Quick Reference Guide - CM4D Client Upgrade v23 to v24

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  1. Prepare for the Upgrade
  2. Uninstall CM4D Client v23
  3. Install CM4D Client v24
  4. Configure v24 CM4D
    1. Connect to Site Database
    2. Restore Configuration Settings
    3. Configure ATS CM4D Printer
  5. Post-installation Steps
    1. Start Services

This guide contains the basic steps for upgrading a CM4D Client from v23 up to v24. This is a major version upgrade and should be done as a complete uninstall and then reinstall.

This topic is intended for upgrading Clients that are part of a larger setup that includes at least one CM4D Server installation that would be upgraded before any client systems. If you are upgrading a standalone Client system, you may want to use the CM4D Server Upgrade Guide, as it includes additional steps that you may need to complete in a standalone environment.

Prepare for the Upgrade

Contact your ATS sales representative or ATS support for assistance.

Obtain the v24 CM4D Client installer.

Perform a backup of all of your CM4D install/configuration files and databases.

CM4D.4ds - file can be copied to v24

Cm4d.ini - for content comparison only

ATSLicensingServer.Client.dll.config - for content comparison only

Do not directly restore configuration/settings files from v23 as there may be changes or updates that you need in the new files installed with CM4D v24. It would be best to compare these files directly to the files created by the installer and only take the information you need. Keep the previous files only as a backup and a reference for connection/configuration information. The only exceptions is the CM4D.4ds.

Uninstall CM4D Client v23

Uninstall CM4D v23.x. If you are running an older version, refer to the migration guides to get up to v23.

Uninstall CM4D Printer (if installed with v23.6).

Delete the CM4D installation folder and all remaining files/folders.

Reboot your computer.

Install CM4D Client v24

Before starting the CM4D installer, the 'Print Spooler' Windows service must be running. If the service is not running, the installation will fail.

Run the CM4D Client installer.

Run the CM4D Client installer executable (Run as Admin).

Install the Prerequisites (restart the machine if prompted; on restart, installer will resume automatically).

Set the Installation folder.

Select the Installation Type 'Configure and Install'.

Enter Services user information.

Enter the name of the ATS Licensing Server.

Configure v24 CM4D

Connect to Site Database

Connect to the CM4D Site Database. If you have an existing v23 CM4D.4DS file, you can copy it from your backup folder (archived in step 1) to the v24 install folder. If you do not have a 4DS file, run DbConnect (as Administrator).

Run DbConnect (as Administrator).

Connection Type - Change the dropdown to "Site Connection".

Windows Authentication - Select one of the two available methods of authentication for connecting to the databases:

Windows Authentication - Set the dropdown to 'True'.

SQL Authentication - Set the dropdown to 'False'.

Database User ID - Enter the user name of the SQL user login.

Database Password - Enter the password for the SQL user.

Confirm Password - Re-enter the SQL user password.

Server Name - Enter the name of the database server. If using a Named Instance, include this in the server name.

Database Name - Enter the name of the CM4D Site database.

Click Apply.

Click Test Connection.

If successful, click OK and continue to the next step.

If the connection fails, check all of your settings and then test again.

Click OK to exit DbConnect.

Restore Configuration Settings

Restore CM4D configuration settings. Compare the Cm4d.ini file archived in step 1 of this upgrade to configure the new v24 files as needed. DO NOT REPLACE the new v24 files with the old files saved from v23!

Configure ATS CM4D Printer

Configure CM4D Printer.

Browse to the CM4D install folder (.\Applied Tech Systems\CM4D).

Edit the Cm4d.ini file (requires READ/WRITE Administrator privileges).

In the [default] section find the parameter "PDFPRINTDRIVER".

Set the value to "ATS CM4D Printer".

Comment out (#) the other print driver options or delete the unused lines entirely.

Save and close the Cm4d.ini file.

Post-installation Steps

Start Services

Start Results Services. If you did not configure service logon user during the CM4D installation, edit the properties of each service and set the Logon User.

Open Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

Start the following services (in this order):

Results Service

Results Launcher

Results Loader

On new installations, the services may not start. If you are using a service user account that has never been granted the Log On As A Service rights, complete the following steps on one service.

Right-click on the Results Service and select Properties.

Go to the Log On tab.

In the Log on as section, select This account.

Enter the User credentials for the user account that will run the CM4D service.

Click OK.

Click OK on informative message ‘The account … has been granted the Log On As A Service right.’

Start the 2 remaining Results services.

This completes your v23 to v24 Client upgrade.

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