The Menu Bar contains CM4D's menus. Each menu lists several related selections, and each selection performs a specific action. Not all of the menu bar functions available in CM4D will be available in CM4Di. Refer to the CM4Di Help Documentation for more information.
At the left end of the menu bar is the Document Window icon, which you use to access the Document Window Control menu. Double clicking on the Document Window icon closes the current document. At the right end of the menu bar is the Document Minimize button, Maximize/Restore button, and Exit button.
Open a menu by clicking on it, or by pressing the Alt key plus the letter that is underlined in the menu's title. For example, to open the File Menu, you would press Alt+ F. Choose a menu selection by clicking on it, pressing its underlined letter, or by using the arrow keys to highlight it and then pressing Enter.
Menus and selections that are not currently available appear in gray. Items are made available when CM4D determines the need for their access.
When you highlight a menu selection, CM4D displays a brief description of the selection in the status bar. If you press F1, CM4D will open this help file to the appropriate topic.
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