Quick Reference Guide: Install ATS Security and Configuration Manager

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  1. Prepare for Installation
  2. Install ATS Security and Configuration Manager
  3. Log in to ATS Security and Configuration Manager

This guide contains the general steps for installing ATS Configuration Manager, which is a pre-requisite to installing the CM4D Configuration plugin.

For the full ATS Configuration Manager Help documentation, visit ATS-HELP.

Prepare for Installation

1. Download the ATS Security and Configuration Manager installer.

2. Download and install the required .NET Core. This is only required if you plan to run the installer on a machine that does not have an internet connection. With an internet connection, the prerequisite is downloaded during installation.


Microsoft .NET Core Hosting Bundle Runtime 2.1.7

Install ATS Security and Configuration Manager

  1. Run the ATS Security and Configuration Manager install executable (as Administrator).
  2. Click Next.
  3. Agree to the terms and conditions, then click Next.
  4. The default installation folder is C:\Program Files (x86)\Applied Tech Systems\ATS Configuration Manager\.
    1. To change the install folder, click Browse.
    2. Select the new folder and click Select Folder.
    3. Click Next.
  5. Enter the database information.
    1. Enter the Server Name, or leave the default (local) if installing on the local machine. The default (local) is automatically resolved to the computer name in the installed configuration files.
    2. Enter the user credentials to access the database. This user must have a sufficient privilege level to create and modify databases.
      1. To use the current Windows user account, leave the Trusted Connection box checked.
      2. To use a SQL login, uncheck the Trusted Connection box and enter a username and password.
    3. Set the database.
      1. To allow a new database to be created by the installer, enter a unique name.
      2. To choose an existing database, click the ellipses button and select a database from the dropdown menu.
    4. Click Test Sql Connection to confirm that the user connection is successful.
      1. If the connection is successful, click Next.
      2. If the connect fails, correct the user login and retest.
  6. Enter the database credentials that the Configuration Manager uses to access the database. This does not have to be the same as the database user entered in the previous page.
  7. To use SSL, check the box and enter the required information.
    1. Enter the SSL certificate Thumbprint.
    2. Select the IP Address.
    3. Click Next.
  8. Click Install.

Log in to ATS Security and Configuration Manager

  1. Browse to the Security Manager URL (http://servername:port/).
  2. Log in using the default username (Admin) and password (Admin2018!).
  3. When prompted, set a new password for the Admin user. Once logged in, you should also change the default Guest user password (Guest2018!).
  4. Once the password has been successfully changed, click the link to log in with the Admin account.
  5. On the Security card, click Open.
  6. Create users, roles, applicaions, etc.

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