Peruse Annotation Template Variables

While most CM4D Variables are supported in CM4D Peruse Annotation Templates, there are some exceptions where specific use variables are not applicable. Refer to the following table to confirm if a variable is supported in CM4D Peruse.

Name Variable Description
Actual Value


Value of actual for the characteristic specified in the query. 
Axis Direction - Negative


Returns the label of negative axis direction: FORE, IN, or LO.
Axis Direction - Negative - First Letter


Returns the first letter of the negative axis direction: F, I, or L.
Axis Direction - Opposite Vector


Returns the label of the axis in the direction opposite of the vector: AFT, FORE, OUT, IN, HI or LO.
Axis Direction - Opposite Vector - First Letter


Returns the first letter of the label of the axis in the direction opposite of the vector: A, F, O, I, H or L.
Axis Direction - Positive


Returns the label of positive axis direction: AFT, OUT, or HI.
Axis Direction - Positive - First Letter


Returns the first letter of the positive axis direction: A, O, or H.
Axis Direction - Vector Direction


Returns the label of the axis in the direction of the vector: AFT, FORE, OUT, IN, HI or LO.
Axis Direction - Vector Direction - First Letter


Returns the first letter of the axis in the direction of the vector: A, F, O, I, H or L.
Cause - Comment


Returns the comment of the assigned cause, if a cause has been assigned.
Cause - Comment


Returns the cause comment.
Cause - Description


Returns the cause description.
Cause - Feature Label


Returns the label of the feature.
Cause - Label


Returns the label of the assigned cause, if a cause has been assigned.
Cause - Label


Returns the cause label.
Cause - Label & Description


Returns the label and the description of the assigned cause, if a cause has been assigned.
Cause - Masking


Returns whether the cause is masked or active sample.
Cause - Sample Label


Returns the label of the sample. When this variable is used in a table (and there is more than one sample), the second sample label will be listed below the first sample label in the same cell.
Sample Filter - Cell


Returns the specified filter for the sample resolved for the cell. For DataSets with multiple Routines will resolve the text of a chart axis as the Sample Label instead of the DataSet column number. This is best used with either a single feature or with Routines that have corresponding samples.
Sample Label - Cell


Returns the label for the sample resolved for the cell. For DataSets with multiple Routines will resolve the text of a chart axis as the Sample Label instead of the DataSet column number. This is best used with either a single feature or with Routines that have corresponding samples. This variable is not supported for DataStacks.
Cell Value


Returns the value of a cell in a DataSet. The ~cell~ variable requires a row to be specified in the DataSet, and must have an active sample.


Will return the characteristic used in a DataSet row.
Characteristic - Actual Value


Returns the actual value for the specified characteristic.

For example ~act,pos~ returns the actual value for the Position characteristics.

Characteristic - Axis


Returns the axis of the characteristic.
Characteristic - Deviation Value


Returns the deviation value of the specified characteristic, based on the query setting.
Characteristic - First Letter


Returns the first a letter of the characteristic type.
Conform Count


Returns number of conforming values for either Tol or Tol2 in a DataSet row.
Conform Count - DataSet


Returns the number of conforming values in a DataSet.
Conform Count - Percent


Returns percent of conforming values in a DataSet.
Conform Count - Tol


Returns number of conforming values for Tol in a DataSet row.
Conform Count - Tol & Tol2


Returns number of conforming values for both Tol and Tol2in a DataSet row.
Conform Count - Tol2


Returns number of conforming values for Tol2 in a DataSet row.


Returns the current date using the current regional format.


Returns the deviation value based on the query setting.


Returns the value of the error (the amount out of  tolerance). Always an absolute value.
Feature - Alias (or Label)


Returns the Alias of a Feature. If the feature does not have an alias, the feature label is displayed.
Feature - Alias 1 Label


Returns the Alias 1 label of a feature, if one exists.
Feature - Alias 2 Label


Returns the Alias 2 label of a feature, if one exists.
Feature - Alias 3 Label


Returns the Alias 3 label of a feature, if one exists.
Feature - Alias 4 Label


Returns the Alias 4 label of a feature, if one exists.
Feature - Alias Label


Alias label of a feature.
Feature - Description


Returns the description of the feature.
Feature - Filter Value


Returns the filter value for the specified feature filter (use character A through Z, or filter label as defined in database).

