
Below is a brief overview of working with Units of Measure (UoM).

1. Create UoM Classes

UoM Classes allow units of measure to be placed into groups where each item is of a similar type. This allows different UoMs to be calculated together. For example, if a production line produces 3540 kg of product an hour, but production is recorded by gramme, these can be calculated together.

UoM Classes

2. Create UoMs 

UoM Definitions contain the name and description of each unit of measure, as well as conversion rates that relate units of measure together.

UoM Definitions

3. Relate UoMs within the same class to each other

UoMs in the same Class can all be related to the Base unit when creating the UoM definitions. Each Class can have only one base unit.

4. Associate UoM to material 

When creating a material it must be assigned a UoM. When quantities are entered for the material it is always done using this UoM.

Material Definitions

5. Relate the material UoM to a UoM in a different Class

UoMs in different Classes can be related together for each material. For example, for material A a Packet may be equivalent to 100 grams, whereas for material B a Packet may be equivalent to 150 grams.

Material Definitions

6. Set Design Speed for Work Unit

The Design Speed is the maximum rate of production for each Work Unit and material combination. This allows calculations for productivity to be carried out.

Design Speed

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