Scheduler Users

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  1. Scheduler Manager User(s)
  2. Scheduler Job User(s)
    1. Add a New Job User

There are specific user types referred to when dealing with CM4D Scheduler:

CM4D Scheduler Manager User(s)

CM4D Scheduler Job User(s)

Depending on the setup or complexity of your organization, you may decide to use the same user or a combination of users to run jobs throughout your network. It really depends on the number of users, servers, hardware, etc. that will need to be considered when planning how you want to load-balance your Scheduler jobs. These users may be Windows logins or a user that only exists in the CM4D database.

Scheduler Manager User(s)

A Scheduler Manager user is the user who runs the CM4D Scheduler Manager application interface. This user must have Scheduler Manager privilege in Site Manager.

Must be a logged on Windows User

Must be able to connect to the CM4D Database

If using Windows Authentication, this user must also added as a user in the SQL database

Must have the Scheduler Manager privilege in SiteManager. A user with the Scheduler Manager privilege does not automatically have the Scheduler User privilege. If that user will also be used to run Services or Jobs, they will also need to be assigned the Scheduler User privilege.

Use caution if you have more than one user with the Scheduler Manager privileges. If multiple users have the Scheduler Manager open at the same time and make changes, the settings saved to the database will always be from the last user save. In other words - last save wins!

Scheduler Job User(s)

The Scheduler Job User is the user that is assigned to run Scheduled jobs, and is the user that uses the CM4D clients started by Launcher to print the reports. There can be more than one job user; add additional lines as needed. This user does not have to be a Windows user and can run jobs using any Scheduler Service that is run by any Service user.

Must be able to connect to the CM4D Database

Must have the Scheduler User privilege in SiteManager

Does not have to be a Windows User

Can run jobs using any Scheduler Service that is being run by any Service User

Add a New Job User

To create a Job User, even if the user does not have a Windows User ID, use the following steps:

Open Site Manager.

Create a User.

Assign the user to a group which has the privilege Scheduler User.

Save and Exit.

Browse to the CM4D Installation folder.

Open the file CM4DScheduler.settings in a text editor.

Copy the line <JobUser userName="username"/> and paste it in the next line.

Enter the user name that you want to use as the Job User between the quotations.

For each user, enter a new line.

Save your changes and close the CM4DScheduler.settings file.

Start your CM4D Scheduler and CM4D Launcher Services.

Open Scheduler Manager.

Connect to the Service.

All users that have both the Scheduler Job privilege in Site Manager and a user name listed in a Job User line of the *.settings file will appear in the Job Users field of the Scheduler Monitor tab and in the Job User field in the Job Setup tab.

If you add Job Users while Scheduler Manager is open, you may need to Exit and restart Scheduler Manager to see the updated list in the Job Users field.

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