Quick Reference Guide - Install CM4D Server v24

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This guide contains the basic steps for installing and configuring a CM4D v24 Server from start to finish. For a CM4D Client Installation guide, see here.

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of CM4D, refer to the Quick Reference Guide - CM4D Server Upgrade v23 to v24 here.

These steps may also be followed if you are installing a standalone Client system, in which case just ignore the references to the CM4D Scheduler, DataSmith Batch and EventSmith.

Prepare for Installation

Contact your ATS sales representative or ATS support for assistance.

1.     Obtain v24 CM4D Licenses.

2.     Obtain the v24 CM4D Server installer.

3.     Gather the following information (as much as possible):

a.     CM4D Service User - user name and password; can be new or existing Windows user

b.     SQL Server User (if using SQL Authentication) - user name and password; can be new or existing SQL login

c.      ATS Licensing Server - name and port

d.     Database Server - name and port

e.     CM4D Scheduler Server - name and port

f.        CM4D Web Server - name and port

g.     CM4D users or group(s) - Windows and/or Domain

Configure Server (Pre-installation)

CM4D Service User

4.     Create a CM4D Service User.

a.     Go to Computer Management > System Tools > Local Users and Groups > Users.

b.     Right-click in the Users window and select New User.

i.        In the New User dialog:

(1)  Enter a User name (for example, cm4dervice).

(2)  Enter the Full name (for example, CM4D Service).

(3)  Enter a Description (optional).

(4)  Enter a strong Password and Confirm Password.

(5)  Uncheck 'User must change password at next logon'.

(6)  Check User cannot change password.

(7)  Check Password never expires.

(8)  Click Create.

(9)  Click Close.

c.      Right-click on the user you just created and select Properties.

i.        Select the Member Of tab.

ii.      Click Add.

(1)  Enter the object name for your administrators group (typically, Administrators) and click Check Names.

(2)  If the correct account is found, click OK.

d.     Close Computer Management.

SQL Authentication User

5.     Create a SQL Authentication User in SSMS (as needed; Windows Authentication can be used).

a.     Create a new Login (e.g., cm4duser).

b.     Select SQL Server authentication.

c.      Enter a secure Password.

d.     Confirm password.

e.     Clear the Enforce password expiration check box.

f.        For the Default database, select your new Site database (or CM4D database if you are not using a Site).

Start Print Spooler

6.     Check Windows Services to ensure the Print Spooler is running. If the service is not running, start the service before installing CM4D.

License CM4D

7.     Run ATS Licensing Server.

a.     Import the license files that corresponds to the version you are installing. Refer to the ATS Licensing Server help documentation for instructions.

Install CM4D Server

8.     Run the CM4D Server Installer.

a.     Run the CM4D Server installer executable (Run as Admin).

b.     Install the Prerequisites (restart the machine if prompted; on restart, installer will resume automatically).

c.      Set the Installation folder.

d.     Select the Installation Type 'Configure and Install'.

e.     Enter Services user information. This user does not have to exist at this time but when you do create it be sure to use the same information.

f.        Enter EventSmith SMTP information.

g.     Enter EventSmith Site Database connection information.

h.      Enter the name of the ATS Licensing Server.

Create CM4D Databases

Site Database

9.     Create new CM4D Site Database.

a.     In SSMS, create a new SQL database.

i.        Go to the install folder (.\CM4D\Database Scripts\SQL Server) and open "Site Tables.sql".

ii.      Click Execute.

iii.    Open and execute the "Site Procedures.sql" script.

iv.    Open and execute the "Site Indexes.sql" and "Site Grant.sql" scripts.

CM4D Database(s)

10.  Create a new CM4D Database.

a.     In SSMS, create a new SQL database.

i.        Go to the install folder (.\CM4D\Database Scripts\SQL Server) and open "Tables.sql".

ii.      Click Execute.

iii.    Open and execute the "Procedures.sql" script.

iv.    Open and execute the "Indexes.sql" and "Grant.sql" scripts.

b.     Optional - Create additional CM4D Databases and run the same scripts.

Configure CM4D

Site Connection

11.  Connect to the CM4D Site Database.

a.     Run DbConnect (as Administrator).

b.     Connection Type - Change the dropdown to "Site Connection".

c.      Windows Authentication - Select one of the two available methods of authentication for connecting to the databases:

i.        Windows Authentication - Set the dropdown to 'True'.

ii.      SQL Authentication - Set the dropdown to 'False'.

(1)  Database User ID - Enter the user name of the SQL user login.

(2)  Database Password - Enter the password for the SQL user.

(3)  Confirm Password - Re-enter the SQL user password.

d.     Server Name - Enter the name of the database server. If using a Named Instance, include this in the server name.

e.     Database Name - Enter the name of the CM4D Site database.

f.        Click Apply.

g.     Click Test Connection.

i.        If successful, click OK and continue to the next step.

ii.      If the connection fails, check all of your settings and then test again.

h.      Click OK to exit DbConnect.

