CM4D Installations

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  1. Installers and Requirements
  2. ATS Configuration Manager
  3. CM4D Configuration Plugin
  4. CM4D Upload Portal

Installers and Requirements

The following is a summary of the various applications and services with their requirements and dependencies relating to CM4D Configuration:






ATS Security and Configuration Manager

ATS Security Configuration Manager

ATS Security Manager Service

ATS Configuration Manager Service

CM4D Configuration (plugin)

Must be able to connect to SQL Server and have SQL login credentials with admin rights to create and update the Configuration manager database.

ATS Configuration Manager Service

ATS Security Manager Service

CM4D Configuration (plugin)

ATS CM4D Upload Portal


ATS Security and Configuration Manager

Must be installed on the same machine as the ATS Security and Configuration Manager.

CM4D Upload Portal

ATS CM4D Upload Portal

ATS CM4D Upload Portal

ATS Security and Configuration Manager

Can be installed on any machine that has access to ATS Security and Configuration Manager.

Must be able to connect to SQL Server and have SQL login credentials with admin rights to create and update the Upload Portal database.


CM4D Upload Portal

ATS DataSmith Batch Proxy

ATS CM4D DataSmith Batch Proxy Service

DataSmith Batch Service

Must be installed on each machine that has the DataSmith Batch service.

ATS DataSmith Translator

ATS CM4D DataSmith Translator Service


Can be installed on any machine that has access to ATS Security and Configuration Manager.

ATS Configuration Manager

ATS Configuration Manager is the web application which contains various ATS plugins designed to configure and manage a number of ATS products (such as ATS Security and ATS Licensing).

You must have ATS Security and Configuration Manager installed and configured prior  to installing the CM4D Configuration plugin or the CM4D Upload Portal applications and/or services.

Quick Reference Guide: Install ATS Security and Configuration Manager

CM4D Configuration Plugin

CM4D Configuration is a plugin for ATS Configuration Manager which administrates the configuration and settings for CM4D applications. This plugin is installed using the CM4D Upload Portal installer and must be installed on the same machine as the ATS Configuration Manager.

Install CM4D Upload Portal and/or CM4D Configuration

CM4D Plugin

CM4D Configuration

CM4D Application and Service Deployments

CM4D Upload Portal

The CM4D Upload Portal is the web application which allows users in your group to submit data files for processing into a CM4D database. It uses two services, Upload Portal and CM4D API, to run the application and communicate with the CM4D Configuration and DataSmith services.

Quick Reference Guide: Install & Configure CM4D Upload Portal

Install CM4D Upload Portal and/or CM4D Configuration

Install DataSmith Batch Proxy

Install DataSmith Translator

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