This guide contains the basic steps for installing and configuring a CM4D Server from start to finish. This topic is intended for Application Servers that will host the CM4D Services and are part of a larger setup that includes client systems which will connect to a centralized database. These steps may also be followed if you are installing a standalone Client system, in which case skip the parts that reference CM4D Scheduler, DataSmith Batch and EventSmith.
This installation will involve the following steps:
- Server Setup - Users for Services and Database connections, SSL Certificates, ATS software (Security & Configuration, Licensing)
- CM4D Server Installation - Run the installer
- CM4D Configuration - Database creation/connection, User permissions, DataSmith Batch setup, EventSmith setup, configure print driver, start CM4D services
- Server Configuration - Firewall ports, SQL user access, ServiceControl Manager install/configuration
Prepare for Installation
Gathering the following downloads and information is helpful before running the installer.
Contact your ATS sales representative or ATS Support if you have questions or need assistance.
- CM4D Service User. Create a CM4D Service User (e.g., cm4dservice) that is a Windows user Administrator to run the CM4d Services.
- SQL Authentication User. Create a SQL Authentication User in SSMS to access the databases.
- Start Print Spooler. Check Windows Services to ensure the Print Spooler service is running. If the service is not running, start the service before executing the CM4D installer.
- License CM4D. Run ATS Licensing Server and import the license files that corresponds to the version you are installing.
- Configure Certificates (Optional). Using certificates is only required if your SQL Server instance uses a certificate. If SQL Server does not use a certificate, this section can be skipped. If CM4D is running on a different machine than SQL Server, the SQL Server certificate must also be placed into Trusted Root Certificates on the CM4D Server.
All SQL Server Names across CM4D must use fully qualified domain names (e.g. ATSVMCM4Dxxx.ats-global.local) and must match the "CN=" value of certificate.
Install CM4D Server
- Run the CM4D Server installer executable (as Administrator).
- Install the Prerequisites (restart the machine if prompted; on restart, installer will resume automatically).
- Set the Installation folder.
- Select the Installation Type 'Configure and Install'.
- Enter Services user information. This user does not have to exist at this time but when you do create it be sure to use the same information.
- Enter the name of the ATS Licensing Server.
- Finish the installation and restart the computer.
If you plan on using the Database Utilities to create/update the CM4D databases, consider configuring DB Connect and Site Manager before running the database tools to provide the required connection information to the utilities. For other connection options, refer to the topic Database Utilities.
- Create/Upgrade CM4D Databases. The CM4D install folder includes two folders for creating and updating the CM4D databases: (1) Database Utilities - Run as a Command Prompt; each tool applies all required scripts automatically. Choose one of these methods when creating the CM4D Site, CM4D Datasources and Results Database or (2) Database Scripts - Run manually in SSMS, individually and in the correct order.
- Create a new CM4D Site Database (or upgrade from a previous version/schema).
- Create a one or more CM4D Databases, as needed (or upgrade from a previous version/schema).
- CM4D Database Connection. Configure the Site Connection in DbConnect. Once you have successfully connected to the Site database, copy the CM4D.4ds file from your server to each Client system.
- Run DbConnect (as Administrator).
- Set the Connection Type as Site Connection.
- Select either Windows Authentication or SQL Authentication.
- Server Name - Enter the name of the database server. If using a Named Instance, include this in the server name.
- Enter the Database Name of the CM4D Site database.
- Apply the changes and Test Connection.
- Site Manager Configuration. Configure the CM4D Datasources and user access/privileges in Site Manager. The first time you log in, use cm4dsingle as the login credentials (username and password).
- Sites - Create a New Site and enter in the information you want to enter about this Site database.
- Managed DataSources - Create a new Data Source.
- Users - Create the CM4D users, including the CM4D Service user entered during the installation. Change the password for the cm4dsingle user to something other than the default password.
- Groups - Create Groups, assign users, database access and privileges.
