MSA Wizard

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    1. With Setup
    2. Without Setup

To set up MSA using the Wizard, select MSA from the Edit menu or click the MSA () button on the toolbar. Follow the steps indicated by the MSA Wizard to complete setup. If you choose an existing document DataSet from the first menu, the MSA Wizard will automatically be populated with the settings previously defined. Entering a label for a new document DataSet in the first field will create a new DataSet to use with MSA.

Following are the Study Type criteria for With Setup and Without Setup as described in the MSA Wizard dialog:

With Setup

For this type of study, a gage or fixture is used. Each operator takes two readings for each of four setups. To process this type of study, CM4D requires on DataSet for each operator who participated in the study. Each DataSet must contain the readings for only one operator. Each DataSet row is for only one characteristic. Only the last (current) process of each DataSet row will be used, and this process must contain eight readings. MSA values will be created or updated only for this used process. Each used process must contain eight readings relating to the two readings for each of four setups (i.e. reading 1 for setup 1, reading 2 for setup 1, reading 1 for setup 2, reading 2 for setup 2 and so on for the four setups).

Without Setup

For this type of study, a gage or fixture may or may not be used. Each operator takes ten readings on ten parts twice in two trials with different random orderings. To process this type of study, CM4D requires two DataSets for each operator who participated in the study. Each DataSet must contain the readings for only one operator. Each DataSet row is for only one characteristic. Only the last (current) process of each row will be used and this process must contain the operators readings for only on trial. MSA values will be created or updated only for this used process. Each operator must have two DataSets relating to an operator's two trials of readings where the parts have a different random ordering. This study type also produces reportable results for the standard average and range study method.

See also MSA Variables.

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