Statistical Process Control Variables

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  1. Statistics Variables
  2. Range
  3. Quartile Variables

Statistics Variables


Returns the name of the applied Statistics Rule:

ATS (Default)



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Returns the calculated standard deviation of a DataSet row.


Returns the standard deviation target.


Returns the estimated standard deviation.


Mean plus (the standard deviation time three).


Mean minus (the standard deviation time three).


Standard deviation of a row times six.


Returns the subgroup size.


Sum (accumulation) of all valid values within a DataSet row.


Measure of symmetry of distribution.



Range (highest - lowest) of valid values within a DataSet row.


The "rstat" variables calculate various statistics on the reference features of a Range feature. Range statistics are calculated per sample for all reference features.


Returns the number of Range features that are in the DataSet.


Returns the highest value in the range of deviations.


Returns the lowest value in the range of deviations.


Returns the mean value of the range of deviations.


Returns the standard deviation within the range of deviations.


Returns the Ppk value of the range of deviations.

Quartile Variables


Inter Quartile Range (q3-q1).


Lower Inner Fence (q1 - 1.5 * iqr).


Lower Outer Fence (q1 – 3.0 * iqr).


Quartile 1 value, i.e., Lower Quartile.


Quartile 2 value, i.e., Median.


Quartile 3 value, i.e., Upper Quartile.

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