Alignment Variables

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  1. Alignment Variable Examples
    1. Variables in a Table
    2. Variables in a Text Box


Returns the state of alignment:

Other information related to an alignment may be resolved using variants of the primary ~align~ variable.


Returns the label of the Feature designated for the A1 characteristic.


Returns the axis specified (characteristic) for the A1 Datum.


Returns the offset specified for the A1 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the Feature designated for the A1 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the DataSource designated for the A1 characteristic.


Returns the label of the Feature designated for the A2 characteristic.

~align,a2, featchr~

Returns the characteristic (X, Y or Z) of the A2 datum.


Returns the offset specified for the A2 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the Feature designated for the A2 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the DataSource designated for the A2 characteristic.


Returns the label of the Feature designated for the A3 characteristic.


Returns the characteristic (X, Y or Z) of the A3 datum.


Returns the offset specified for the A3 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the Feature designated for the A3 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the DataSource designated for the A3 characteristic.


Returns the label of the Feature designated for the B1 characteristic.


Returns the axis specified (characteristic) for the B1 Datum.


Returns the offset specified for the B1 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the Feature designated for the B1 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the DataSource designated for the B1 characteristic.


Returns the label of the Feature designated for the B2 characteristic.


Returns the characteristic (X, Y or Z) of the B2 datum.


Returns the offset specified for the B2 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the Feature designated for the B2 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the DataSource designated for the B2 characteristic.


Returns the label of the Feature designated for the C1 characteristic.


Returns the axis specified (characteristic) for the C1 Datum.


Returns the offset specified for the C1 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the Feature designated for the C1 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the DataSource designated for the C1 characteristic.


If the characteristic is used in an Alignment, then will return the datum specified for the characteristic: A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, C1. If the characteristic is not part of an alignment, nothing will be returned.


The feature is used as a1 in the alignment.


The feature is used as a2 in the alignment.


The feature is used as a3 in the alignment.


The feature is used as b1 in the alignment.


The feature is used as b2 in the alignment.


The feature is used as c1 in the alignment.


If the feature is used in the alignment for the specified [characteristic], the variable returns the string "is". If the feature is not used in the alignment for the specified [characteristic], the variable returns the string "isnt".


Using the [yes] and [no] parameters with the ~align,isdatum~ variable allows you to replace the strings "is" and "isnt" with text that you choose.


If the characteristic is used in an Alignment, then will return the offset specified for the characteristic: A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, C1. If the characteristic is not part of an alignment, nothing will be returned.


Returns the label of the subroutine being aligned.


Returns the handedness of the routine being aligned.


Same as ~align,rout~.


Returns the routine label plus the routine key filters. This variable can be used as a unique identifier for subroutines.


The state of the alignment mode for a Sample. Will return one of the following: Aligned, NOT Aligned, or FAILED Align.


The state of the alignment mode for a Subroutine. Will return one of the following:


NOT Aligned


Using the [state] parameter with the align variable allows users to replace the strings Aligned, Failed Align, Not Aligned and No Subroutine with text that they choose.

If the variable ~align,state,Yes,No,N/A,Error~ was used, the values Yes, No, N/A and Error would be used in place of the standard value strings.

Alignment Variable Examples

Variables in a Table

Variables in a Text Box

Unresolved Variables

Resolved Variables with Alignment Mode OFF

Resolved Variables with Alignment Mode ON

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