Program Fixes in CM4D v23

Topic ContentsTopic Contents
  1. v23.6.5.904
  2. v23.6.4.900
  3. v23.6.3.900
  4. v23.6.2.900
  5. v23.6.1.900
  6. v23.6.0.901
  7. v23.5.2.900
  8. v23.5.1.900
  9. v23.5.0.900
  10. v23.4.5.900
  11. v23.4.4.900
  12. v23.4.3.900
  13. v23.4.2.900
  14. v23.4.1.900
  15. v23.4.0.900
  16. v23.2.0.900
  17. v23.1.12.900
  18. v23.1.11.900
  19. v23.1.10.900
  20. v23.1.7.900
  21. v23.1.6.900
  22. v23.1.4.900
  23. v23.1.3.901
  24. v23.1.2.900


Corrected item

What it means

Border/Line Thickness

The lines and borders in a printed report appear thicker than in previous versions using eDoc Printer.

EventSmith Configs

The config files for the standalone version of EventSmith SMTP contain connection information such as database strings, usernames and passwords. These files are not encrypted an may expose sensitive information.

Feature Marker Refresh

The 3D view does not load the feature markers until the template is refreshed (Query - Refresh From Database).

Incorrect Alignment Results

Alignment is reporting incorrect XYZ. Results of alignment in CM4D are different from CMM measurements.

Note: This change also addresses an issue reported where the error was magnified the further away the point was from perpendicular to a major plane.

Fixed in v24.2 and provided here as a hot fix.

Scheduler Report Order

Some Scheduler reports are printed out of order.


Corrected item

What it means

Memory Leak

Scheduler CM4D clients appear to hold onto memory even if the jobs have finished.


Corrected item

What it means

Printed PDFs Missing Objects Created with Scipts

When using scripts to create objects (such as chart or graph annotation) and then printing the report results in some of the newly created objects not showing in the printed report.

Note: The bug was a refresh issue with printing documents with unsaved changes via scripts, not a problem with whichever printer was used to generate the PDF.

Variables with Special Characters Do Not Resolve

Variables with # and ^ (for example: {#~dev~}) are not working for text and chart annotations.

CM4D Printer Prints without Filename

When using Print or Print Direct, the ATS CM4D Printer creates a file without a name (file extension only).

Scheduler Reports Missing Pages with ATS CM4D Printer

Some Scheduler reports printed with ATS CM4D Printer are missing pages.

CM4D Printer Uses One Client

Jobs are processed only by one Client at one time (even if more are available) when reports are printed by ATS CM4D Printer.


Corrected item

What it means

Manual Sample Selection

There is no way to sequence (order) the manually select samples from Sample selection Dialogue box, if we select the samples manually from Right hand side to left hand side of the dialog.

Solution: A new ‘Order by’ option has been added to the Sample Load dialog. See New Features above for details.

Preprocessor RTF Crash

DataSmith crashes when adding a file to a Config that uses the RTF preprocessor option.


Corrected item

What it means

Constructed Features Missing Characteristics

Values of constructed features do not match previous version in same template and database.

Specific Customer Document Does Not Open

On open, a specific document generates an infinate loop of access violations when attempting to connect to the database.

Loading Subroutines Crashes Document

CM4D crashes after creating a new document and loading all Subroutines in a query.


CM4D Classic

Corrected item

What it means

Hatch Size

The size options for the Hatch brush style are obsolete; there is only a default hatch size. The option has been removed from the dialog.

Sift Rules for P/S/T Toleranced or Significant

Sift Rules are not applied correctly for combinations of Primary, Secondary or Tertiary with Toleranced or Significant.


Corrected item

What it means

Mangle Lookup from File

The Mangle option for Lookup from File does not work.


CM4D Classic

Corrected item

What it means

API Query Routine Label Strings

The Routine name is not set correctly using the following API calls:

  • query.OracleRoutineLabel
  • query.DataSourceRoutineLabel
  • query.SQLRoutineLabel

NOTE: This bug was only present in v21.5.1.901.

Document Defaults Leave Empty Option for Variables

The variable formatting option ‘Leave Empty’ in the Document Defaults does not display correctly if the DataSet is empty. For a DataSet with no rows, the unresolved variable remains in the annotation.

Double Percent Sign Displayed in Table Column Headers

There is an error in a Table that has the DataSet Setup option ‘Col Header’ selected and set to ‘Percent of Event Conformers/Non-Conformers’. Using this setup, the column headers display the percent sign twice.

CM4D Print – eDocPrinter Only Prints Last Page

CM4D Print option 'Print Document' prints only last page of document when eDocPrinter is used.

