Peruse User Options

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  1. Change Language
  2. Change Password
  3. Themes
  4. Advanced Settings

user User Options provide some settings that are apply to the logged in user and stored for subsequent sessions. Click the  user User Name in the top right corner of the screen to see the user options. Click to close the card.

Users logged in to CM4D Peruse have the following user options:

  • hard-drive Advanced Settings - The user settings contain options for customizing some of the search options.
  • globe Change Language - Select a language from the list available.
  • settings Change Password - Change the current user login password.
  • help-circle Help - Access the Peruse help documentation.
  • log-out Sign out - Log the user out of Peruse.
  • sliders Themes - Change the overall appearance of the web interface.
  • user User - Current logged in user.

The current version of Peruse is displayed at the bottom of the User popup.

Change Language

Select the language for the web interface. The language options are dependent on what is configured in ATS Configuration Manager for you by your CM4D Admin.

To change the language:

  1. Move the mouse over or click on the Change Language option in the user options menu.
  2. Select the language from the available languages menu list.
  3. The new language is loaded.

Change Password

The change password page contains the standard fields for changing your password, including old and new passwords plus re-enter password to confirm accuracy. Enter the required information and click Submit the Changes or click < Go back to exit without changing your password.

To changepassword:

  1. Click on the Change password option in the user options menu.
  2. The Change Password form loads with the user name pre-filled.
  3. Provide the current password, a new password and confirm the new password.
  4. Click Submit the Changes to save the new password or < Go back to cancel the password change.
  5. After successfully changing the password, the Password change confirmation screen appears with a Log in link.
  6. Click the Log in link.
  7. The ATS Security login page is loaded.
  8. Enter the new credentials and click Sign in.


Two themes are available in ATS CM4D Peruse - Dark and Light.

To change the theme:

  1. Click Themes on the user options menu.
  2. Select the theme.

The new theme is loaded immediately and stored for subsequent sessions.

Dark Theme

Light Theme

Advanced Settings

The Advanced Settings allows you to set which data properties you want to include when entering text into the Search field. By limiting the fields included in the search, it may improve overall search performance. These options include the default properties as well as any additional filters configured in your system.

This list contains standard controls for searching within the Search Target column or filtering based on Type or Status.

Search Target The label of the data property to be included in the full-text search. Enter text in the column header to filter the grid. Click  search to apply search functions to the grid filtering for this column. 
Status State of the search target, or data property. Click to toggle the state between Active and Not Active. Click  filter to filter the grid by status.
Type Data property type, either Routine or Feature. Click  filter to filter the grid by type.
Default Search Targets

The following properties are included in the system by default. Any other targets appearing in the Advanced Search Configuration grid are options configured specifically for your organization.

Default Routine Properties:

Routine Filters

Available Filters are shown as the Filter Name in the Search Target column.

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