Projects - Status

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  1. Available Projects
  2. Selected Project
  3. Suspended Projects
  4. Unavailable Projects

The project tile appearance indicates the status of a project. All projects for which you have permissions to access have a tile on the main landing page. Some conditions may effect what can be done with a project if you can upload a file immediately or if there may be temporary access restrictions.

Available Projects

Available projects are not marked with a specific flag. Rather, if a tile is the default color and does not have a flag in the upper right corner, it is active and can be selected for uploading files.

Selected Project

When a project is actively selected, the tile border turns green and a check appears in the upper right corner.

Suspended Projects

Projects marked with the 'Suspended' flag are not actively processing data files. Suspended projects can still receive submitted data files, but the files are not processed until the job is reactivated in DataSmith Batch Manager by a CM4D administrator.

You can also view the history of a suspended project. TheĀ 'Suspended' flag is displayed with the project name.

Unavailable Projects

Projects marked with the 'Unavailable' flag indicate a connection issue with the DataSmith Batch server that is assigned to process the files for the project. This may indicate either a problem with your connection to the network servers or an issue with the service that handles the files on the server end.

The history may be viewed, but files cannot be unloaded until the project is no longer unavailable.

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