChrI = 29,   I          
eFeatChrJ = 30,   J          
eFeatChrK = 31,   K          
eFeatChrLength = 16,   Length     
eFeatChrNormal = 45,    Normal     
eFeatChrPolar = 46,    Polar      
eFeatChrPosition = 1,   Position    
eFeatChrRadius = 17,   Radius     
eFeatChrU = 32,   U          
eFeatChrV = 33,   V          
eFeatChrW = 34,   W          
eFeatChrWidth = 15,   Width      
eFeatChrX = 2,   X          
eFeatChrY = 3,   Y          
eFeatChrZ = 4,   Z          

QaFeature Construct Method - eFeatConsMethod

Parameters Description Help String Input Parameters Remarks
eFeatConsBestFit,   Construct BestFit          
eFeatConsCentroid,   Construct Centroid         
eFeatConsCurve   Construct Curve            
eFeatConsIntersect,   Construct Intersect        
eFeatConsMiddle = 1,   Construct Middle           
eFeatConsParallel,   Construct Parallel         
eFeatConsPerpendicular,   Construct Perpendicular    
eFeatConsProject,   Construct Project          
eFeatConsTangent,   Construct Tangent          
eFeatConsTangentThru,   Construct TangentThru      
eFeatConsTranslate,   Construct Translate        
eFeatConsVertex,   Construct Vertex           

QaFeature Control Limit Type - eControlLimitType

Parameters Description Help String Input Parameters Remarks
eFeatControlLimitTypeControlLimitMa   MA             
eFeatControlLimitTypeControlLimitMr,   MR             
eFeatControlLimitTypeControlLimitR,   R              
eFeatControlLimitTypeControlLimitS,   S              
eFeatControlLimitTypeControlLimitXbr = 2,   Xbar with R    
eFeatControlLimitTypeControlLimitXbs,   Xbar with S    
eFeatControlLimitTypeControlLimitXmr,   X with MR      

QaFeature Limit Lateral Type - eFeatLimitLateralType

Parameters Description Help String Input Parameters Remarks
eLimitLateralUnilateralLo = 1,   Unilateral Lo    
eLimitLateralUnilateralHi,   Unilateral Hi    
eLimitLateralBilateral   Bilateral    

QaFeature Limit Type - eLimitType

Parameters Description Help String Input Parameters Remarks
eFeatLimitTypeControlLimitMa,   MA                   
eFeatLimitTypeControlLimitMr,   MR                   
eFeatLimitTypeControlLimitR,   R                    
eFeatLimitTypeControlLimitS,   S                    
eFeatLimitTypeControlLimitXbr,   Xbar with R          
eFeatLimitTypeControlLimitXbs,   Xbar with S          
eFeatLimitTypeControlLimitXmr,   X with MR            
eFeatLimitTypeRL   Reasonable Limits    
eFeatLimitTypeSL = 1,   SL                   
eFeatLimitTypeSL2,   Spec Limits 2        

QaFeature Limit Value Type - eFeatLimitValueType

Parameters Description Help String Input Parameters Remarks
eLimitValueAbsolute = 1   Absolute    
eLimitValueRelative   Relative    

QaFeature Reference Feature Type - eFeatRefType

Parameters Description Help String Input Parameters Remarks
eFeatRefConsSubFeat,   Reference Constructed Sub-Feature    
eFeatRefDatumSubFeat,   Reference Datum Sub-Feature          
eFeatRefFeat   Reference Feature                    
eFeatRefGdtFeat,   Reference GDT Feature                
eFeatRefPlane = 1,   Reference Plane                      

QaFeature Types - eFeatureType

Parameters Description Help String Input Parameters Remarks
eFeatureCircle = 6,   Circle       
eFeatureCone = 9,   Cone         
eFeatureCylinder = 8,   Cylinder     
eFeatureEllipse = 13   Ellipse      
eFeatureLine = 11,   Line         
eFeaturePlane = 12,   Plane        
eFeaturePoint = 5,   Point        
eFeatureSlot = 7,   Slot         
eFeatureSmiHole = 2,   SmiHole      
eFeatureSmiPoint = 1,   SmiPoint     
eFeatureSmiSlot = 3,   SmiSlot      
eFeatureSmiStud = 4,   SmiStud      
eFeatureSphere    = 10,   Sphere       
eFeatureUndefined = 0,   Undefined    


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