Select the Plants tab.
Click Stations.
A list of the existing stations is displayed.
Select Data Collect from the drop-down list above the right-hand pane.
If you are looking for existing Data Collect stations you can also filter using the Area drop-down list.
Click the add icon
() below the right-hand
The station creation dialog opens.
Select the General tab.
The General tab can be completed as follows.
In the Description field enter the unique station name. The text here will be displayed at the station and in reports.
If required, enter a description in another language by selecting the language from the drop-down list and clicking the add icon (). You can then enter a description in that language.
Enter the unique station identifier in the Code field.
Select the Area and Cell where the station is located.
Ensure the Active checkbox is enabled. Only active stations can have defects entered on the plant floor.
Now go to the Properties Tab.
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