Results Services

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  1. Deployment of Services
  2. ServiceControl Manager
  3. Basic Installation Options
  4. Results Sender Configuration
    1. Specify Managed DataSource
    2. Results Processing Options
  5. Troubleshooting Results Services

The Results services are the central mechanism that transfers data from CM4D into the Results database.

These services are installed using the ATS CM4D Results Services installer, which provides deployment flexibility to add service instances in larger organizations.

See the topic Results Transport for technical details on how these services can be distributed and monitored for optimal performance.

Deployment of Services

The Results services are typically installed on the same machine as CM4D Server, but the Results services are a separate installer from CM4D Server to allow one or more of the services to be distributed to additional servers. To support scalability for larger organizations the services can run on a single computer or multiple computers, and multiple instances of each service can be added and distributed throughout your network. The Results services can be deployed as Windows services (default install option) or as docker images.

Only ONE instance of each of the three Results Services is supported per server.

The Results Loader service can work without any connection to the Site database (e.g. in the cloud connected via a RabbitMQ queue). The connection is entered during the installation of the service.

The Results Sender service includes configuration options for specifying Managed DataSources and processing options.

ServiceControl Manager

Each installed instance of the Results Services on a machine must have a corresponding ServiceControl and Monitoring instance.

NServiceBus (used by CM4D Results and EventSmith services) provides powerful error handling and monitoring tools:

At a minimum, it is strongly recommended to use ServiceControl and ServicePulse. You need to configure at least one instance of ServiceControl and Auditing and one Monitoring instance for the transport method chosen during the installation of the Results service.

Basic Installation Options

If you simply want to install one instance of the Results services to run local to your CM4D Server, select the following options during installation:

  1. CM4D Database Options - Use .4ds File
  2. NServiceBus Transport Options - Site Database
  3. NServiceBus Persistence Options - Site Database
  4. ServiceControl Queues - Use default labels

Results Sender Configuration

The Results Sender service is configurable for optimal performance in a distributed system. The configurable options include:

Specify Managed DataSource

The Results Sender service processes the database changes in CM4D for export. Distributed installations with databases in different regions that are organized within a single Site may cause inefficiencies. For example, if a Results Sender service in Europe processes changes for a database in Asia.

A configuration option allows you to restrict a Results Sender instance to process only specified Managed Datasources. It is possible to configure a datasource via DataSource label or to specify a Site and include all Datasources in that Site.

The Results Sender appsettings.json file has a configuration setting ProcessDatasources that takes an array of definitions. See below for examples of possible configurations.

    "AllowedHosts": "*",
    "ProcessDatasources": ["*/*"]

    "AllowedHosts": "*",
    "ProcessDatasources": ["SiteA/*"]

    "AllowedHosts": "*",
    "ProcessDatasources": ["SiteA/CM4DB1","SiteA/CM4DDB2","SiteB/CM4DDB3"]

Results Processing Options

The number of entries in the Results Command Queue table (used during processing Results from CM4D to the Results database) can become busy if you are moving a large amount of data. Customizing the processing configuration may improve overall performance.

Add or modify the following settings in the Results Sender appsettings.json file:

SettingDefault ValueDescription
MaxParallelProcessing10Maximum number of parallel Routines to be processed if the complete database is transferred.
JobBatchSize100Number of commands processed in each transaction.
ScanQueueIntervallWhenIdle1000Milliseconds between two table scans if no entry was processed.
ScanQueueIntervallWhenFound100Milliseconds between two table scans if entries have been processed.
RetryFailedAfter30Minutes to retry a command that did not complete (status 1).
RemoveProcessedAfter2880Minutes to delete commands that have been processed (status 2).

    "AllowedHosts": "*",
​    "MaxParallelProcessing": "10",
    "JobBatchSize": "100",
    "ScanQueueIntervallWhenIdle": "1000",
    "ScanQueueIntervallWhenFound": "100",
    "RetryFailedAfter": "30",

    "RemoveProcessedAfter": "2880",

    "ProcessDatasources": ["*/*"]

Troubleshooting Results Services

Area Issue  Checks Solution(s) Help Topics

Results Loader Service

Results Loader service does not start.

Windows Event Viewer Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: System.Exception: The results database has pending migrations. Please run ResultsDatabaseMigrator to upgrade the database.

 Check that the Results Database does not have any pending schema updates.

Run the Results Database Utility. Complete the migration on any pending schema changes. Once complete, try to start the service again.

Results Database Utility


See also:

Install CM4D Results Services

Results Transport

CM4D Services

Configure ServiceControl Manager

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