3D Models in CM4D

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  1. About 3D Models in CM4D
  2. 3D Model Controls
    1. Rotate the Model
    2. Orient the Model
    3. Zoom the Model
    4. Save the Model View
  3. Select Data from the 3D Model
  4. Axis Triad
  5. Leader Lines to Data
  6. Auto Orient Views
  7. Cutting Planes
  8. Transparency

About 3D Models in CM4D

Data in CM4D is associated dynamically with a 3D product model to visually link actual measurement data with nominal design data. Models can be associated either to data via the Routine, or to a document and assigned to a View. CAD models are directly supported in CM4D using the HOOPS Exchange technology. See here for information on supported image file types.

3D Model Controls

A 3D model in a report can be moved within the View to provide the best orientation to represent the loaded data. The model can be oriented during the application session to focus on certain features, isolate data points or select data from markers on the model.

The tools and controls that are used to manipulate the 3D model are dependent on the state of the view - if the View is in Edit Mode or not. While a View is in Edit Mode, the 3D Toolbar has additional buttons for selecting Feature markers. The mouse buttons and scroll wheel (at times in conjunction with the keyboard) are used to rotate, zoom or select feature markers.

The 3D model can be moved within the view using Orient, Zoom and/or Cameras functions described below.

Rotate the Model

3D models can be rotated freely within a View by dragging the model with the mouse. You may want to spin or rotate a model in order to see certain Features or to select Features that are not prominently displayed. The position of the model may be saved as a Camera along with the zoom.

View in Edit Mode ():

Orient the Model

The View context menu Orient can be used to set the View to one of the six standard orthogonal orientations: Top (XY), Bottom (YX), Back (YZ), Front (ZY), Right (XZ) and Left (ZX).

View in Edit Mode ():

View not in Edit Mode:

Zoom the Model

Views loaded with 3D models and 3D Feature marker data can be zoomed in, out or to the maximum size that fits the part within the view border. The Zoom state of a View may be saved as part of a Camera along with the orientation.

Zoom In

Zoom In decreases the distance between the viewer and the part. Detail is increased; less of the entire loaded model is visible.

View in Edit Mode ():

View not in Edit Mode:

Zoom Out

Zoom Out increases the distance between the viewer and the part. Detail is reduced; more of the entire loaded model is visible.

View in Edit Mode ():

View not in Edit Mode:

Zoom Max

Zoom Max immediately sets the zoom distance on the View that fits all loaded parts (model and Feature markers) within the view boundary.

View in Edit Mode ():

View not in Edit Mode:

Save the Model View

The orientation and zoom of a model can be saved as a Camera that can be applied to other reports or models.

See the topic, Cameras.

Select Data from the 3D Model

Features can be selected from the model to be used in other areas. See the topic, Select Feature(s) on Model.

Axis Triad

Views have an axis triad that represents the coordinate planes of a 3D image within the view. The Axis will follow the orientation of the image as it is rotated. The properties of the axis triad can be modified in the View annotation properties.

Leader Lines to Data

Leader lines are the lines that are attached from the source annotation to another location you determine. See the topic Leader Lines for more information.

Auto Orient Views

The View in a report with a 3D DataSource image can be set up to automatically adjust how the 3D model is rotated and/or zoomed to best display the data currently loaded. See the topic Auto Orient a View for more details.

Cutting Planes

Cutting planes are used to hide geometry on one side of a plane. One or more cutting planes can be added to the model to create a View that shows only part of the model. See the topic Cutting Planes in CM4D for more details.


The opacity of the model can either be read from the CAD file or set on the View. Changing the transparency of the model allows you to see through a complex scene to view or select the Feature markers. See the topic Annot Properties - View Tab for View settings.

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