About CM4D Data

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  1. CM4D Data Terminology
    1. Routines
    2. Features
    3. Characteristic
    4. Samples
    5. Processes
    6. Results
  2. Deviation Types
  3. Feature Types

CM4D Data Terminology

The CM4D applications use terminology common throughout the product but may not be familiar to you as a user of CM4D Peruse. Review the following information to familiarize yourself with some of the terms used to describe data as it relates to CM4D.


A Routine is the measurement plan, typically related to a series of data collection steps that occur together, such as a run of samples for a specific part. One Routine normally refers to one part.

A group of Features and Samples loaded from the database. Routines are defined by the data files received from measurement devices.


A Feature is a collection of characteristics that relate to the data collection or sampling process. Features will typically have one or more characteristics that represent the Nominal (or designed) values and Actual (or measured) values. CM4D derives the Feature type by looking at the characteristics of a feature, and if it meets certain criteria, it will define it as one of the feature types in the Feature Types table below.


A Characteristic is supporting information for the Feature, a measurable dimension or parameter of a feature such as a nominal X value, or an actual Y value.

A feature such as a point will generally have XYZ and IJK nominal data. A hole, however, will also have a diameter.


A Sample is the actual measurement of a Feature Characteristic.


A Process is what is being measured, or a single Characteristic of a Feature. Processes include information such as Nominals, Limits, and other information related to the process.


The Results are a dimension of the Process, or the actual data obtained from the measurement. Results include information for investigation and analysis, such as 

Deviation Types

The actual measurement data values can be displayed as either Absolute (Actual), Deviation or Car Deviation.

This table includes examples of the same values appearing differently depending on the type. Hover over  to see how the value is calculated.

Vehicle Nominal Value Absolute (Actual) Deviation Car Deviation
Car A - Right Door +100.0 +100.2 +0.2 +100.2 - (+100.0) = +0.2 +0.2 +100.2 - (+100.0) = +0.2
Car A - Left Door -100.0 -100.2 -0.2 -100.2 - (-100.0) = -0.2 +0.2 +100.2 - (+100.0) = +0.2
Car B - Right Door +100.0 +99.2 -0.8 +99.2 - (+100.0) = -0.8 -0.8 +99.2 - (+100.0) = -0.8
Car B - Left Door -100.0 -99.2 +0.8 -99.2 - (-100.0) = +0.8 -0.8 +99.2 - (+100.0) = -0.8

Feature Types

Feature Type identifies the kind of dimension which was measured. There are two categories of feature types in CM4D:

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