View Feature Mode

View Annotation have several Feature Modes that can be used to display data and markers in different ways.

·        Standard – the default Feature Markers are used to display the Nominal values. See here for more information.

·        Actual – displays special Feature Markers for the Actual data. Feature Markers for the Actual mode are predefined (cannot be changed) shapes and colors, enhanced from the standard feature markers to display Actual data in a specific, analytical way. Views in this mode must have a DataSet as the DataSource, and support for this mode is limited as it is only available for specific Feature/Characteristic combinations. See here for more information on Actual Feature Mode.

·        Animated Alignment – while in Edit Mode, the 3D model/image moves to show animation of the part Alignment. A report with this type of View Feature Mode can be output as an animated GIF either as a standalone image, or set as the Sheet Image Type for Event alarm notification attachments. When the Sheet used as a Report thumbnail has this type of View, the Report thumbnail created will be an animated GIF as well.