Peruse User Interfaces

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  1. Peruse Home Page
  2. Peruse Search Results
  3. Peruse 3D Viewer

This topic describes the regions of the different CM4D Peruse web pages and interfaces.

Peruse Home Page

The Home page is the main landing page that includes a full-text search field, Routine Filters and shortcuts to any Routines you have marked as Favorites. You can return to this page from any other screen by clicking on the logo in the top left corner.

1. Favorites Routines can be marked as Favorites to appear as shortcuts on the home page. Once you have a favorite marked, you can select it from the home page to load the data directly into the viewer. This allows you to have quick access to data you access regularly without going through the search process every time.


2. Favorites Display Favorites can be displayed as either tiles or a grid.
  • list  Show Favorites as GridThis option displays data as a row in a grid layout, with columns of additional information about the Routine or Feature including Label, Alias, Type and Description. This view does not allow for marking the data as a Favorite directly.
  • grid  Show Favorites as TilesThis option displays data as rows of cards with the Routine or Feature name and a thumbnail picture of the part model (if available).
3. Filters The scope of your search can be reduced by selecting Routine filters. Available filters are displayed as buttons along the top of the screen. Once an initial search is executed, the filters are dynamic based on the search results. This means that if you enter text for the initial search, only filters (buttons and options within the filter popups) which also apply to the data found by the text string are shown on the Search Results page. Any changes to the filter selection triggers an automatic update to the search results.
  • More Filters - Click to open a popup containing any additional filters that do not fit on the screen.
  • Reset Filters - Click rotate-ccw to clear any selected filters.

Search by Filter

4. Home Reload the Home page.

Home Page

5. Search Enter a text string identifying the data you want to find. This is a full-text search on Routine properties including labels, descriptions, filters or types.

Search for Data

7. User Options User Options provide some settings that are apply to the logged in user and stored for subsequent sessions.

Peruse User Options

Peruse Search Results

The Search Results page is loaded after a search is executed from the home page. This page shows what was returned from the search and the option selected from the menu - Show All, Routines or Features. Also if you have Routine or Feature filters, these are shown as filter buttons you can use to further refine the search results.

1. Filters

The scope of your search can be reduced by selecting Routine filters. Available filters are displayed as buttons along the top of the screen. Once an initial search is executed, the filters are dynamic based on the search results. This means that if you enter text for the initial search, only filters (buttons and options within the filter popups) which also apply to the data found by the text string are shown on the Search Results page. Any changes to the filter selection triggers an automatic update to the search results.
  • More FiltersClick to open a popup containing any additional filters that do not fit on the screen.
  • Reset FiltersClick rotate-ccw to clear any selected filters.

Search by Filter

2. Home Return to the home page to execute a new search or select a Favorite.

Home Page

4. Results Display Search Results can be displayed as either tiles or a grid.
  • list  Show Results as GridThis option displays data as a row in a grid layout, with columns of additional information about the Routine or Feature including Label, Alias, Type and Description. This view does not allow for marking the data as a Favorite directly.
  • grid  Show Results as TilesThis option displays data as rows of cards with the Routine or Feature name and a thumbnail picture of the part model (if available).

5. Search Results

This area is where the data results are shown. Each tile (or grid row) is one Routine found with the search string. Click star in the top right corner of the tile to add the Routine to your Favorites.

Search Results Page

6. Search Results Summary The summary text shows the results of the search. This includes the total number of individual data matches found for the search string, and specifies how many of that count are Routines or Features.  

Peruse 3D Viewer

The 3D Viewer page is the primary area of the entire user interface. Once data is selected, whether by clicking a Favorite from the Home page or a result from a Search, the data selected is displayed in the primary page. This page is referred to as the 3D viewer since the main display is the 3D part model. Additional report and grid panels around the outside boundaries of the page can be expanded or collapsed as needed in order to maximize the space for the 3D model.

1. 3D Tools
The 3D Viewer Tools are used to manipulate the 3D model in the viewer. The tools are located in a vertical toolbar on the left side of the main view area where the 3D model is displayed. The toolbar becomes semi-transparent when it is not actively in use.

3D Viewer Tools

2. 3D Viewer
The primary area of the entire user interface. Once data is selected, whether by clicking a Favorite from the Home page or a result from a Search, the data selected is displayed in the primary page. This page is referred to as the 3D viewer since the main display is the 3D part model. If your data does not have a 3D model available, the feature markers will still appear in the 3D view as long as you have 3D data for the features. Additional report and grid panels around the outside boundaries of the page can be expanded or collapsed as needed in order to maximize the space for the 3D model.

Peruse Feature Markers

Peruse 3D View Mouse Controls

3. Active Sample
The selected Sample which determines what measurement data is used to populate the Summary Report and color-codes the Feature Markers on the 3D Model. There are additional indicators in the Trend Report and the Grids which also indicate the Active Sample. By default, the most recent Sample is set as the initial Active Sample.

Active Sample

4. Annotation Set
Predefined styles for the chart annotations that are accessed by right-clicking on a feature marker on the 3D model. Each set has styles designed for each Feature type, so depending on the marker selected you may see a different style of chart annotation. The sets are designed to provide optimal displays of information for the Feature selected.

Annotation Sets

5. Grid Panel
The collapsible panel along the bottom of the 3D viewer page that is a shared space for the five data grids: Routines, Features, Samples, Processes and Results. Use the grid headers to navigate between grids. Click on a Grid header to go to the specific grid. The active grid is indicated with different color. If the grid panel is currently collapsed, clicking any of the grid headers will expand the grid panel.
  • Open Grid Panel - Click on any grid header to expand the Grid Panel.
  • Collapse Grid Panel - Click  to collapse the Grid panel.

Grid Panel

6. Report Panel
The collapsible panel on the right side of the 3D viewer page where the main reports for your data are located. The dropdown menu contains a list of available reports. Some report types depend on a specific set of data to be selected either from the grid or in the 3D View. The Summary report is displayed by default when data is initially loaded into the viewer page.

Report Panel

7. Sample Panel
The collapsible panel on the left side of the 3D Viewer page that contains options for loading the actual measurement data for the Routine. This includes several options for choosing which samples are loaded for the current Routine. When collapsed, the Sample panel displays the current sample load method.​​​​​​​
  • Expand Sample Panel - Click  chevron-down to open the Sample panel. When expanded, the Sample load panel becomes the only active panel in the web interface. Sample load options must be applied or the panel must be collapsed to return to main web viewer area and all other controls.
  • Collapse Sample Panel - Click chevron-up to close the Sample panel without applying any changes to the load settings.
  • Refresh Data - Click refresh-ccw  to re-query the loaded data from the database according to the current settings. This refresh does not reload or move the 3D model in the viewer.
  • Favorite - Click  star to set the loaded Routine as a Favorite.

Sample Panel


8. Sieves Sieves are predefined filters for selecting the feature types and characteristics to be displayed in the 3D view, grids and reports in CM4D Peruse. Sieve definitions include feature type, characteristics per feature type and characteristic deviation type (absolute or actual values, vector deviation or car deviation). If no sieve is selected, all available processes are loaded.


See also:

3D Viewer Page


Home Page

Grid Panel

Sample Panel

Search Results Page

Report Panel

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