CM4D.ini - Defaults

Name Setting Default Value Alternate Value Description
Allow Annot Off Sheet allow_annot_off_sheet 0 1 Allows annotation to be placed off of the sheet (on the green area). When this option is off (set to '0'), any annotation moved off of the sheet snap back to the nearest sheet margin.
Allow Terminator Select allow_terminator_select 1 0  
Auto Orient - Zoom to Feature Minimum Distance autoorient_zoomfeature_min_distance 200 Any integer Applies to Views that use the Auto Orient 'Zoom to Features'. It can be used in cases where the view zooms to a single feature or closely grouped features so the camera position does not end up too close to the model to be able to tell where the feature is on the part. When set to a larger value, the camera will stop at the set position regardless of what would otherwise be dictated by the zoom on the feature. The value represents millimeters. Documents set to Inches automatically re-calculates accordingly during resolve.
Axis Label - Primary primary_axis_label X Any character (A-Z) See the topic, View Axes.
Axis Label - Secondary secondary_axis_label Y Any character (A-Z) See the topic, View Axes.
Axis Label - Tertiary tertiary_axis_label Z Any character (A-Z) See the topic, View Axes.
Background Image Loads BACKGROUNDIMAGELOADS 1 0  
Backup Documents BACKUPDOCUMENTS 1 0 When disabled, CM4D will not create backup files (*.4bk) for saved CM4D documents
CM4D Scheduler Scratch Location CM4DSCHEDULERSCRATCHLOCATION C:\Program Files\Applied Tech Systems\CM4D\ Any valid, writable folder path  
Compare Precision comparePrecision 6 Any integer  
Debug Alignment DEBUGALIGNMENT 0 1  
Decimals decimals 2 Any integer  
Default Control Limit defaultcontrollimit 100 Any integer1  
Default Log Path DEFAULTLOGPATH C:\Program Files\Applied Tech Systems\CM4D\ Any valid, writable folder path The directory where all log message files will be stored, unless specified by one of the application-specific attributes for log folder locations
Defrag Documents DEFRAGDOCUMENTS 1 0  
Direction Label - Primary primary_dir_label FORE/AFT Any Text  
Direction Label - Secondary secondary_dir_label IN/OUT Any Text  
Direction Label - Tertiary tertiary_dir_label HI/LO Any Text  
Direction Minus Label - Primary primary_dir_minus_label FORE Any Text Values in the Minus column will appear when the number is a negative integer.
Direction Minus Label - Secondary secondary_dir_minus_label IN Any Text Values in the Minus column will appear when the number is a negative integer.
Direction Minus Label - Tertiary tertiary_dir_minus_label LO Any Text Values in the Minus column will appear when the number is a negative integer.
Direction Plus Label - Primary primary_dir_plus_label AFT Any Text Values in the Plus column will appear when the number is a positive integer.
Direction Plus Label - Secondary secondary_dir_plus_label OUT Any Text Values in the Plus column will appear when the number is a positive integer.
Direction Plus Label - Tertiary tertiary_dir_plus_label HI Any Text Values in the Plus column will appear when the number is a positive integer.
Event Smith Log Retention Days EVENTSMITHLOGRETENTIONDAYS 0 Any number between 0 and 365 Represents days
Event Smith Server Refresh EVENTSMITHSERVERREFRESH 30 Any number between 10 and 86,400 Represents seconds
Ghost Border ghost_border 0 1  
Graphics Driver GPUDRIVER Default3D Default3D, OpenGL2, DirectX11, OpenGL2Mesa Set the graphics driver used by CM4D.
Graphics Driver - Scheduler Client GPUDRIVERSCHEDULER OpenGL2Mesa - If the driver "Microsoft Basic Render Driver" is detected.
OpenGL2 - If a different graphics driver is detected.
Default3D, OpenGL2, DirectX11, OpenGL2Mesa Set the graphics driver used by the CM4D Scheduler client. The defaults are adjusted automatically depending on what drivers are detected.
OpenGL2 is a function of the graphic cards driver and is not available on virtual machines without a GPU.
DirectX cannot be used from a service.
Grid Spacing gridSpacing 2.5 Any integer  
Initial Locale initial_locale en-us Any region/language code (xx-xx) Set the default Locale Settings selection in the Document Defaults for new documents. This setting is not case-sensitive; follow the standard format "xx-xx" region/language code.
Load Routine Access Codes LOADROUTINEACCESSCODES 0 1 1= Routine Access Codes are loaded from each Database and displayed in SiteManager
0= Routine Access Codes are not loaded or displayed (default)
If you do not use Routine Access codes, leave this setting disabled for a performance increase.
