Site Management - Sites

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  1. Add New Site
  2. Site Properties


The Sites grid blade contains the Sites within the CM4D Site database. You can create a new Site or edit an existing Site. The Sites listed here are the options available for selection when creating CM4D Data Sources in the Managed DataSources tab.

What is a Site?What is a Site?A Site manages CM4D resources from the highest level, including CM4D Databases, Managed documents or Reports, user access privileges and global settings. Managed DataSources, Documents and Reports cannot belong to more than one Site. Generally, a Site would include all databases, etc. for a physical location or region. For example, a company may have one Site for factories in North America and one Site for factories located in Asia. Depending on the size of the company, multiple Sites for multiple factories throughout a region such as Europe may be more practical. A Site can be one of many such partitions within a single CM4D Site database object.

Sites created in Site Manger (the desktop CM4D application) appear here on Refresh, and Sites created here in the CM4D Config plug will appear in Site Manager the next time the desktop application is opened.

Actions Click the three dots  more-vertical to open the menu of available actions for the selected row.
  • arrow-up-right Open - Opens the Edit Site tabbed blade for the selected row.
  • trash Delete - Deletes the Site record. This operation does not delete the Site database object in SQL Server. If you delete a Site, you will no longer be able to use the Site or any of the DataSources it contained. The Routine Codes of all of the routines will no longer exist and can not be recovered. Any Managed Documents or Managed Reports, which previously appeared in the Managed Documents/Report lists, will no longer be managed and will be not be shown in the list. The CM4D documents will still exist in the folder where they are stored, but you will no longer be able to use them as managed documents unless the document is re-managed.

You should only delete a site when you no longer want to use it, or any of its Managed DataSources. If there is a possibility that you may want to use the Site, or any of its Managed DataSources, do not delete it!

Description An optional description field for the Site. This could be used to provide a brief summary of the area or project scope of the Managed DataSources which will be assigned to this Site. The description is only used for organization/identification in this grid.
Site Label The label of the Site. This label is used in various areas throughout CM4D when selecting DataSources. For example, you select a Site from a dropdown before choosing a CM4D Managed DataSource when you output data from DataSmith.

Add New Site

New Sites can be added by clicking the  plus  Add button in the top right of the Sites card. Enter the properties of the new Site in the form blade. The Add Site blade contains the same fields as the Site Properties blade.

  1. Click Add to create a new Site connection.
  2. In the Properties blade, enter the following information:
    1. Site Label: Enter a label for the Site.
    2. Site Code: Enter a Site Code. This string is used as the prefix for Routine Codes to create unique identifiers in the Site; this must be unique within the Site database.
    3. Description: Optional informational text about the database.
    4. Change Logging: Turn the Process Change Logging on or off.
    5. UNC Path: Enter the UNC path to be used by default in CM4D applications connected to this Site.
  3. Click Save.


Site Properties

The Site Properties blade contains the information about the Site. All fields, except for the Site Code, can be modified.

Change Logging Enable or disable Process Change Logging for the Site database. The database permissions Change Log Manager and Disable Change Log privileges must also to be assigned to a group for users requiring Admin access to Change Log control. Off is the default setting.
Description [Optional] Informational display text about the database.
Site Code This string is used as the prefix for automatically generated Routine Codes to create unique identifiers within the Site; this must be unique within the CM4D Site database.
Site Label The label of the Site. This must be unique within the CM4D Site database.
UNC Path [Optional] The default UNC path assigned throughout CM4D applications connected to this Site.


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