Measurement Data Variables


Value of actual for the characteristic specified in the query.


Returns the actual value for the specified characteristic. For example ~act,pos~ returns the actual value for the Position characteristics.


Returns the label of the assigned cause, if a cause has been assigned.


Returns the comment of the assigned cause, if a cause has been assigned. See also ~cause,comment~.


Returns the label and the description of the assigned cause, if a cause has been



Can return one of the following strings:


Returns the type of the actual data.


Type of results data for the specified characteristic (Actual or Deviation).


Returns the value of the actual data.


Raw value of results data for the specified characteristic.


Returns the label for the sample resolved for the cell. For DataSets with multiple Routines, this resolves as the row number. This variable is not supported for DataStacks.


Returns the label for the sample resolved for the cell. For DataSets with multiple Routines, this variable will resolve the text of a chart axis as the Sample Label instead of the DataSet column number. This is best used with either a single feature or with Routines that have corresponding samples.

Chart Properties - Axis Text   Chart Properties - Axis Text + Variable
Single Routine   Multiple Routines   Multiple Routines with Variable  


Returns the specified filter for the sample resolved for the cell. For DataSets with multiple Routines will resolve the text of a chart axis as the Sample Label instead of the DataSet column number. This is best used with either a single feature or with Routines that have corresponding samples.


Returns the deviation value based on the query setting.


Returns the deviation value of the specified characteristic, based on the query setting.


Returns the deviation type, Vec or Car, based on the query setting.


Returns the amount of unique dates in a row.


If the samples are ordered by date, this variable returns the value 'Yes'. If the samples are not ordered by date, this variable returns the value 'No'.


Returns the label of the current sample. This is the same as ~samp,label~. When a Sample [Parameter] is appended to any sample variables, the DataSet results will be overridden and the sample signified by the sample paramter will be returned.


Returns the archive date of the sample.


Returns the number of days after the creation date until the samples are archived.


Returns the archive type of the sample: Date, Days, or Never.


Returns the creation dates of the samples in a DataSet.


Returns the creation dates of the Sample in a format specified by the specified Date parameter(s).

For example, if the date was March 14, 2002, ~samp,date,% d-%b-%Y~ would resolve to "14-MAR-2002". If the time were 08:12:59, ~samp,date,% M past % H~ would resolve to "12 past 08". See here for a complete list of parameters.


Returns the description of the sample.


Returns the effective date of the current sample.


Returns the value assigned to the sample filter associated with the sample. This variable replaced the obsolete variable, ~sample,filter,info~.


Returns the import date of the sample.


Returns the position of the sample as it exists in the Query.


Returns the sample label. This is the same as ~samp~ and is the default sample parameter.


Returns the number of the Sample’s position based on the order of Samples in the Query.


Returns the sequence number of the sample.


Returns the status of the sample:

Active - Loaded from database, displayed and used in statistical calculations.

Masked - Loaded from database and displayed, but not used in statistical calculations.

Missing - No data exists.

Hidden - Data exists, but is not loaded from database.

Archived - Not loaded from database and will be archived.


Returns the subgroup label.


Returns the sequence order within the subgroup.


Returns the sample type: Var, HVD, or Mix.


Returns the label of the current sample. This is the same as ~samp~.


Returns the serial number of the sample.


Number of samples loaded in the Query.

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