For example, ~feat,filter,s~ or ~feat,filter,supplier~ would return the value assigned for Feature Filter S (Supplier).

Feature - Label


Returns the label of the feature.
Feature - Reference 1


Returns the label of the first reference feature.
Feature - Reference 1 Description


Returns the description of the first reference feature.
Feature - Reference 1 Filter


Returns the filter value for the specified feature filter (use character A through Z, or filter label as defined in database) of the first reference feature.
Feature - Reference 1 Label


Returns the label of the first reference feature.
Feature - Reference 1 Sequence


Returns the sequence of the first reference feature.
Feature - Reference 1 Source Routine


Returns the source routine of the first reference feature.
Feature - Reference 1 Source Routine Key


Returns the source routine key of the first reference feature.
Feature - Reference 1 Type


Returns the type of the reference first feature.
Feature - Reference 2


Returns the label of the second reference feature.
Feature - Reference 2 Description


Returns the description of the second reference feature.
Feature - Reference 2 Filter


Returns the filter value for the specified feature filter (use character A through Z, or filter label as defined in database) of the second reference feature.
Feature - Reference 2 Label


Returns the label of the second reference feature.
Feature - Reference 2 Sequence


Returns the sequence of the second reference feature.
Feature - Reference 2 Source Routine


Returns the source routine of the second reference feature.
Feature - Reference 2 Source Routine Key


Returns the source routine key of the second reference feature.
Feature - Reference 2 Type


Returns the type of the reference second feature.
Feature - Reference Count


Resolves the number of reference features associated to the feature.
Feature - Sequence


Returns the sequence of the feature.
Feature - Source Routine


Returns the source routine of the feature.
Feature - Source Routine Key


Returns the source routine key of the feature.
Feature - Type


Returns the implied SMI Type, which is used by the Sift Rules.
Feature Label


Returns the label of feature.


Returns LEFT or RIGHT. The handedness is based on the value of the Y char. If Y is less than zero (negative), the handedness will be LEFT; if Y is more than zero (positive), the handedness will be RIGHT.
Handedness - First Letter


Returns just L or R.


Highest of valid values within a DataSet row.
Highest Value


Returns the high value for the entire DataSet.
Inter Quartile Range


Returns the inter quartile range for the entire DataSet.
Inter Quartile Range


Inter Quartile Range (q3 - q1).
Invalid Count


Returns the number of invalid values in an entire DataSet.
Invalid Count


Number of invalid values in DataSet row. Invalid data is not nonconforming data and so will not be included in the ~validcount~ results.
Invalid Count - Percent


Returns the percent of invalid values in an entire DataSet.


Lowest of valid values within a DataSet row.
Lower Control Limit - MA - Characteristic Effective Date


Lower control limit for Moving Average with the Effective Date for the specified characteristic.
Lower Control Limit - MA - Characteristic Update Date


Lower control limit for Moving Average with the Update Date for the specified characteristic.
Lower Control Limit - Moving Average


Lower control limit for Moving Average.
Lower Control Limit - Moving Range


Lower control limit for Moving Range.
Lower Control Limit - MR - Characteristic Effective Date


Lower control limit for Moving Range with the Effective Date for the specified characteristic.
Lower Control Limit - MR - Characteristic Update Date


Lower control limit for Moving Range with the Update Date for the specified characteristic.
Lower Control Limit - Range


Lower control limit for Range.
Lower Control Limit - Range - Characteristic Effective Date


Lower control limit for Range with the Effective Date for the specified characteristic.
Lower Control Limit - Range - Characteristic Update Date


Lower control limit for Range with the Update Date for the specified characteristic.
Lower Control Limit - Standard Deviation


Lower control limit for Standard Deviation.
Lower Control Limit - Stddev - Characteristic Effective Date


Lower control limit for Standard Deviation with the Effective Date for the specified characteristic.
Lower Control Limit - Stddev - Characteristic Update Date


Lower control limit for Standard Deviation with the Update Date for the specified characteristic.
Lower Control Limit - X & Moving Range


Lower control limit for X with Moving Range.
Lower Control Limit - Xbar & Range


Lower control limit for Xbar with Range.
Lower Control Limit - Xbar & Standard Deviation


Lower control limit for Xbar with Standard Deviation.
Lower Control Limit - Xbar&R - Characteristic Effective Date