Scheduler Report Print – eDocPrinter Only Prints Last Page

Scheduler Report contains only the last page of document when eDocPrinter is used. Same issue is also seen in CM4D Web reports.

Variables in Table Displayed Incorrectly

Variables in a table are not displayed correctly. The table is configured with one cell with the following variables/string:

Total: ~dataset,totalcount~ Hi: {(~dataset,hi~)*2} Lo: {(~dataset,lo~)*2} No. OOT: ~dataset,nonconformcount~

This same variable configuration in a text box displays correctly.


CM4D Classic

Corrected item

What it means

Export Data Function Malfunctions

The Export Data option 'Content of Dataset cells into CSV' does not format the csv file properly.

TFS #63069


Corrected item

What it means

Feature Columns Export as Question Marks

When you export to *.csv file from Features page, three columns (Mark Align, Mark Material and Violator Analysis Type) are exported as question marks.

TFS #60396


CM4D Classic

Corrected item

What it means

Commented API does not return strings

Strings are not returned when ‘obj.Doc.ShowDocument();’ is commented out.

Picture annot does not support PNG

The picture object does not allow .PNG files to be loaded.

API - Unable to change Graph scale (Horizontal and Vertical)

Setting the scale on charts and graphs via the API does not appear to be working.

Note: The QaDoc API method to update the document is overkill for many situations as it resets both annotations and datasets (very expensive for performance). API code that just changes annotations, for example, has no need to update datasets. Added individual methods to update just annotations or just datasets to the QaDoc object:

  • UpdateAnnots();
  • UpdateDataSets();

Auto-Orient Crash

CM4D crashes on document open if there is a View with Auto-Orient set to Zoom Feature and only one Feature is loaded.

Zoom to Features

Zoom to features zooms in too close if only one feature is selected.


CM4D Classic

Corrected item

What it means

2D images not loading in Picture annotation

Picture annotation does not load any 2D image formats (JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP). Existing images are not loaded, and you cannot load an image file in a new picture annotation.


CM4D Classic

Corrected item

What it means

~dev~ Trend chart error

Trend charts are only displaying the first digit of the sample deviation value for the first reported sample. All other samples are showing the proper number of digits and decimals. The charts are using the ~dev~ variable for the horizontal plot space.


Corrected item

What it means

DataSmith Sample Month Association

A translator that has sample month and year associated separately always exports the month as January, regardless of what month value is picked up from the data file.


CM4D Classic

Corrected item

What it means

Align Variables

Align variables are showing zeros instead of text in existing templates

Lead Character None

Lead Character None is not working properly.

Load Array Sheet Performance

Opening the Array sheet can take a long time to load in Classic or print in Scheduler.

See the New Feature – Feature Cache.

Variable: Cell

The variable ~cell~ does not resolve.

Variable: Count

In existing documents, the following Count variables are not resolving the correct value (always show zero):

  • ~count~
  • ~subgroup~
  • ~totalcount~
  • ~validcount~
  • ~invalidcount~
  • ~nospeccount~
  • ~outofspeccount~

Variable: Sample Label

Variable ~sample,label~ gives wrong results in existing template (showing text but not integers).


Corrected item

What it means

DataSource Dropdown

The DataSource dropdown is not fully shown in the toolbar.


CM4D Classic

Corrected item

What it means

Comma as Decimal

Region settings that use a comma as the decimal symbol have issues when inputting numeric values in documents.

Solution: See New Feature: Document Locale Setting.

Sheet Propagation Crash

When you are creating new SheetSet and use Sheet Propagation CM4Dc crashes.

Solution: This option is now disabled when creating a new SheetSet. It does not make sense to run the Sheet Propagation until the content of the first Sheet is configured properly.

Assign Material Crash

CM4Dc crashes after opening Assign Material to this Feature dialog.

Line Properties

In the Line properties, the input fields do not accept a decimal separator (period or comma).

CM4D Interactive

Corrected item

What it means

Transpose is not Supported

Transposed DataSets are not supported in CM4Di reports. A report using a transposed DataSet appears differently in Classic than it does in Interactive.

Solution: Transposed DataSets can only be used in SheetSets with the Interactive Usage Type - Summary.

CM4D Scheduler

Corrected item

What it means

Comma as Decimal

If you run job in Scheduler Manager with an *.xgl image in a region that uses a comma as the decimal separator, it shows an error message in trace and printed pdf is without image.


Corrected item

What it means

Images with Comma as Decimal

If you select an *.xgl image in a region that uses a comma as the decimal separator, it shows an error message and does not load the image preview


CM4D Classic

Corrected item

What it means

DataStack Evaluation Conformance Summary The “Evaluate on Current Process Only” check box does not stay checked consistently.

