This section will guide you through the various installation processes.
Install ATS Security and Configuration Manager
ATS Security provides centralised login logic and workflow for multiple client applications, which are registered to use ATS Security as their identity provider. The ATS Security authentication and authorisation engine is based on IdentityServer4, which provides claims based security following the OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 standards.
The ATS Security plug-in is accessed using ATS Configuration Manager.
The ATS Configuration Manager application is a container for plug-ins designed to configure ATS products. Managing plug-ins in this manner provides a consistent and centralised configuration environment.
All aspects of the global system configuration, such as localisation, default language etc, are accessed in a single location. These options are managed using the built-in System Configuration plug-in.
Installation steps for these applications can be found in the ATS Security documentation, which can be accessed by clicking the link below.
ATS Security and Configuration Manager Installation
ATS Licensing handles the licenses for ATS software applications. When an ATS application is run it checks if a license is available and if it is then the application is allowed to run.
Installation steps for this application can be found in the ATS Licensing documentation, which can be accessed by clicking the link below.
An Inspect database is required before commencing the installation of Inspect.
Steps for creating a new Inspect database can found by clicking the following link.
Steps for updating an existing Inspect database can be found by clicking the following link.
Update an existing database schema
If the current version of Inspect is significantly older than the version being installed i.e. upgrading from version 6.4 to 7.0, then the Data Transfer wizard is required to migrate existing data to the new database schema. Further information can be found by clicking the following link.
The ATS Inspect Server installer installs the required services as well as the Connectivity Kit which allows users to create and update databases.
Steps for installing ATS Inspect Server can be found by clicking the link below.
ATS Inspect is a 64-bit program.
In order for an installation to be carried out the system must meet or exceed the minimum System Requirements.
The ATS Inspect Client installer contains the applications to configure the system and collect data on the factory floor.
Steps for installing ATS Inspect Client can be found by click the link below.
ATS Inspect is a 64-bit program.
In order for an installation to be carried out the system must meet or exceed the minimum System Requirements.
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