In previous versions of ATS Inspect it was possible to create multiple database connections that could be selected from when starting an Inspect application. It is not currently possible in this version.
There are two ways in which the database connection can be modified:
Change the service that is called from the application config file (Data Service only)
Change the Database that is called from the service config file
For an overview of how services are used, see here.
Carry out the following steps:
Open Windows Explorer.
Goto C:\Program Files\Applied Tech Systems\Inspect\Applications\<application name>
Open the configuration file (eg. Cockpit.exe.config) for the application you wish to use with the new database.
Modify the following section:
<add name="<dataservice identifier>" server="<server name>" bindingType="NetTcp" basePort="<baseport number>"/>
If the same name is used in more than one connection string the application will not start.
Save and close the file.
The next time you run the application the dataservice(s) will be listed.
The service configuration file can be modified to change the target database.
Open Windows Explorer.
Goto C:\Program Files\Applied Tech Systems\Inspect\Services
Open the configuration file (eg. WcfDataServiceHost.exe.config) for the service you wish to use with the new database.
Modify the following sections:
<add name="Inspect" providerName="SQLOLEDB" connectionString="Server=<server name>;Database=<database name>;User Id=<user id>;Password=<password>;"/>
<setting name="BasePort" serializeAs="String">
The name field must be "Inspect" or the service will not work.
Save and close the file.
Restart the service.
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