Site Manager Configuration

12.  Set User Database Access and Privileges.

a.     Run SiteManager. The first time you log in, use the following credentials:

i.        Username: cm4dsingle

ii.      Password: cm4dsingle

b.     On the Sites tab, create a New Site and enter in the information you want to enter about this Site database.

c.      Go to the Managed DataSources tab and create a new Data Source.

i.        Label - Enter a label; this does not have to match the actual database name.

ii.      Site - If you are using multiple Sites, select one from the dropdown to assign this Managed DataSource to that Site.

iii.    Windows Authentication - Select one of the two available methods of authentication for connecting to the databases:

(1)  Windows Authentication - Set the dropdown to 'True'.

(2)  SQL Authentication - Set the dropdown to 'False'.

(a)  DataBase UserName - Enter the user name of the SQL user login.

(b)  Password - Enter the password for the SQL user.

(c)   Confirm Password - Re-enter the SQL user password.

iv.    Server Name - Enter the name of the database server. If using a Named Instance, include this in the server name.

v.      Database Name - Enter the name of the CM4D database.

vi.    Click Test DataSource Connection.

(1)  If successful, click OK and continue to the next step.

(2)  If the connection fails, check your settings and then test again.

vii.  Click Save.

d.     Go to the Users tab.

i.        Create a new user.

(1)  User Name - Enter the users' Windows ID as the user name (for example, cm4duser or jsmith).

(2)  Full Name - Enter the user name as you want it displayed.

(3)  Password - Enter a password. This is not the Windows password for the user; can be any password.

(4)  Confirm Password - Enter the password again.

(5)  E-Mail Address - Enter an email address for the users that will receive EventSmith notifications.

(6)  Must Change Password - Only set this to Yes if you want a user to log into Site Manager to set their own password.

ii.      Create any additional users.

iii.    Change the password for the cm4dsingle user to something other than the default password.

iv.    Click Save.

e.     Go to the Groups tab and create a new Group.

i.        Group Name - Enter a name for the group, such as Admin, that is descriptive of the purpose or scope.

ii.      Users - Assign users to the group; click on the Users row 'click to change user list ->' and then click the ellipses button.

(1)  Available Users - Click to select one or more user names to add to the group.

(2)  Selected Users - Highlight users in the Available Users window, then click the left pointing arrow to add the users to the Selected Users list.

(3)  Click OK.

iii.    Access Privileges - Select the check boxes for each Site and CM4D databases you want to grant access to the group.

iv.    Data Privileges - Select the check boxes for the privileges you want to assign to the group. See here for descriptions of the user privileges.

v.      Click Save.

a.     Go to the Results DataSource tab and enter the required information.

The Results database object may not exist at the time of initial configuration if this is a brand new installation (Test Connection will FAIL - this is ok). The information still needs to be entered here since it will be used by DbMigrator to create the database object when the tool is run.

b.     If Enable Results Datasource is not checked, select the box to turn on the Results database.

c.      Enter the required database information.

i.        Server Name - Enter the name of the database server. If using a named instance include the instance name with the server.

ii.      Database Name - Enter the name of the Results Database.

iii.    Windows Authentication - Select one of the two available methods of authentication for connecting to the databases:

(1)  Windows Authentication - Set the dropdown to 'True'.

(2)  SQL Authentication - Set the dropdown to 'False'.

(a)  DataBase UserName - Enter the user name of the SQL user login; must have the 'dbowner' privilege level in SSMS. This is the login used by DbMigrator to create/modify the Results database in SQL Server.

(b)  Password - Enter the password for the SQL user.

(c)   Confirm Password - Re-enter the SQL user password.

iv.    Click Test Connection.

(1)  If successful, click OK and continue to the next step.

(2)  If the connection fails on an existing Results database, check your settings and then test again.

(3)  If the connection fails in a new installation (before Results db is created), this is ok and you can continue to the next step.

d.     Click Save.

Create Results Database

Configure Db Migrator

13.  Configure DbMigrator.

a.     Browse to the CM4D install folder and go to the DbMigrator folder.

b.     Edit the ATS.CM4D.Conestoga.DbMigrator.exe.config file.

c.      Set the following information:

i.        fiscalStartMonth - Set the month of the start of your fiscal year. Enter a value of 1-12. The default setting is "1" (January).

ii.      fiscalStartDay - Set the day of the month as the start of your fiscal year. Enter a value of 1-31. The default setting is "1" (first day of the month). Must be a valid day for the set month.

Run Db Migrator

14.  Run DbMigrator.

a.     Run ATS.CM4D.Conestoga.DbMigrator.exe.

b.     When prompted, hit Y to continue.

c.      Wait for the process to complete.

d.     When it is finished running, the Command Prompt will read ''Successful migration. Press any key to exit application".

If you created the Results database object before running the DbMigrator, there are some settings that must be set manually in SQL server. See here for more information.

Configure Server (Post-Installation)

Firewall Settings

15.  Configure Windows Firewall Rules.

a.     Open Firewall ports:

§        TCP 36057 - Client PCs need access to the automation server running Scheduler services to be able to manage Scheduler jobs via Scheduler Manager.

