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A Site is a collection of DataSources and Managed Documents. DataSources and Managed Documents cannot belong to more than one Site. Information about a Site is stored in a Site Database. Site Databases are controlled by Site Manager.

In the Site tab of the Site Manager user interface you can create, modify, or delete Sites and site images. When a Site is selected from the list on the left, the properties of the selected site will be displayed in the grid field to the right.

New Site

To create a new Site:

1.     Click the New Site button located on the bottom left corner of the Site Manager interface.

2.     A default new Site will appear called "Site1 (Site1)" along with a grid of Site Information on the right.

3.     In the Grid, enter the following information:

a.     Label: Enter a Site Label

b.     Code: Enter a Site Code

·        A site code must be unique - another site can not share the same site code

·        Do not attempt to change an already existing site code

c.      Description: Enter a Description (optional)

d.     Change Logging: If you are going to be using Process Change Logging with your Site, set this to On (The default selection for new Sites is "Off"

i.        To use Process Change Logging, you must have the following three requirements:

(1)  The Change Log needs to be enabled at the Site level

(2)  The Default Site for the user needs to be a Site which has the Change Log enabled

(3)  The Change Log Manager and Disable Change Log privileges need to be assigned to a Group which this user is a member of.

e.     Site UNC Path: If you are using a UNC Path for your Site, enter that path here

f.        New Site Image: This option is obsolete.

4.     Click Save to apply and save your settings.

Modify a Site

You can modify all of the information of an existing site except for the Site Code.

To modify the site:

1.     Select it from the list

2.     To modify the Label, delete the existing text and type a new label

3.     In the Change Logging field, set to either On or Off using the dropdown menu

4.     To modify the Description, delete the existing description and type a new description

5.     A new image can be selected by clicking () button, and browsing to the new image

6.     Click the Save button to apply and save any changes.

Current Site Image

The Current Site Image region shows the image that is currently associated with the selected Site. If no image is assigned, this region will remain blank.

Delete Site Image

To remove the image currently associated to the selected Site, click the Delete Site Image button. Later, if you want to re-assign an image to that Site, you can do so using the New Site Image field in the Site Information grid.

Delete a Site

If you delete a site, you will no longer be able to use the site, or any of the DataSources it contained. The routine codes of all of the routines will no longer exist and can not be recovered. Any managed documents which previously appeared in the Managed Documents list, will no longer be managed and will be not be shown in the list. The documents will still exist in the folder where they are stored, but you will no longer be able to use them as managed documents.