DataStack Evaluations DataSet Variable, Row Variable and Sift Rule Variable

Setup for Evaluation Dataset Variable, Evaluation Row variable and Evaluation Sift Rule Variable is not persistent.

If you enter a variable in the Setup and save the document, after reopening the Setup dialog is empty and DataStack does not work.

DataStack Performance DataStacks that reference other DataSets can perform poorly.
CM4D Scheduler

Corrected item

What it means

New Jobs Fail First job (can be more if you create them all at once) will be successful, but afterwards every new job will fail, until you restart Scheduler service then it will successfully process that job.


CM4D Classic

Corrected item

What it means

Chart Axis Sample Labels Turn to Numbers A Chart to display PIST displays Sample labels on the horizontal axis. This works until a Process Baseline is created. The Chart has a DataStack as a DataSource, which is set to "Conformance Summary, Conform Count". Solution: See new feature DataStack Conformance Calculations. New Language DLLs are required.
CM4D Interactive

Corrected item

What it means

Double-click View to Edit Cannot double-click on a view in CM4D Interactive to edit a view.
CM4D Scheduler

Corrected item

What it means

Scheduler Performance

Some improvements have been made to make Scheduler more efficient in the way it processes jobs through the queue and communicates with its clients.

This modification will not speed up the job processing time. However, large Scheduler implementations with many Jobs and multiple Launcher clients should see better efficiency in the way the system runs and fewer bottlenecks in the job queue.

Low Quality PDF Resolution

PDFs generated with Scheduler (via QuickPDF) are not readable due to the low-resolution quality.

Solution: Re-instated eDoc PDF Printer.

Gray View Backgrounds in PDF

Views in PDFs reports have a faint gray background instead of the white sheet color.

Solution: Re-instated eDoc PDF Printer.


CM4D Classic

Corrected item

What it means

Performance decrease from older version Some reports using specific formats or styles appear to load slower than in older versions.
Wireframes disappear after Old View conversion When old views (v10) with wireframe document images are converted to new views, the wireframe image disappears (view layers were not saved with the conversion).
Document File Size and Performance

All annotation settings, styles and DataSources are saved even if those settings are not used. Temporary table cells are saved with the document when not necessary.

Solution: Not saving the unused components significantly decreases the .4dc file size and increases the load/save load times. To apply this fix, open the CM4D document, save it in this version and close the document. On re-open, you will see the performance increase.

Image Load Time Variable

The variable ~load,imagetime~ does not return a value.


Corrected item

What it means

Preprocessing Options Selection of preprocesses is confusing in Config properties. If you check/uncheck any combination of preprocesses Excel free is available/unavailable.


CM4D Classic

Corrected item

What it means

PDF Resolution Quality Printed PDfs in v23 have lower resolution quality than v21. Solution: Added an option to the cm4d.ini file for adjusting the resolution for PDFs printed with the embedded QuickPDF. In the [defaults] section of the cm4d.ini file, add the following line:

PDFDPI = 600

Enter a value for the resolution (for example, '600' is 600dpi). You may need to try different resolutions to determine the best quality and system performance. Note that a higher resolution will result in larger PDF file sizes.

Document Performance Some documents take a long time to open and save.
Chinese Characters Chinese characters saved in a v21 document do not display correctly after it is saved in v23.


CM4D Classic

Corrected item

What it means

Decimal Separator Issues for Internationalization Systems with a Windows Region/Language setting that uses a comma as the decimal symbol have some issues in several areas of CM4D:
  • Conditional Styles

  • DataSet Formats

  • DataStack Evaluation Scores

  • MSA Results

  • Score Styles

  • Sift Rule Conditions

  • Sift Rule Sorting

Note: CM4D will now fully support the Windows system region/language settings, including region customizations. Part of this fix includes a change to DataSmith that may require some manual translator migration.

Corrected item

What it means

Removed Decimal Separator

The Config property for setting a decimal separator has been removed. The Locale setting will now determine what symbol is used as the decimal separator in the data file to be read into the database. DataSmith uses the default settings for the selected locale, not the Windows system locale settings.

Note: This change may require changing your translator config properties to use a locale if you relied on the decimal separator in past versions. When a translator is opened for the first time in this version, a warning message will appear: “Configurations no longer support the decimal separator setting. Please check and set each Configuration local as appropriate!”

Adjust the Config properties as needed to the correct Locale and save the translator to clear the warning message. See here for information on the Config Locale Settings.


CM4D Classic

Corrected item

What it means

DataStack Events Email notifications are not received for DataStacks that use the Row/DataSet Variable evaluations to generate events.


