Site Management - Results Database


The Results Database blade contains the connection information for the CM4D Results Database. Only one Results database is permitted per CM4D Site database.

Check Connection Once you have entered all required information, you can test the connection to the database to verify that your information has been entered correctly.

If on save/check connection the connection fails:

The Results database object may not exist at the time of initial configuration if this is a brand new installation (Test Connection will FAIL - this is ok). The information still needs to be saved here since it will be used by Results Database Utility to create the database object when the tool is run.

Check the information for accuracy/typos - server name, database name, user login (if SQL)

Check the authentication type is correct and is valid to access SQL Server

Database name Enter the name of the Results Database, as defined in SQL Server.
Enable Results Datasource When enabled, Results are generated by CM4D and stored in the Results data warehouse. If you do not want to setup the system to generate and use Results, you can disable the option here at the Site database level.
  • Required for CM4D Peruse.
  • Optional if using only the CM4D desktop applications.
Why should I use this?Why should I use this?CM4D uses the data it collects to generate results according to your business rules, which are then stored in a data warehouse called the Results database. Business Intelligence (BI) or other reporting tools are used to extract, transform, and load the stored results data for aggregation and analysis. CM4D Peruse uses this data warehouse via the web to give quality engineers an interactive 3D viewer for analyzing data.
Generate new DB When checked, a new Results database is added to the specified SQL Server instance. The database object and all its tables/procedures are created on Save.

Once the new Results db is available, run SSMS to check its settings to confirm it has the database properties you want, such as the Recovery Model setting.

Server name Enter the name of the database server. If using a named instance, include the instance name with the server name (servername\instancename).
Update Database This option is active if you have a Schema update available. If you have upgraded your version of CM4D and it requires a Results database Schema update, you can run the update by clicking this button. Alternately, you may choose to run the update manually using the Results Database Utility.
Windows Authentication Use Windows Authentication or SQL Authentication to connect to the Results SQL Server database, depending on your network policies.
  • Windows Authentication - Enable checkbox.
  • SQL Authentication - Disable checkbox.
  SQL Authentication The following are only required if using SQL Authentication.
  Database Username Enter the user name of the SQL Login. This user login is used by Results Database Utility to create/modify the Results database in SQL Server so it must have the 'dbowner' privilege level in SSMS.
Password Enter the password for the SQL user.
Confirm Password Re-enter the SQL user password to confirm it is correct.

See also:

Results Database Utility

Results Services

Results Transport

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