MSA Variables

See also, Measurement Systems Analysis.


Returns the measurement system analysis of a DataSet row. Same as ~msa,mvpt~ for legacy support.


Study Tolerance


Program Factor = 5.15 or 6.0


Number of Operators used in study


Number of Trials per operator used in study


Number of Parts used in study


Equipment Variation


Operator Variation


Repeatability & Reproducibility


Part Variation


Total Variation


Measurement Variation = PF * ~stddev~ (with setup) or ~stddev,e~ (without setup)


Measurement Variation as a percent of Tolerance


Equipment Variation as a percent of Total Variation


Equipment Variation as a percent of Tolerance


Operator Variation as a percent of Total Variation


Operator Variation as a percent of Tolerance


Repeatability/Reproducibility as a percent of Total Variation


Repeatability/Reproducibility as a percent of Tolerance


Part Variation as a percent of Total Variation


Part Variation as a percent of Tolerance


Update Date


Study Date


Target Minimum


Target Maximum


Study Type (With Setup, Without Setup, User Defined)


Effective Date


Status (Passed-Green [< = MSA TargetMin], May be acceptable-Yellow [between TargetMin and TargetMax], Failed-Red [> = TargetMax], Not-Done).

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