Manage Message Definitions

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  1. About Message Definitions
  2. Creating a Message Definition
    1. Adding general Information
    2. Adding Fields

About Message Definitions

Message Definitions act as templates when adding messages to a Channel. The message definition converts a channel message into a shopfloor message that is used internally. They store the tag values based on the class type specified in the message definition that the channel message refers to. This classifies (contextualizes) the data and tells the user what kind of data is stored in the tag.

Shopfloor messages

By using message definitions the user is able to re-use the same connection information in multiple channels. For example, if the same data is required from the same equipment located in several different work cells then the user can create a message definition that specifies where to collect the data from on the equipment. Then when the user wants to connect a piece of equipment to a bus stop they just need to specify the hostname of the equipment, select the message definition to use and connect the message definition fields with the shopfloor equipment tags.

The message definition contains the following information:

Data direction: Upload (from shopfloor to bus stop) or Download (from bus stop to shopfloor).

Message Fields: Contain the class type (for location within B2MML structure) and data type.

The messages created here are only used to communicate with equipment on the factory floor. Messages exchanged between Bus Stops and the Bus are configured automatically and cannot be modified in Cockpit.

Creating a Message Definition

Select the OT Bus Stop tab.

Click Messages.

A list of the existing message types is shown.

Click Add.

A new window opens.

Adding general Information

Enter a name for the message definition.

Enter a description in the default language.

Adding Fields

Select the Fields tab.

Click Add.

A new window opens.

Select a Class Type. This is the type of data that is going to be collected and allows non-standardised data from the shop floor to be standardised within the B2MML structure.

Select a Data Type. This specifies the data format.

Enter a Name.

If required enter an Index for the message field. The index is required if more than one equipment is included in the message.

Enter a Description in the default language.

Click OK.

The field is added to the message definition.

Click Save.

The message definition is saved.

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