Lower control limit for Xbar with Range with the Effective Date for the specified characteristic.
Lower Control Limit - Xbar&R - Characteristic Update Date


Lower control limit for Xbar with Range with the Update Date for the specified characteristic.
Lower Control Limit - Xbar&S - Characteristic Effective Date


Lower control limit for Xbar with Standard Deviation with the Effective Date for the specified characteristic.
Lower Control Limit - Xbar&S - Characteristic Update Date


Lower control limit for Xbar with Standard Deviation with the Update Date for the specified characteristic.
Lower Control Limit - XMR - Characteristic Effective Date


Lower control limit for X with Moving Range with the Effective Date for the specified characteristic.
Lower Control Limit - XMR - Characteristic Update Date


Lower control limit for X with Moving Range with the Update Date for the specified characteristic.
Lower Inner Fence - DataSet


Returns the lower inner fence value for the entire DataSet.
Lower Inner Fence


Lower Inner Fence (q1 - 1.5 * iqr).
Lower Inner Fence - Lowest Value


Returns the box lowest value for the entire DataSet.
Lower Inner Fence - Lowest Value Row


Lowest value in DataSet row that is within the lif (Lower Inner Fence).
Lower Limit


Returns the lower limit for the entire DataSet.
Lower Outer Fence - DataSet


Returns the lower outer fence value for an entire DataSet.
Lower Outer Fence


Lower Outer Fence (q1 – 3.0 * iqr).
Lower Reasonable Limit


Lower reasonable limit.
Lower Reasonable Tolerance


Lower reasonable tolerance.
Lower Specification Limit


Lower specification limit. The lower engineering limit specified for a measurement.
Lower Specification Limit - Tol2


Lower specification limit 2. The lower engineering limit 2 specified for a measurement.
Lower Tolerance


Lower tolerance.
Lower Tolerance - Tol2


Lower tolerance 2.
Lowest Value


Returns the lo value of the entire DataSet.


Average of valid values within a DataSet row.
Mean Value


Returns the mean value for the entire DataSet.
Median Value


Returns the median value for the entire DataSet.
Median Value


Middle value of DataSet row.


Returns the nominal value.
Nominal - Characteristic Effective Date


Returns the effective date of the nominal characteristic.
Nominal - Characteristic Label


Returns the label of the nominal characteristic.
Nominal - Characteristic Significance


Returns the significance of a characteristic. The possible values which can be returned are: Unknown, Insignificant, Significant, Data Not Allowed or Alarmed.
Nominal - Filter Value


Returns the value of the nominal filter. There are 26 filters available in the database, A-Z. Filters can also have labels, in addition to their alphabetical designations. If no label was assigned to the filter when it was created, a default filter label would have been created, using the word 'Filter', a space, then the letter designation of the filter.
Nominal X


Value of the nominal X characterteristic.
Nominal Y


Value of the nominal Y characterteristic.
Nominal Z


Value of the nominal Z characterteristic.
Nonconform Count - DataSet


Returns number of nonconforming values in a DataSet.
Nonconform Count


Returns number of nonconforming values for either Tol or Tol2 in a DataSet row.
Nonconform Count - Event 1


Returns number of conforming values for Tol in a DataSet row.
Nonconform Count - Event 1 & Event 2


Returns number of nonconforming values for both Tol and Tol2in a DataSet row.
Nonconform Count - Event 2


Returns number of nonconforming values for Tol2 in a DataSet row.
Nonconform Count - Percent


Returns percent of nonconforming values in a DataSet.
Percent Conform - Tol


Returns percent of conforming values for Tol in a DataSet row.
Percent Conform - Tol and Tol2


Returns percent of conforming values for both Tol or Tol2 in a DataSet row.
Percent Conform - Tol or Tol2


Returns percent of conforming values for either Tol or Tol2 in a DataSet row.
Percent Conform - Tol2


Returns percent of conforming values for Tol2 in a DataSet row.
Percent Invalid Values


Percentage of invalid values in DataSet row.
Percent Nonconform - Tol


Returns percent of nonconforming values for Tol in a DataSet row.
Percent Nonconform - Tol and Tol2


Returns percent of nonconforming values for both Tol or Tol2 in a DataSet row.
Percent Nonconform - Tol or Tol2