§        TCP 8001 - Client PCs need access to the ATS Licensing Server to retrieve CM4D licenses.

§        TCP 80 - Web clients need access to the server hosting CM4D Web.

§        TCP 1433 - Database servers must allow access to any clients connecting to CM4D databases.

Set SQL User Mapping

16.  Modify the SQL Authentication User (created in SSMS during the Pre-installation steps).

a.     Select User Mapping.

i.        Check the boxes next to your CM4D Site database, CM4D database(s) and Results database.

ii.      For each of the databases, set the Database role membership to 'public' and 'db_owner'.

b.     Click OK.

Configure DataSmith Batch

17.  Create a Batch settings file - This file must exist before the DataSmith Batch service can start.

a.     Browse to the folder where CM4D is installed. By default, this is C:/Program Files/Applied Tech Systems/CM4D.

b.     Right click on DataSmithBatchManager.exe and select Run as administrator.

i.        In the top left of the interface, find the Batch Processor Settings section.

(1)  Click the ellipses following the File Path.

(2)  Browse to a network folder that is accessible to Batch Users.

(3)  Select the folder and click OK.

ii.      Click Make Default.

iii.    Click New to create a job.

c.      Click Save & Exit.

Start Services

18.  Start the CM4D Results Services. If you entered the service user credentials during the installation, you can skip to the next step. If you are not sure, check the setting files to confirm.

a.     Open Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

b.     Start the following services (in this order):

i.        Results Service

ii.      Results Launcher

iii.    Results Loader

c.      On new installations, the services may not start. If you are using a service user account that has never been granted the Log On As A Service rights, complete the following steps on one service.

i.        Right-click on the Results Service and select Properties.

(1)  Go to the Log On tab.

(2)  In the Log on as section, select This account.

(3)  Enter the User credentials for the user account that will run the CM4D service.

(4)  Click OK.

ii.      Click OK on informative message ‘The account … has been granted the Log On As A Service right.’

iii.    Start the 2 remaining Results services.

19.  Start any remaining CM4D Services (in this order). You may choose to start these services at a later time if you have additional configuration to do for Scheduler or Batch Jobs.

a.     For Server installations, start the following services (in this order):

i.        Scheduler Service

ii.      Scheduler Launcher

iii.    DataSmith Batch

iv.    DataConnect (used with EventSmith)

v.      EventSmith SMTP

If you are starting the Scheduler or Batch services for the first time, the services will request an Enterprise license from the ATS Licensing Server. You must open ATS Licensing Server Manager and approve the license request. Once it is approved, you can retry the Service start.

Configure a Print Driver

Install and/or Configure one of the two available printer options, either ATS CM4D Printer or eDoc PDF Printer.

Option 1 - ATS CM4D Printer

20.  Configure CM4D Printer.

a.     Browse to the CM4D install folder (.\Applied Tech Systems\CM4D).

b.     Edit the Cm4d.ini file (requires READ/WRITE Administrator privileges).

i.        In the [default] section find the parameter "PDFPRINTDRIVER".

ii.      Set the value to "ATS CM4D Printer".

iii.    Comment out (#) the other print driver options or delete the unused lines entirely.

c.      Save and close the Cm4d.ini file.

Option 2 - eDoc PDF Printer

This requires a third-party installer and license.

21.  Install eDoc PDF Printer.

a.     Run the eDocPrinter PDF Pro installer (as Admin). See here for version requirements.

For eDoc installation instructions, refer to the Iteksoft website.

22.  Configure eDoc Printer.

a.     Once the installation has completed successfully, run the eDoc PropAdm Tool.

i.        Open Start > eDocPrinter PDF Pro > PropAdm Tool

ii.      Click Show Property Pages.

(1)  Select the Destination tab.

(a)  In the Save As section:

(i)     For Mode, select Prompt Saveas Dialog.

(ii)   For When File Exists, select Replace Directly.

(iii)  Uncheck Display SaveAs dialog after print job spooled.

(b)  In the Action section:

(i)     Uncheck Enable Doing Post Action or Launching Viewer after PDF Generation.

(ii)   Select Process PDF asynchronously.

(2)  Click OK.

(3)  Change the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE dropdown to "Destination".

(4)  Click the Set FlagProhibitHKCU button.

iii.    Click OK to close the PropAdm dialog.

b.     Browse to the CM4D install folder (.\Applied Tech Systems\CM4D).

i.        Edit the Cm4d.ini file (requires READ/WRITE Administrator privileges).

(1)  In the [default] section find the parameter "PDFPRINTDRIVER".

(2)  Set the value to "eDocPrinter".

(3)  Comment out (#) the other print driver options or delete the unused lines entirely.

ii.      Save and close the Cm4d.ini file.


Continue from here by setting up Scheduler jobs, Batch jobs, Results Rules and creating CM4D templates.

See also, Install CM4D Clients and Install CM4D Web.