
Topic Contents [Hide]Topic Contents [Show]
  1. QaRoutine - Methods
  2. QaRoutine - Properties
  3. QaRoutine - Enumerators
    1. QaRoutine Handedness - eRoutHandedness
    2. QaRoutine Monitor Flag - eRoutMonitor

QaRoutine - Methods

Methods Description Return Type Input Parameters Remarks
Delete();   long     
Filter(BSTR Filter_);   BSTR     
Filter(BSTR Filter_, BSTR lpszNewValue);   void     
GetCode();   BSTR     
GetFeatureByPos(short pos_);   IQaFeature*     
GetFeatureCount();   long     
GetFeaturesAvailable();   long     
GetFilterByID(short id_);   IQaFilter*      
GetFilters();   IQaFilters*     
GetHand();   BSTR     
GetImages(void); Returns an object representing the QaImages list. IQaImages*      
GetSamplesAvailable();   long     
KeyLabel();   BSTR     
NewFeature(BSTR label_);   IQaFeature*     
SetHand(eRoutHandedness hand_);   long     

QaRoutine - Properties

Property Description Return Type Input Parameters Remarks
AccessCode;   BSTR     
Label;   BSTR     
MonitorDataProcessed;   boolean     
MonitorEndOfSubgroup;   boolean     
MonitorOutOfSpec;   boolean     
Units;   eUnits     

QaRoutine - Enumerators

QaRoutine Handedness - eRoutHandedness

Enumerator Description Help String Input Parameters Remarks
eBothHanded = 4   Both       4  
eLeftHanded = 2,   LH         2  
eNotHanded = 0,   Not Handed 0  
eRightHanded = 1,   RH         1  

QaRoutine Monitor Flag - eRoutMonitor

Enumerator Description Help String Input Parameters Remarks
eDataProcessed = 1,   Data Processed  1  
eEndOfSubgroup = 4   End of Subgroup 4  
eNotMonitored = 0,   Not Monitored   0  
eOutOfSpec = 2,   Out of Spec     2  


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