Returns percent of nonconforming values for either Tol or Tol2 in a DataSet row.
Percent Nonconform - Tol2


Returns percent of nonconforming values for Tol2 in a DataSet row.
Process - Effective Date


Returns the effective date of the process.
Process Baseline - Effective Dates


Returns the effective dates for the process baseline.
Process Capability - DataSet


Returns the Cp value of the data in the DataSet. There are two limitations to calculating Process Capability on a DataSet: 1)All cells in the DataSet must have a Tolerance, and the Tolerance must be the same for all cells in the DataSet, and 2) Subgroups will not be applied when using the Cpk parameter. Without Subgroups, Cp is the same as Pp.
Process Capability - Tol


Capability or potential of the process. A ratio of the specification width to the width of the normal distribution. Cp is normally calculated using an estimated standard deviation formula that uses either the mean of subgroup ranges or the mean of subgroup standard deviations with constant table values relative to the subgroup size.
Process Capability - Tol2


Capability or potential of the process, calculated on Tol2 (Tolerance 2).
Process Capability Index - DataSet


Returns the Cpk value of the data in the DataSet. There are two limitations to calculating Process Capability on a DataSet: 1) All cells in the DataSet must have a Tolerance, and the Tolerance must be the same for all cells in the DataSet, and 2) Subgroups will not be applied when using the Cpk parameter. Without Subgroups, Cpk is the same as Ppk.
Process Capability Index - Tol


Capability of process index relative to dispersion and centeredness. From the true process center (), Cpk indicates the closest specification limit (in terms of estimated standard deviation units/3). Calculated on Tol (Tolerance).
Process Capability Index - Tol2


Capability of process index, calculated on Tol2 (Tolerance 2).
Process Capability Ratio


Capability ratio. The reciprocal of Cp.
Process Capability Ratio - DataSet


Returns the Cr value of the data in the DataSet. There are two limitations to calculating Process Capability on a DataSet: 1) All cells in the DataSet must have a Tolerance, and the Tolerance must be the same for all cells in the DataSet, and 2) Subgroups will not be applied when using the Cpk parameter. Without Subgroups, Cr is the same as Pr.
Process Performance - DataSet


Returns the Pp value of the DataSet.
Process Performance - Tol


Returns Pp calculated on Tol (Tolerance).
Process Performance - Tol2


Returns Pp calculated on Tol2 (Tolerance 2).
Process Performance Index - DataSet


Returns the Ppk value of the DataSet.
Process Performance Index - Tol


Returns Ppk calculated on Tol (Tolerance).
Process Performance Index - Tol2


Returns Ppk calculated on Tol2 (Tolerance 2).
Process Performance Ratio - DataSet


Returns the Pr value of the DataSet.
Process Performance Ratio


Process performance ratio. The reciprocal of pp.
Quartile 1 - Lower Quartile Value - DataSet


Returns the quartile one value for an entire DataSet.
Quartile 1 - Lower Quartile Value


Quartile 1 value, i.e., Lower Quartile.
Quartile 2 - Median Quartile Value - DataSet


Returns the quartile two value for an entire DataSet.
Quartile 2 - Median Quartile Value


Quartile 2 value, i.e., Median.
Quartile 3 - Upper Quartile Value - DataSet


Returns the quartile three value for an entire DataSet.
Quartile 3 - Upper Quartile Value


Quartile 3 value, i.e., Upper Quartile.


Range (highest - lowest) of valid values within a DataSet row.
Range - Value - DataSet


Returns the range value for the entire DataSet.
Range of Variation - Center - DataSet


Returns the ROV Center for the entire DataSet. See also, DataSet Range of Variation.
Range of Variation - Center


Returns the default ROV Center value.
Range of Variation - Center Status


Returns status of the ROV Center for the row, OK or NOTOK.
Range of Variation - Spread - DataSet


Returns the ROV Spread for the entire DataSet.
Range of Variation - Spread


Returns the default ROV Spread value.
Range of Variation - Spread Status


Returns status of the ROV Spread for the row, OK or NOTOK.
Range of Variation - Target - DataSet


Returns the ROV Target for the entire DataSet.
Range of Variation - Target


Returns the default ROV Target value.
Range of Variation - Target Status


Returns status of the ROV Target for the row, OK or NOTOK.
Routine - Alias Label


Returns the alias of the routine.
Routine - Description


Returns the routine description.
Routine - Filter Label


Returns the filter value for the specified routine filter (use character A through Z).

