ReportTweak Toolbar

The Report toolbar contains the 5 buttons used for ReportTweak operations.


·        Enables ReportTweak mode

·        Gives feedback on the state of your Report by highlighting all associated annotation

·        Except for Tweak Analysis, all other buttons in the Report toolbar are disabled until Toggle is activated


·        Creates a Report from the selected annotation

§        If the selected annot is already part of an existing ReportTweak, the report will be activated

§        If the selected annot is part of an Auto Report or a Chain, Report Tweak will create a report using all associated annotation

·        All layouts will be retained

·        All annotation associations, such as DataSets, Buddies, styles, etc. will be retained

·        To enable the Activate button:

§        Report Tweak must be toggled

§        A valid annotation must be selected


·        An annotation is added to the report for each row in the DataSet that does not already have an annotation

·        All added annotation will be highlighted in blue and will not turn green until:

§        the Add Annot button is clicked a second time, or

§        the document is saved

·        If the annot are not connected to a datasource (for example, if the feature key changes) and are considered invalid (red) annot, clicking Add Annot will re-connect them.


·        Removes any invalid (red) annotation

·        Deletes all duplicate (fuchsia) annotation, leaving only one copy of each annot

Tweak Analysis

·        Opens the Tweak Analysis dialog which shows all annotation in the report

·        Supplies information such as:

§        Sheet

§        Annot type

§        Label

§        DataSet

§        Use (Feature or Row)