CM4D Classic

Corrected item

What it means

Sample Query Last Year Error When the ‘Load During’ Sample query option is set to yearly, an error message shows in the trace window and the query fails.
Missing Read-Only Message In previous versions, if a document was opened that was already opened by another instance of CM4D, a message box would appear stating so. That message box no longer appears, and is causing issue when a user makes changes and then tries to save.
Horizontal Scaling in Charts Horizontal scale increments in charts only works if there is one query in the document.
CM4D Freezes on Routine Load In specific cases, loading a routine causes CM4D to freeze.


CM4D Classic

Corrected item

What it means

JT Images Crash CM4D crashes when a routine with multiple JT images is loaded.
Report Printing Performance Performance issue with printing scheduled reports or trying to open Array sheet in CM4D Classic. The report either takes a very long time to print or does not print at all.
When Dataset Sort Rows function is on the Purge Unused Report Features does not work correctly Annotation are not pointing to Feature Markers in the View. When the Purge Unused Features option is enabled on the View, but the DataSet is using the Sort Rows function, annotation are not reflecting the sorting. As a result annotation are not syncing with the feature markers being shown in the View, and at times have a leader line that connects to a point without a feature marker.
Sample Variable Performance Resolving the variables ~samp,old~ and ~samp,new~ causes performance issues, especially when using a large number of Samples.
Timing Logs Not Populated When the timing log is enabled, a log file is created but has no content.
CM4D Scheduler

Corrected item

What it means

Report Name Variables Variables such as ~rout~, ~samp~ and ~samp,active~ are not resolving when used as part of Managed Report Name.
Event Alarm Templates Crash When a template that has event alarms set up is run through Scheduler, CM4D crashes.


CM4D Classic

Corrected item

What it means

Undo AutoReport Crash

Undoing an AutoReport Layout causes CM4D to crash.

Spectrum Not Working for ~dev~

The variable ~dev~ is not working for the Spectrum functionality.

JT Images Crash

CM4D crashes when a routine with multiple JT images is loaded.

Crash on opening Feature Properties dialog

When a document has routine (which has 3d image assigned) and there is no View on the currently active sheet it crashes cm4d on Trying to open Edit Feature dialog.

Cannot create/edit Limits for Subroutines

When editing Subroutine Features, the Create/Edit Limits button in the Feature Editor does not work.

Cannot identify the source Routine of a Subroutine feature

When selecting Features of a Subroutine in the Alignment dialog, the Feature key includes the Subroutine Key. For Features relying on Handedness of a source Routine, it is impossible to differentiate the Features when selecting them as Alignment datums.

Note: Now the Source Routine Key will be shown instead of the Subroutine Key.

CM4D Interactive

Corrected item

What it means

Empty Sticky Report list

If the Query Control dialog is opened via the “Find Routine” right-click option in the nav tree, the Sticky Report dropdown list for that Routine appears empty.

View Edit Mode – Single Click

Views go into Edit Mode using a single click, so features cannot be selected within the view.

CM4D Scheduler

Corrected item

What it means

Report Name Variables

Variables such as ~rout~, ~samp~ and ~samp,active~ are not resolving when used as part of Managed Report Name.

Cannot select Managed Reports with space bar

In v20, Managed Documents could be checked/unchecked for a job in Scheduler Manager using the spacebar on the keyboard. Once Managed Reports replaced Managed Documents in v21, the spacebar can no longer be used to select Managed Reports for a job.


CM4D Scheduler

Corrected item

What it means

PDF Pages Not Printing

When PDF reports with multiple SheetSets are printed, only the last SheetSet is printed.


CM4D Classic

Corrected item

What it means

Some tables are still ignoring Cell Style/Format

The Format options of the Cell Style properties of some Tables are not applied when using a DataStack (Merge: Append or Collate) as the DataSource.

Classic and Interactive showing differences on Distribution Analysis

Histogram and Normality charts are showing a difference between CM4D Classic and CM4D Interactive.

Grid does not show rows sorted when the DataSet “Sort Rows” is selected

When the DataSet General Additional Processing option “Sort Rows” is used, the grid does not show the applicable sorting. Instead of sorting by the entered variable, it remains sorting by the default alphabetical.

CM4D Interactive

Corrected item

What it means

Cannot double-click Views to put into Edit Mode

Double-clicking on a View no longer puts the view into Edit mode to allow for active manipulation of the 3D image.


Corrected item

What it means

Cells with long strings appear in scientific notation

Using the Advanced Excel Library (Excel Free) Preprocessor, cells in the Excel file containing long strings appear in scientific notation when processed by DataSmith.


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