Log CM4D LOGCM4D none all, errors, milestones, detail, developer  
Log CM4D Destination Local LOGCM4DDESTINATIONLOCAL 1 0  
Log CM4D Destination Server LOGCM4DDESTINATIONSERVER 1 0  
Log CM4D Destination Trace LOGCM4DDESTINATIONTRACE 1 0  
Log DataSmith LOGDATASMITH none all, errors, milestones, detail, developer  
Log DataSmith Batch LOGDATASMITHBATCH none all, errors, milestones, detail, developer  
Log EventSmith LOGEVENTSMITH none all, errors, milestones, detail, developer  
Log Launcher LOGLAUNCHER none all, errors, milestones, detail, developer  
Log Launcher Destination Local LOGLAUNCHERDESTINATIONLOCAL 1 0  
Log Launcher Destination Server LOGLAUNCHERESTINATIONSERVER 1 0  
Log Launcher Destination Trace LOGLAUNCHERDESTINATIONTRACE 1 0  
Log Message Path LOGMESSAGEPATH Logs Any valid, writable folder path The location of the folder where the DataSmith log message files will be stored
Log Messages LOGMESSAGES 0 1 Enables the logging of message information while running DataSmith - this should be set to zero unless you are debugging DataSmith
Log Path CM4D LOGPATHCM4D C:\Program Files\Applied Tech Systems\CM4D\    
Log Path DataSmith LOGPATHDATASMITH C:\Program Files\Applied Tech Systems\CM4D\ Any valid, writable folder path  
Log Path DataSmith Batch LOGPATHDATASMITHBATCH C:\Program Files\Applied Tech Systems\CM4D\ Any valid, writable folder path  
Log Path EventSmith LOGPATHEVENTSMITH C:\Program Files\Applied Tech Systems\CM4D\ Any valid, writable folder path  
Log Path Launcher LOGPATHLAUNCHER C:\Program Files\Applied Tech Systems\CM4D\ Any valid, writable folder path  
Log Path Results Launcher LOGPATHRESULTSLAUNCHER C:\Program Files\Applied Tech Systems\CM4D\ Any valid, writable folder path  
Log Path Results Service LOGPATHRESULTSSERVICE C:\Program Files\Applied Tech Systems\CM4D\ Any valid, writable folder path  
Log Path Scheduler LOGPATHSCHEDULER C:\Program Files\Applied Tech Systems\CM4D\ Any valid, writable folder path  
Log Results Launcher LOGRESULTSLAUNCHER none all, errors, milestones, detail, developer  
Log Results Service LOGRESULTSSERVICE none all, errors, milestones, detail, developer  
Log Scheduler LOGSCHEDULER none all, errors, milestones, detail, developer  
Log Scheduler Destination Local LOGSCHEDULERDESTINATIONLOCAL 1 0  
Log Scheduler Destination Trace LOGSCHEDULERDESTINATIONTRACE 1 0  
Marker Color - Neutral marker_color_default_neutral 0x000000 See also: Color Reference See also: Document Feature Marker Colors
Marker Color - Nominal marker_color_default_nominal 16711935
Marker Color - Good Value marker_color_default_value_good 255,0,0
Marker Color - High Value marker_color_default_value_hi 0x0,0x0,0xFF
Marker Color - Low Value marker_color_default_value_lo 0xFF,0xFF,0x0
Marker Color - Limits marker_color_default_limits 0x0,0xFF,0xFF
Marker Color - Distance X marker_color_default_distance_x 0xC0,0xC0,0xC0
Marker Color - Distance Y marker_color_default_distance_y 0x0,0xFF,0x0
Marker Color - Distance Z marker_color_default_distance_z 85,107,47
Marker Color - Distance 3D marker_color_default_distance_3d 0,128,128
Process Change Log Minimum Length PCLMINLENGTH 10 Any integer This parameter determines the number of characters that must be entered into the Comments dialog when Process Change Logging is enabled. If this parameter is not added to the Cm4d.ini file, PCL will work as before (requiring the default of at least 10 characters in the Comment dialog.) 0 = No character requirement
PDF Print Driver PDFPRINTDRIVER eDocPrinter ATS CM4D Printer Enter the type of PDF driver that is used to print PDF files from CM4D.
Print View Resolution
[DEPRECATED as of v25]
PRINTVIEWRESOLUTION 1 0-3 This is the DPI resolution of the view when printed. Correlates to the Snapshot View Resolution options.
  • 0 = Not Set
  • 1 = Low Resolution
  • 2 = Medium Resolution
  • 3 = High Resolution
Results Export Batch Size RESULTSEXPORTBATCHSIZE 1000 Any integer The Results export batch size value is the number of results that will be grouped together in the Results Export Queue before they are sent to the Results Services. This is really only used for performance tuning. Generally, this number will not need to be adjusted.
Site SMTP Server (old EventSmith only) SITESMTPSERVER Any valid SMTP Server This value is the e-mail EventSmith Server uses. You can find this value by looking at Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express at the server or any other computer where EventSmith Server is installed. If this server is not set, or cannot connect, the EventSmith Service will not start.
Does not apply if using the default EventSmith SMTP included with the CM4D Server installation.
Site UNC SITEUNC 1 0 Applies to filename paths for Managed Documents.
0= either local filename paths or UNC filename paths are allowed for managed documents
1= only UNC filename paths are allowed for managed documents
Timing Log Enabled TIMINGLOGENABLED 1 0 When enabled, timing log files will be generated per session, and, in the case of
DataSmith Batch, per thread.
NOTE: To use the timing log, the "TIMINGLOGFORPERFORMANCE" option must be set to zero(turned off).The two timing log types cannot be used at the same time.
Timing Log Folder TIMINGLOGFOLDER C:\Program Files\Applied Tech Systems\CM4D\Timing Any valid, writable folder path If this is left blank, the Timing folder will be created wherever you have CM4D installed. If you would like the Timing log files to be stored someplace other than the installation folder, enter the path here. Both local and UNC paths are supported.
Timing Log for Performance TIMINGLOGFORPERFORMANCE 0 1 Logs only performance information. For full timing logging, use "TIMINGLOGENABLED".
NOTE: To use the timing for performance, the "TIMINGLOGENABLED" option must be set to zero (turned off). The two timing log types cannot be used at the same time.
Trace Level TRACELEVEL 1    
Units units mm in  
Use Routine Codes for ID UseRoutineCodesForID 0 1 When saving a CM4D document, any Routine identification within the Query must be preserved. By default, the Routine is identified by its Routine Key. However, if this parameter is set to 1, then the Routine will be identified by the Routine Code.


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