Make sure a Design speed has been specified for that equipment on the required date.
This is probably because the name given to the Collector Service in Cockpit doesn't match the actual name of the service.
See here for how to change the name in Cockpit. Alternatively, to change the name of the service itself carry out the following steps:
1. Go to the Services folder. By default this is located here:
C:\Program Files\Applied Tech Systems\Intelligence\Services
2. Edit WcfCollectorServiceHost.exe.config.
3. Modify the value of the Collectorname.
<add key="Collectorname" value="ATSVM206"/>
4. Save the file.
5. Restart the Collector Service.
If you are using ATS Licensing 2.0 you will need to change the wcf_license_svc_endpoint field of the global_settings table in the Intelligence database to:
Ensure that the reports are inside a folder within the folder to which the web.config file is pointing. For example, if the web.config file is pointing to a folder named Intelligence then the reports must be stored in a folder within that. See here.
The following error may be displayed if you do not have sufficient rights to generate a report.
This can be fixed as follows:
1. Run Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
2. Connect to Reporting Services.
3. Enter the server (http://<servername>/reportserver), username and password.
4. In the object explorer go to Security > System Roles and
5. Edit the properties of System User.
6. Enable Generate Events.
7. Click OK.