Upgrading an Installation

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An upgrade is done when there is a major version change, such as going from v16.5 to v20.0. Typically, an upgrade requires a new installation of CM4D and a schema upgrade for both the Site and CM4D DataSource databases. This is only a simple example and your local CM4D Administrator or DBA's should always be consulted.

Upgrading CM4D Server

To upgrade a CM4D Server Installation, follow this general guideline:

1.     Backup any existing CM4D database(s) that you will be upgrading to the new schema.

2.     Backup the folder containing your current CM4D installation.

a.     Particularly, the following files:

i.        CM4D.ini

ii.      CM4D.4ds

iii.    CM4DLauncher.settings

iv.   CM4DScheduler.settings

v.      DataSmithBatch.settings

3.     Stop the following application services:

a.     CM4D Launcher

b.     CM4D Scheduler

c.      DataSmith Batch

d.     EventSmith

4.     Stop the ATS License Server Service.

5.     Uninstall the current version of CM4D.

6.     Reboot your computer.

7.     Run the installation for the version you are upgrading to.

8.     Upgrade your Site database schema (if required).

9.     Upgrade your CM4D database schema(s) (if required).

10.  License your new CM4D installation.

11.  Reboot your computer.

12.  Start the ATS License Server service.

13.  Copy the backed up configuration files (4ds, ini, etc.) into the CM4D install folder.

14.  Start your application services.

15.  Check DbConnect to make sure that you can still connect to the database.

16.  Upgrade all CM4D Client systems (see below).

Upgrading CM4D Client

To upgrade a CM4D Client Installation, follow this general guideline:

1.     Backup any existing CM4D database(s) that you will be upgrading to the new schema.

2.     Backup the folder containing your current CM4D installation.

a.     Particularly, the following files:

i.        CM4D.ini

ii.      CM4D.4ds

3.     Uninstall the current version of CM4D.

4.     Reboot your computer.

5.     Run the installation for the version you are upgrading to

6.     Upgrade your Site database schema (if required).

7.     Upgrade your CM4D database schema(s) (if required).

8.     License your new CM4D installation.

9.     Reboot your computer.

10.  Copy the backed up configuration files (4ds, ini, etc.) into the CM4D install folder.

11.  Check DbConnect to make sure that you can still connect to the database.

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