For example, ~rout,filter,p~ would return the value assigned for Routine Filter P.

Routine - Handedness (RH/LH/BH/?H)


Returns the handedness of the routine as:
- RH - Right Handed
- LH - Left Handed
- BH - Both Hands
- ?H - No Handedness
Routine - Handedness (RH/LH/BH/?H)


Returns the handedness of the routine as:
- RH - Right Handed
- LH - Left Handed
- BH - Both Hands
- ?H - No Handedness
Routine - Handedness (RH/LH/BH/BH)


Returns the handedness of the routine as:
- RH - Right Handed
- LH - Left Handed
- BH - Both Hands
- BH - No Handedness
Routine - Handedness (RH/LH/BH/BH)


Returns the handedness of the routine as:
- RH - Right Handed
- LH - Left Handed
- BH - Both Hands
- BH - No Handedness
Routine - Image File Name


Returns name of the image file associated with the routine.
Routine - Image Type


Returns type of image which is associated with the routine: Wire, 2D or 3D.
Routine - Key


Returns the routine key.
Routine - Label


Returns the label of the routine.
Routine - Maximum Samples


Returns the maximum samples setting for the routine.
Routine - Node Label


Returns the label of the routine node.
Routine - Subgroup Size


Returns the subgroup size of the routine.
Row - Label


Returns the label of the DataSet row.
Sample - Count


Number of samples in a DataSet.
Sample - Creation Dates


Returns the creation dates of the samples in a DataSet.
Sample - Date (MM-DD)


Returns the Sample Date as Month-Day (MM-DD).
Sample - Date Count


Returns the amount of unique dates in a row.
Sample - Description


Returns the description of the sample.
Sample - Effective Date


Returns the effective date of the current sample.
Sample - Filter Value


Returns the value assigned to the sample filter associated with the sample.

This variable replaced the obsolete variable, ~sample,filter,info~.

Sample - Import Date


Returns the import date of the sample.
Sample - Index


Returns the position of the sample as it exists in the Query.
Sample - Label


Returns the label of the current sample. When a Sample [Parameter] is appended to any sample variables, the DataSet results will be overridden and the sample signified by the sample parameter will be returned.
Sample - Order


Returns the number of the Sample’s position based on the order of Samples in the Query.
Sample - Ordered by Date Status


If the samples are ordered by date, this variable returns the value 'Yes'. If the samples are not ordered by date, this variable returns the value 'No'.
Sample - Serial Number


Returns the serial number of the sample.
Sample - Subgroup Label


Returns the subgroup label.
Sample - Subgroup Sequence


Returns the sequence order within the subgroup.
Samples - Maximum


Returns the maximum samples setting for the routine.
Standard Deviation - DataSet


Returns the Standard Deviation of the DataSet.
Standard Deviation


Returns the calculated standard deviation of a DataSet row.
Standard Deviation - Estimated


Returns the estimated standard deviation.
Standard Deviation - Mean Minus Stddev x3


Mean minus (the standard deviation time three).
Standard Deviation - Mean Plus Stddev x3


Mean plus (the standard deviation time three).
Standard Deviation - Stddev x6


Standard deviation of a row times six.
Subroutine - Label


Returns the subroutine label if the subroutine is active. If there is no active subroutine, the variable will be blank.
Sum of Values - DataSet


Returns the value of the sum of an entire DataSet.
Sum of Values


Sum (accumulation) of all valid values within a DataSet row.
Total Count - DataSet


Returns the number of values in an entire DataSet.
Total Count


Number of values in DataSet row (i.e., the sum of conform, non-conform, and non valid).
Upper Control Limit - MA - Characteristic Effective Date


Upper control limit for Moving Average with the Effective Date for the specified characteristic.
Upper Control Limit - MA - Characteristic Update Date


Upper control limit for Moving Average with the Update Date for the specified characteristic.
Upper Control Limit - Moving Average


Upper control limit for Moving Average.
Upper Control Limit - Moving Range


Upper control limit for Moving Range.
Upper Control Limit - MR - Characteristic Effective Date


Upper control limit for Moving Range with the Effective Date for the specified characteristic.
Upper Control Limit - MR - Characteristic Update Date