- Results DataSource - Enable the database and enter the required connection information. The Results database object may not exist at this point if this is a brand new installation (Test Connection will FAIL - this is OK). The information still needs to be entered here and tested because it will be used by the Results Database Utility to create the database object when the tool is run.
- Click Test Connection. If the connection fails in a new installation (before Results db is created), this is OK.
- Open the menu Settings > EventSmith SMTP Settings. Configure the Host/Port, From Address and the optional SSL settings.
- Save the changes.
- Create the Results Database. If you created the Results database object before running the Results Database Utility, the SQL feature Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search must be set manually in SQL server.
- Go to the CM4D install folder and run .\Database Utilities\Results DatabaseUtility\ATS.CM4D.ResultsDatabaseUtility.Migrator.exe.
- When prompted, hit Y to continue.
- Wait for the process to complete.
- When it is finished running, the Command Prompt will read ''Successful migration. Press any key to exit application".
- Open the Firewall Ports used by CM4D.
- TCP 36057 for Scheduler services and Scheduler Manager.
- TCP 8001 for ATS Licensing Server.
- TCP 80 for CM4D Web.
- TCP 1433 for CM4D database access (SQL Server).
- Set SQL User Mapping. Modify the SQL Authentication User (created in SSMS during the Pre-installation steps):
- Select User Mapping for the CM4D Site database, CM4D database(s) and Results database.
- For each of the databases, set the Database role membership to 'public' and 'db_owner'.
- Configure DataSmith Batch. Create a Batch settings file (this file must exist before the DataSmith Batch service can start):
- Run DataSmithBatchManager.exe (as Administrator).
- Set the File Path and click Make Default.
- Create a new job and Save.
- Configure EventSmith SMTP.
- Edit the file ATS.CM4D.DataConnect.Host.exe.config and set the DataConnect service host information: <add baseAddress="net.tcp://server98:8523/CM4DDB_Service"/>
- Edit the file ATS.CM4D.EventSmith.SMTP.exe.config and set the EventSmith service host information: <endpoint address="net.tcp://server98:8523/CM4DDB_Service"
- Configure a Print Driver. Install and/or Configure one of the two available printer options.
- ATS CM4D Printer.
- Edit the Cm4d.ini file in the CM4D install folder (.\Applied Tech Systems\CM4D).
- Set the parameter PDFPRINTDRIVER="ATS CM4D Printer".
- eDoc PDF Printer. This option requires a third-party installer and license, which may be obtained through ATS.
- Install eDoc PDF Printer.
- Configure eDoc Printer.
- Run the eDoc PropAdm Tool.
- From the Show Property Pages, select the Destination tab.
- Set Mode to Prompt Saveas Dialog.
- Set When File Exists to Replace Directly.
- Uncheck Display SaveAs dialog after print job spooled.
- Uncheck Enable Doing Post Action or Launching Viewer after PDF Generation.
- Select Process PDF asynchronously.
- Change the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE dropdown to "Destination".
- Click the Set FlagProhibitHKCU button.
- Edit the Cm4d.ini file in the CM4D install folder (.\Applied Tech Systems\CM4D).
- Set the parameter PDFPRINTDRIVER="eDocPrinter".
- Start the CM4D Services.
- If you entered the service user credentials during the installation, start all the CM4D Services.
If you are starting the Scheduler or Batch services for the first time, the services will request an Enterprise license from the ATS Licensing Server. You must open ATS Licensing Server Manager in ATS Security and Configuration Manager and approve the license request. Once it is approved, you can retry the Service start.
- For new installations, the services may not start if you are using a service user account that has never been granted the Log On As A Service rights.
- Open the Properties of one of the CM4D services and set the Log on to the CM4D service user account.
- Set the login and start any remaining CM4D Services.
Continue from here by setting up Scheduler jobs, Batch jobs, Results Rules and creating CM4D templates.
Additional setup tasks may include:
Install CM4D Clients
Install CM4D Results Services
Install CM4D Web
For information about installing the web applications CM4D Peruse or CM4D Upload Portal, see the CM4D Configuration Manager help documentation on