Sample Panel

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  1. Sample Load Options 
  2. Load Type
    1. Last 'N' Samples
    2. Date Range
    3. Past Timeframe
  3. Sample Filters
  4. Select Samples

The Sample Panel contains options for loading the actual measurement data for the Routine. This includes several options for choosing which samples are loaded for the current Routine.

There are several methods included in the Sample Panel you can use to determine which samples are loaded:

The Samples panel is collapsed by default when the Viewer page is loaded.

  • Click  chevron-down  to open the Samples panel.
  • Click  chevron-up to close the Samples panel without applying any changes to the loaded Samples.
  • Click  refresh-ccw to re-query the database; reload the data without refreshing everything on the web page.
  • Click  star to mark the Routine as a Favorite.
  • Click  star-on to remove the Routine from Favorites.

Sample Load Options 

Sample Load Panel
The Sample Load Type is the method you want to use to choose the samples to load. The methods available are by count, by date or by timeframe. The method selected can further refined by also configuring Sample Filters or choosing specific Samples from a list.
Samples can be filtered using predefined values assigned to data. Build simple or complex expressions using these values to filter out a specific set of data.
Choose specific Samples by Label and/or date to be loaded. The list loaded is based on the Load Type settings, so be sure to select a load type and parameters that will query the sample pool from which you want to pick samples. The Filter fields at the top can be used to enter search strings that will dynamically narrow down the results. Use the filtering options by typing text in to the header fields to find Samples that fit specific label or date criteria.

Load Type

The Sample Load Type is the method you want to use to choose the samples to load. The methods available are by count, by date or by timeframe. The method selected can further refined by also configuring Sample Filters or choosing specific Samples from a list.

Select the type you want to use for loading Samples:

Last 'N' Samples

Load the last set number of samples according to creation date starting with the current date and counting backwards. You can also skip a set number of samples to skip before starting the count back from the last sample.

Type a number in one of the fields, or use the  radial buttons to increase/decrease the values.

Click zap to reset the value to zero.

For example, if there are 20 samples, and Load the last 10 samples after skipping the first 10 samples is entered, samples 1-10 would be skipped and samples 11-20 would be loaded.

Date Range

Loads samples with a create date that fits within the set parameters for 'Date from' and 'Date to'. Click the dropdown arrow in the date field to open the calendar control and pick a date. Alternatively, you can click in the date area and type the date into the field.

Click  chevron-down in either the Date fields to open the calendar control to pick a date.

 Calendar - Date Picker

The calendar date picker popup shows the the current month with today's date selected. Use the  arrows to scroll through the previous or next months or years.

  • To choose another day in the current month, click the date from the month calendar.
  • To choose a date from a recent month, use the   arrows to scroll through the previous or next months.
  • To choose a date from another month quickly, click on the Month Year heading to zoom out to show all the months in the current year. Select a month to zoom in to the dates for the chosen month.
  • To choose a date from another year, click on the Year heading to zoom out to show a range of years. Select a range to zoom in to the months of the chosen year.

Past Timeframe

Load samples based on a time frame. The time frame selected is based on the date at the time the data is loaded. Each time frame option displays a preview of the dates included at the time of current load.

Click  chevron-down  to open the timeframe menu and choose from the following options:

  • Today
  • Since Yesterday
  • This Week
  • Last 7 Days
  • Last Week
  • This Month
  • Last Month
  • Last 3 Months

The date ranges for each generic timeframe are shown below each option to allow you to easily see which dates are included as of the current date.

Sample Filters

Samples can be filtered using predefined values assigned to data. Build simple or complex expressions using these values to filter out a specific set of data.

To create or modify Sample filters:

The configured filters are applied once you click OK to finish building the filter and will be applied to the Sample data once you click Apply and Load Samples on the Samples panel. The Configure Filter link is replaced by a Configured link to indicate you have a filter currently set up, which you can click to reopen the Filter Builder and modify or remove the expressions.

See the topic Sample Filters for more details.

Select Samples

Choose specific Samples by Label and/or date to be loaded. The list loaded is based on the Load Type settings, so be sure to select a load type and parameters that will query the sample pool from which you want to pick samples. The Filter fields at the top can be used to enter search strings that will dynamically narrow down the results. Use the filtering options by typing text in to the header fields to find Samples that fit specific label or date criteria.

The samples that can be selected are displayed in a grid and based on the load type and any configured samples filters.

  1. In Select specific samples section of the Samples panel, click No Samples Selected to open the sample selection dialog.
  2. Locate the row for the Sample you want to select. If you have an extensive list, use the following tools for navigating the interface:
    • Scroll through the Samples grid.
    • Sort by column heading.
    • Pick a Date/Time from the calendar popup.
    • Enter a string in the search field beneath the column header to filter out specific information.
  3. Check the box(es) for the sample(s) you want to choose, using one of two methods:
    • Click the check box at the beginning of the row for the individual sample you want to include.
    • Click the box in the check box column header to select all samples in the list.


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