What's New?

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  1. User interface / usability improvements
  2. Plugin installation
  3. User right management
  4. New configuration capabilities
  5. Developer support
  6. Security update
  7. Documentation
  8. Application installation
  9. New Plugin

User interface / usability improvements

Plugin layout is updated following changes to ATS Design System guidelines.

New colour palette implemented for the dark and light themes.

Settings blade is split into three separate blades.

Application configuration upload errors trigger an error message, which is now visible to the user in the application blade.

Plugin installation

Optimised process for plugin installation and reading plugin scopes.

User right management

New user rights analysis report: List of assigned rights for a user per application.

New effective rights analysis report: List of assigned rights for an application, per user.

The new application right ‘ResetUserPassword’ grants the reset password administrative permission to a user.

New getRoles API for 3rd party applications that returns a list of role names and ids.

New configuration capabilities

All Settings data now can be seeded into the database from appsettings json file.

New login form option to show only external providers(s) to log in. 

New environment identification property. The environment identification is shown in the application header.

Developer support

ATS Security Manager now offers APIs for webhooks integration.

New API to support health probes.

Security update

ATS Configuration Manager uses authorisation code flow plus PKCE to authenticate against ATS Security Manager.


Updated documentation for appsettings properties.

Application installation

Support for proxy configuration during installation.

Installation location changed to Program Files x64 folder instead of x86.

New Plugin

ATS Start: The application is a landing page that provides a single point of access to all of the available ATS applications in addition to a configurable download file area.

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