Graph Types

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XBar & R

XBar & S

X & MR


Box & Whisker

The various components of the Box & Whisker graph are labelled in the following example:

Six Sigma





Benchmark Graphs display the results of comparing data within a specified grouping, such as a DataSet or DataStack. Benchmarks provide a method of comparing data within a specific grouping, such as in a DataSet or DataStack. How the data is compared will depend on what is selected as the Score type.

Select Score

In the Graph properties, you need to select a Score for the Benchmark. Scores are useful in areas where data needs to be converted to a score, grade, or tally. Scores can be used for CM4D DataStack evaluation operations such as the Score and Benchmark operations. Scores are also used to apply table and chart styles and to create benchmark graphs.

Reverse Score Order

When the Reverse Score Order check box is selected, the order of the score applied to the graph will be reversed so that information that was previously presented first will now be presented last in the graph. This option is available for Benchmark Graph types only.


What is called a Target chart in CM4D is sometimes referred to as a Scatter Diagram or Scatter Plot in general SPC terminology. Target charts plot variables on both axes, rather than only one axis (like with a Trend chart). Limit lines are displayed as circles around the points. Styles of limit lines and markers can be edited like any other chart.


When setting up the Graph properties for a Target, you have to specify two variables for the Graph Characteristics in the Setup dialog. Select the first characteristic for the vertical axis and the 2nd for the horizontal axis. Show/Hide

Special Use - Polar Charts

Polar Charts in CM4D are a special kind of Target Chart used specifically for reporting Polar data. See the topic Polar Charts for more information.



A special kind of Target chart. See the topic Polar Charts for more information.