What is ATS Reporting

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  1. Configuration
  2. Portal
    1. Basic interaction concepts of ATS Reporting Portal


The ATS Reporting configuration plug-in in ATS Configuration Manager, or simply ATS Reporting, is used to configure the content of the ATS Reporting Portal which includes:

Configuration of reporting sources

Organization of the Reports menu

Configuration of report parameters

Configuration of report security (Security Classes)

To access ATS Reporting either click the Reporting title or the Open shortcut link of the Reporting card on the ATS Configuration Manager home page.


The ATS Reporting Portal is a web interface for organising and viewing reports from multiple reporting sources.  Reports are presented in a multi-document (tabbed) structure with the ability to change report parameters. Supported source types include:

Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services

Web pages

CM4D (pdf) reports

The ATS Reporting plug-in in ATS Configuration Manager is used for configuration of reporting sources, reports menu and report parameters for the Reporting Portal as well as the security configuration of the reports in the reports menu.

Basic interaction concepts of ATS Reporting Portal

Main menu

The main menu of the portal has two options Favorites and Reports. These menu items can be collapsed to show only icons for the menu options or expanded to display the menu item labels using the following icon.

Collapsed view


Expanded view

The organisation of the reports in the Reports menu is configured in the reporting plug-in. Users can only view reports to which they have been assigned the proper right i.e. the report security class through ATS Security.

Users of ATS Reporting Portal have the ability to create and organise a personal Favorites menu using items from the Reports menu. Reports that are in Favorites appear marked as favorites in the Reports menu. Once a report is removed from the Reports menu in the configuration plug-in the matching Favorite item is automatically removed.

Report viewer

The report viewer takes the central position of the ATS Reporting portal user interface. Here reports are loaded from the Reports or Favorites menu.

Every report is loaded in its own tab, all opened tabs are available in a tabs list. For the active tab the content of the report is displayed in the tab content window.

Tabs have parameter panel on the right which displays the report parameters and can be expanded or collapsed.

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