Login workflows

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  1. Local users sign in
    1. Lock user account
    2. User password expires
    3. Change password on next login
  2. External users sign in
    1. Forgot password workflow

Several options are available to users on the login page of ATS Security:

Sign in with a local user

Sign in using an external identity provider

Change password

Reset password (Forgot password service)

Local users sign in

A user can sign in with a local user account by providing a valid username and password combination in the login dialog box.  During sign-in for local users several scenarios may occur:

User is successfully signed in (username and password match).

User sign in fails (username/password combination is not a match).

User account is locked.

User is redirected to password change form upon password expiration.

Captcha is not valid.

User not local (login attempt with external provider).

User disabled (The user account is disabled).

User login period expired.

Lock user account

Users can become locked after exceeding the maximum number of password attempts. Locked users cannot login to ATS Security until their account is explicitly unlocked by an Administrator or until the lockout duration expires and their account is automatically unlocked.

For further information on Lockout options, please click here.

User password expires

Password expiration can be set for all accounts at the global level.  This system wide setting can be overridden at the user level, which may be useful for accounts that administrators wish not to expire.

In the event a password expires:

Provide the correct user name and the current password on the login page.

The user is redirected to the Change password form, which informs the user that the password has expired and needs to be changed.

Provide the user name, current password, a new password and then confirm the new password. Click Change.

After successfully changing the password the Password change confirmation screen is displayed, which features a login link.

Click the login link.

The ATS Security login page is loaded.

Login using the updated credentials  and click Sign in.

The user is  logged in with the new password.

Change password on next login

New user accounts or accounts that have had the password reset by an administrator, can be configured to prompt the user to change the password upon first log in.

In the event that a user must change their password on next login:

Provide the correct user name and the current password on the login page.

The user is redirected to the Change password form.

Provide the user name, current password, a new password and then confirm the new password. Click Change.

After successfully changing the password the Password change confirmation screen is displayed, which features a login link.

Click the login link.

The ATS Security login page is loaded.

Login using the updated credentials  and click Sign in.

You are logged in with the new password.

External users sign in

To login through an account registered with an external identity provider:

Click on the button for the external identity provider available on the login page.

You are redirected to the login form of the selected provider.

Provide your credentials and proceed with the login.

After successful log in at the external provider you are redirected to ATS Security and from here to the target client application.

Forgot password workflow

Resetting passwords is only possible for local users. External users are required to use the services of their external identity provider.

In event the password has been forgotten:

Click on the Forgot password? link in the login dialog on the login page.

The Forgot Password page/form loads.

Provide your user name and click the Send button.

The Forgot Password Confirmation page appears with a message that a password reset link will be sent to your authentication e-mail address.

Check your mail box and click on the password reset link.

You are redirected to the reset password form with your user name pre-filled.

Provide a new password and confirm the new password. Click on the Reset button.

After successfully changing the password the reset password confirmation screen appears with a Log in link.

Click the Log in link.

The ATS Security login page is loaded.

Provide your credentials using the new/changed password and click Sign in.

You are logged in with the new password.

The resend functionality is directly dependant from the SMTP settings configured in the system. Please make sure that SMTP settings (from Settings/SMTP Settings) is configured.

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