Upper control limit for Moving Range with the Update Date for the specified characteristic.
Upper Control Limit - Range


Upper control limit for Range.
Upper Control Limit - Range - Characteristic Effective Date


Upper control limit for Range with the Effective Date for the specified characteristic.
Upper Control Limit - Range - Characteristic Update Date


Upper control limit for Range with the Update Date for the specified characteristic.
Upper Control Limit - Standard Deviation


Upper control limit for Standard Deviation.
Upper Control Limit - Stddev - Characteristic Effective Date


Upper control limit for Standard Deviation with the Effective Date for the specified characteristic.
Upper Control Limit - Stddev - Characteristic Update Date


Upper control limit for Standard Deviation with the Update Date for the specified characteristic.
Upper Control Limit - X & Moving Range


Upper control limit for X with Moving Range.
Upper Control Limit - Xbar & Range


Upper control limit for Xbar with Range.
Upper Control Limit - Xbar & Standard Deviation


Upper control limit for Xbar with Standard Deviation.
Upper Control Limit - Xbar&R - Characteristic Effective Date


Upper control limit for Xbar with Range with the Effective Date for the specified characteristic.
Upper Control Limit - Xbar&R - Characteristic Update Date


Upper control limit for Xbar with Range with the Update Date for the specified characteristic.
Upper Control Limit - Xbar&S - Characteristic Effective Date


Upper control limit for Xbar with Standard Deviation with the Effective Date for the specified characteristic.
Upper Control Limit - Xbar&S - Characteristic Update Date


Upper control limit for Xbar with Standard Deviation with the Update Date for the specified characteristic.
Upper Control Limit - XMR - Characteristic Effective Date


Upper control limit for X with Moving Range with the Effective Date for the specified characteristic.
Upper Control Limit - XMR - Characteristic Update Date


Upper control limit for X with Moving Range with the Update Date for the specified characteristic.
Upper Inner Fence - Highest Value


Returns the box highest value for the entire DataSet.
Upper Inner Fence - Highest Value Row


Highest value in DataSet row that is within the uif (Upper Inner Fence).
Upper Inner Fence Value - DataSet


Returns the upper inner fence value for the entire DataSet.
Upper Inner Fence Value


Upper Inner Fence (q3 + 1.5 * iqr).
Upper Limit - DataSet


Returns the upper limit for the entire DataSet.
Upper Outer Fence Value - DataSet


Returns the upper outer fence value for an entire DataSet.
Upper Outer Fence Value


Upper Outer Fence (q3 + 3.0 * iqr).
Upper Reasonable Limit


Upper reasonable limit. For more information about reasonable limits see the topic Reasonable Limits.
Upper Reasonable Limit Tolerance


Upper reasonable tolerance.
Upper Specification Limit


Upper specification limit. The upper engineering limit specified for a measurement.
Upper Specification Limit 2


Upper specification limit 2. The second upper engineering limit specified for a measurement, if one has been created.
Upper Tolerance


Upper tolerance.
Upper Tolerance 2


Upper tolerance 2.
Valid Count


Returns the number of valid values within a DataSet row. Same as ~validcount~.
Valid Count


Number of valid values in DataSet row (i.e., the sum of conform and non-conform).
Valid Values - Out of Spec - DataSet


Returns the number of valid values in a DataSet that are out of spec.
Valid Values - Out of Spec


Returns the number of values in a DataSet row that are out of spec, or out of tolerance, regardless of the Event Trigger setting.
Valid Values - Out of Spec 2 - DataSet


Returns the number of valid values in a DataSet that are out of spec2.
Valid Values - Out of Spec 2


Returns the number of values in a DataSet row that are out of spec 2, or out of tolerance 2, regardless of the Event Trigger setting.
Valid Values - Percent - DataSet


Returns the percent of valid values in an entire DataSet.
Valid Values - Percent


Percentage of valid values in DataSet row.
Valid Values w/o Spec Limit - DataSet


Returns the number of valid values in an entire DataSet that do not have a spec limit.
Valid Values w/o Spec Limit


Number of valid values in a DataSet row that do not have a spec limit.
Valid Values w/o Spec Limit 2 - DataSet


Returns the number of valid values in an entire DataSet that do not have a spec limit 2.
Valid Values w/o Spec Limit 2


Number of valid values in a DataSet row that do not have a spec limit 2.

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