CM4D Settings

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  1. Service Endpoint
  2. Service Endpoint Properties
  3. Licensing
  4. Heartbeat Configuration

 The CM4D Settings tab contains the licensing settings and the service endpoints for the services which support CM4D applications. The endpoint services must be added and connect successfully in order to access any information obtained from those endpoints. For example, if the DataSmith Batch endpoint is not defined/connected, the DataSmith Batch Job properties cannot be displayed.

Service Endpoint

The Service Endpoint grid card lists the defined service endpoints and associated properties.


Click the three dots to open the menu of available actions for the selected row.

  • Open - Opens the Service Endpoint Properties blade.

Service Endpoint

The server URL for the service, including server name and port.

Service Name

The label assigned to the service endpoint. This label is used to identify the server hosting the DataSmith Batch service and jobs.


The type of service for the endpoint connection - DataSmith Batch, DataSmith.NET Translator or Virus Scanner.

Service Endpoint Properties

The service endpoint properties is where you enter the service connection information, including the server name, port and type.

Check Connection

Click to test the endpoint information to confirm that it connects successfully.

If on save/check connection, the endpoint fails to connect:
          - Check the endpoint URL for accuracy - connection type (http or https), server name and port.
          - Check the CM4D API service on the endpoint - if stopped, start the CM4D API service and then check the Service Endpoint connection again.

Service Endpoint URL

Enter the URL for the service, including the port (http://servername:3200/).

Service Name

Enter a name for the service. This is the label that appears in the Jobs grid in the 'Endpoint' column.


Select the endpoint service type:

  • DataSmith Batch - Connect to the machine running the DataSmith Batch Proxy service. There may be more than one of this type of endpoint if your deployment includes multiple DataSmith Batch clients.
  • DataSmith.NET Translator - Connect to the machine running the DataSmith Translator service.
  • Virus Scanner - Optional; only configure if you have a virus scanner installed that will scan files before this files are uploaded to the server for processing. For ClamAV, the port must be set to 3310. See here for more information.


The Licensing tab contains settings relating to how CM4D applications interact with the licensing server. This section does not manage the licenses themselves; licenses are managed via the Licensing plugin in ATS Configuration Manager.

See also, Licensing.

Heartbeat Configuration

The process for acquiring a license is triggered when a user logs into the CM4D Upload Portal. As long as an available license is present, the user can operate the CM4D Upload Portal.

The ATS Configuration Manager maintains a heartbeat, which is a periodic check that determines if a license obtained by a user is still in use. The ATS Licensing Server will not assign the license to another user until the current user is confirmed by the heartbeat to be disconnected.

Heartbeat Rate

The frequency at which the CM4D application interacts with the licensing server to check the current license status. The value represents milliseconds. A value is required in this field; defaults to 60000ms (1 minute).


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