Quick Install - Manual Configuration

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  1. CM4D Services Setup
  2. CM4D Service Users
  3. EventSmith SMTP Configuration

The Quick Install option for installing CM4D requires you to manually configure your settings once the installation is complete. The information provided here is only intended to guide you through the configuration options that are otherwise provided via the 'Configure and Install' installation type. Any typical post-installation setup/configuration is not covered in this topic.

This topic also applies if you choose 'Configure and Install' but leave any of the fields blank or need to change the user.

If there are any of the following CM4D services that are not included in your install type (Server or Client) or that you are not using, you do not need to complete the configuration for that component. For example, if you do not use EventSmith, you do not need to complete the DataConnect and EventSmith configurations.

CM4D Services Setup

  1. Go to Administrative Tools > Services.
  2. Right-click a service and select Properties.
    1. Go to the Log On tab.
    2. In the Log on as section, select This account.
    3. Enter the User credentials for the user account that will run the CM4D service.
    4. Click OK.
  3. Repeat for each CM4D Service.
  4. Once all CM4D services are configured, close Services.

If your Domain users are required to change their passwords periodically, you will also need to update the CM4D services Log On passwords manually. The Windows service logon passwords do not get updated automatically through the Windows change password operation.

CM4D Service Users

The CM4D Scheduler services must have a service user set manually in their *.settings file if the user account is not configured during the installation. Typically, the service user set in the config file is the same as the user assigned as the "Log On As" user that runs the CM4D services. The services config files can be found in the CM4D install folder.

Edit the serviceUser for each of the following files (requires Administrative privileges):

  1. CM4DScheduler.settings
  2. <CM4DSchedulerSettings serviceUser="cm4dservice" port="36057">
  3. CM4DLauncher.settings
    <CM4DLauncherSettings serviceUser="cm4dservice" port="36057" schedulerHostname="atsserver98" threadCount="2" webThreadCount="2" clientResetDays="30.0"/>

EventSmith SMTP Configuration

EventSmith notifications are handled by the EventSmith SMTP and DataConnect services. After installing CM4D Server, you need to enter the connection information for the SMTP mail server, set the Service Host in the DataConnect and EventSmith service config files and set the user login for the two services. EventSmith is only included with CM4D Server installations.

The config files for the EventSmith services are in the CM4D install folder. For detailed information on this service, see the topic EventSmith Services - v25.1 Archive.

  1. Run Site Manager and go to Settings > EventSmith SMTP Settings menu.
    1. Configure the following:
      1. SMTP Host - The server address of the SMTP mail server.
      2. Port - The port number used to connect to the SMTP mail server. It must match the SMTP port used on your mail server.
      3. Enable SSL - Check this option only if the mail server requires SSL.
      4. Username - The username that will be used to log in to Authenticate on the mail server. For anonymous relay, leave this empty.
      5. Password - The password for the Authentication user name. For anonymous relay, leave this empty. The password is encrypted in the database.
      6. From Address - The email address from which the event notifications are sent. If this is left empty, EventSmith will attempt to obtain an address from the Site database based on the user running the service. If neither exist, the service will not start. If you are using Authentication, the from address should match the account used to log in to the SMTP server or it will likely fail to send any email.
    2. Click OK
  2. Edit the file ATS.CM4D.DataConnect.Host.exe.config.
    1. Set the DataConnect service host information:
      1. <add baseAddress="net.tcp://server98:8523/CM4DDB_Service"/>
        1. Service Server - Enter the name of the server that is hosting the DataConnect service.
        2. Service Port - Enter the port number used by the DataConnect host server to connect to the EventSmith host server (it must be the same as the port set in the EventSmith config).
    2. Save the config file.
  3. Edit the file ATS.CM4D.EventSmith.SMTP.exe.config.
    1. Set the EventSmith service host information:
      1. <endpoint address="net.tcp://server98:8523/CM4DDB_Service" binding="netTcpBinding" bindingConfiguration="NetTcpBinding_ICM4DDB" contract="CM4DDB_ServiceRef.ICM4DDB" name="NetTcpBinding_ICM4DDB">
        1. Service Host - Enter the name of the server that is hosting the DataConnect service.
        2. Service Port - Enter the port number used by the EventSmith SMTP client server to connect to the DataConnect host server (it must be the same as the port set in the DataConnect config).
    2. Optional - Set the Queue options:
      1. QueueRefreshSeconds - The time in seconds when the EventSmith queue is checked for entries. The default value is 10; this must be a number between 10 and 86400
      2. QueueRetrievalSize - The number of EventSmith queue entries picked up each time the queue is refreshed. The default value is 2.
    3. Optional - Set the Console, Event or File logging levels:
      1. level - Enter a logging level (OFF, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG).
    4. Save the config file.
  4. Set the user login for the two services, EventSmith SMTP and DataConnect.
  5. Start the DataConnect service.
  6. Start the EventSmith SMTP service.

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